Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2359: This time we made a big fuss.

Seeing the blue whales of the blue whales, Huang Xiaolong accident, and then smirked at the corners of his mouth, not only did not hide, but instead came to Lan Yuhui and others on the Luobao Jin pig.

Lan Yuhui and others have also seen Huang Xiaolong.

"Shu Hui young master, that kid!" A blue whale master surprises Lan Yuhui, pointing to the direction of Huang Xiaolong.

Lan Yuhui smiled and said: "I saw it, I didn't expect this kid to enter the Wuyuan River, that would be great!" Then led the blue whales masters to rush to Huang Xiaolong, for fear of slowness, Huang Xiaolong ran.

Soon, Lan Yuhui and others came to Huang Xiaolong.

Last time in Wuyuan City, when Huang Xiaolong met Lan Yuhui and others, there were more than a dozen people in Lan Yuhui. This time there were a lot of people and there were more than 20 people. However, although there are many people, the most powerful Strong is also the late 9th-order.

"Hey, kid, it’s really clever, I can meet you here." Lan Yuhui smiled brightly: "I thought you were hiding in Wuyuan City and didn't dare to come out. It seems that you still have some courage."

Huang Xiaolong looked at Lan Xiaohui's bright smile and smiled lightly: "I didn't expect to meet you here. It's a coincidence. You are right. I am a courageous person."

Speaking of this, Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "The last time I was in Wuyuan City, you asked me to take out the space artifacts and all the treasures on my body. I remember that right?"

Lan Yuhui’s smile is even more splendid: “It seems that your memory is not bad. If this is the case, then I don’t need to say more about it this time.” One meal, said: “You don’t take Lin Yuying’s jade to scare me. Lin Xiaoying's jade character is useless to me. Don't think about running away. Don't think that Lin Xiaoying can still save you this time. I don't believe that I bumped into Lin Xiaoying again."

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and smiled at Lan Yuhui. "You seem to have misunderstood what I meant. I am a man who has always been vengeful and has revenge. Last time you asked me to take out the space artifacts and all the treasures on my body. This time, what I want to say is that you are now bringing out the space artifacts and all the treasures on your body to me!"

Lan Yuhui and the blue whales are masters.

"You, what to say? Say it again?" Lan Yuhui looked at Huang Xiaolong with some unbelief.

Huang Xiaolong said: "My words, I don't want to say the second time, take all the treasures out of you. If you dare to hide one, I will interrupt half of your body!"

Lan Yuhui "Hey!", a burst of laughter, the saliva sprayed a lot.

He can't help it.

"Sorry, I, I really can't help it, I, laugh at me!" Lan Yuhui smiled a little exaggerated, leaning down, a look of painful stomach.

The masters of the blue whales are also laughing, not knowingly deliberate, or not intentional, anyway, these blue whale masters are laughing and slobbering.

Huang Xiaolong did not start, quietly watching the blue whale masters laugh, waiting for them to laugh enough, and then they have time to cry.

After a while, Lan Yuhui finally stopped laughing.

"I will give you ten seconds." Huang Xiaolong said lightly.

Lan Yuhui didn't smile this time, but his face was cold: "Ten seconds, no ten seconds!" Speaking of this, a blue whale master around him: "Blue Asia, first give me the sternum of this kid." interrupt!"

"Yes, Master Fei Hui!"

The blue whale master came over to Huang Xiaolong.

"Blue whale tidal wave!"

The blue whale master raised his hand and took it to the chest of Huang Xiaolong.

Suddenly, the boundless waves rushed, and the huge waves turned into a big palm, which was printed on the chest of Huang Xiaolong.

However, this blue whale master just shot, suddenly, a nine-color flame flashed past, then the blue whale master screamed and flew out directly. When landing, the chest was black and exudes meat. Charred smell.

Lan Yuhui and others stayed.

Although this blue whale master is not the supreme ninth-order, but also the Supreme eighth-order mid-level master, and the talent is different, the combat power is extraordinary, even a blow.

After a stay, Lan Yuhui and others rushed to head, and his eyes fell on the face of Huang Xiaolong's shoulder.

"The Holy Beast?!" Lan Yuhui was amazed.

The masters of the blue whales listened, their eyes brightened and they were hot.

"Shu Hui young master, is this the holy beast golden wing color phoenix?!" Lan Yuhui, a blue whale master surprised.

From the outside, the shape of Caifeng Xiaojiu is indeed very similar to the holy animal Golden Wing Caifeng.

Although the sacred beast of the golden phoenix is ​​not comparable to the colorful phoenix phoenix, it is also a sacred beast of the phoenix.

"It should be the Golden Wing Cai Feng." Another blue whale master laughed: "The young master of the blue dragon, this time we made a big hair, even if we can't find the headless beast, we have this phoenix sacred beast. It’s not too bad.”

"Yes, Master Lan Lan, we are lucky." Blue whale masters laughed.

At this time, the blue whale master who was previously defeated by Cai Feng Xiaojiu was rescued, and the injury recovered a lot. He looked at Huang Xiaolong with resentment, and said to Lan Yuhui: "Master Shaohui, catch this phoenix sacred beast After that, we can't let go of this kid!"

Lan Yuhui nodded: "This is natural!"

However, when he just fell, he saw Huang Xiaolong come over to him.

See Huang Xiaolong's move, Lan Yuhui sneered: "Boy, how, you think that there is a phoenix sacred beast, we can't clean you up?"

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong slammed his fist and screamed.

"Hey, look for death!" Seeing Huang Xiaolong dare to shoot himself, Lan Yuhui swung a fist, fist gold blue ray riot.


The two men punched together, but in the next scene, all the masters of the Blue Whales were shocked, and they saw a scream of blue screams, and they slammed out and slammed into the mountains far away, and the peaks shattered. .

After Huang Xiaolong’s fist hit the blue dragonfly, his body flashed and flashed. The blue whale masters were then bombarded by Huang Xiaolong.

"You!" The blue whale master was shocked and angry.

"Everyone joined forces and killed him!"

"Be careful!"

Blue whale masters have summoned artifacts to attack Huang Xiaolong.

However, these blue whale masters were scared to find that the artifacts in their hands were attacked by Huang Xiaolong, and they were shattered.


Soon, more than 20 people of the Blue Whales, no one stood, some were directly bombarded by Huang Xiaolong into the ground, some were bombarded into the distant mountains, and some were directly shot by Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong took one shot and took all the blue whale master space artifacts away, and then came to the side of Lan Yuhui, only to see that the blue dragonfly was in the broken mountain heap, full of face and dust.

"You, who are you?!" Lan Yuhui was shocked, his eyes full of anger.

Huang Xiaolong kicked it into the bottom of the gravel: "I have said that you will take all the things out, and Lin Xiaoying's jade is useless to you, it is useless to me, I still You don't need to rely on Lin Xiaoying Yufu to scare you off."

Huang Xiaolong turned over to the back of Luobao Jinzhu, and then left empty.

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