Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2361: Hong Meng Sheng Qi?

This feeling is like the feeling that Huang Xiaolong practiced in the ice lake before.

Huang Xiaolong Hongmeng parasitic cockroach spurred, suddenly, this piece of coral 6-space space of ice aura and fire aura came to Huang Xiaolong crazy gathering, poured into his body.

Huang Xiaolong is now, although these ice auras and fire auras are not as pure as the energy of the ice lake, but after they are swallowed into the body, after three rehearsals of the sacred refining, the energy turned into his own soul will also make his soul shine slightly. .

"This is?!" Huang Xiaolong was pleasantly surprised.

This big 6 ice aura and fire aura, even his effect on his soul!

This surprised Huang Xiaolong.

If this is the case, even if you don't look for a holy lake like the ice-fire lake, as long as you devour the ice aura and fire aura of the coral, his soul will soon become a holy soul.


After the surprise, Huang Xiaolong frowned.

Although the ice aura and fire aura of this coral big 6 can also make his gods change, but the effect is too bad, compared with the effect of the ice fire lake, it is almost a hundred times worse!

In other words, if you continue to practice in the holy lake like the Ice Lake, within a year, his spirit should be completely successful and become a holy soul. However, if you devour the ice aura and fire aura practice, His soul must be completely transformed into a holy soul, I am afraid to wait a hundred years!

a hundred years!

Thinking of this, Huang Xiaolong could not help but sullen.

One hundred years can become a holy soul. For others, it may be ecstatic, but for him, there is nothing to be happy about.

Because the Cangwu Shenfu is just around the corner, there are only eighty years left, and there is no centuries for him to slowly wait for the soul to become a holy soul.

If you missed the Sangyu Shenfu and did not get the holy sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred

Therefore, he still has to find a holy lake like the ice lake.

Thinking of this, Huang Xiaolong continued to fly forward, while unfolding the spirit of the soul, while urging the hilarious parasitic worms, devour the ice aura and fire aura of the coral.

Just as Huang Xiaolong flew forward, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong stopped and stopped the ice aura and fire aura that swallowed around.

When Huang Xiaolong just stopped, he saw a huge beastless beast flying from the far side.

This animal has no beasts, and its shape is like a mountain. There are bumps on the surface of the hills. Its eyes are as big as the lake. There is no beast. When you come to the space near Huang Xiaolong, the huge eyes glanced around in the cold. Space, at the same time, the nose sniffed around.

After nothing was obtained, the head of the beastless animal swept away and began to slap around the space. Suddenly, the landslide broke and the space vibrated.

The amazing power of destruction has continued to spread to Huang Xiaolong.

After a while, this unbeatable beast flew away.

After the disappearance of the body of the beastless body, Huang Xiaolong, who is tight in the whole body, has a sigh of relief. Just now there is no beast, although it is not a strong sacred place, but it is definitely a close to the holy place. It should be A nine-roasted half-sacred peak.

Fortunately, Huang Xiaolong had a dark sacred ring and escaped the search of the other side. Otherwise, Huang Xiaolong had only escaped.

But even if he is full of strength, trying to escape, even if there is a dark holy ring, the degree is very slow, so the results can be imagined.

After the absence of the beast, Huang Xiaolong continued to fly forward.

However, just being thrilled, let Huang Xiaolong be more careful.

In order to ensure safety, Huang Xiaolong fully urged the dark sacred ring to maximize the dark sacred enchantment of the dark sacred ring.

However, this is extremely depleted of the supreme power, so, for half an hour, he has to stop and take a break, and then swallow the heavens and the earth to restore the supreme power.

In this way, stop and go, within half a day, Huang Xiaolong relying on the dark holy sacred dark sacred sacred escaped a dozen or so eight robbers, nine robbers and half saints without beasts.

Although I can avoid these beasts every time, every time, Huang Xiaolong is tight and the pores are tight.

Half a day later, suddenly, the amazing St. Wei in the distance was like a rolling wave, and it was drowned by Huang Xiaolong. Even if Huang Xiaolong fully extended the dark holy enchantment of the Dark Lord, Huang Xiaolong also had a sense of suffocation.

The Holy Land has no beasts!

Such a holy prestige, only the sacred world has no beasts, even if the nine robbers and half-sacred peaks have no beasts, there is no such prestige.

Huang Xiaolong immediately converges on the whole body, and at the same time summons a dark ancient symbol. This dark ancient symbol is suspended at the top of Huang Xiaotou, scattered with faint light, covering Huang Xiaolong.

Before Huang Xiaolong left the Holy City, the four gods gave Huang Xiaolong a lot of bodyguards. This dark ancient symbol is one of them.

The ancient ray has just shrouded Huang Xiaolong, and a giant eagle with no body and a green body appeared on the top of Huang Xiaolong.

This giant eagle has no beasts, and his eyes are blooming with blue light. He looks around with suspicion. It has a wings and a show. Only when the horror wind blade instantly cuts the space where Huang Xiaolong is located, another mountain is covered. Waist cut.

These horror wind blades passed through the dark enchantment and the darkness of the ancient symbols, but the strange thing is that when these horror wind blades were cut from Huang Xiaolong, the wounds of Huang Xiaolong instantly healed without any scars.

No, to be exact, it seems that the illusion of Huang Xiaolong is not the entity of Huang Xiaolong. Huang Xiaolong seems to have another overlapping space.

The giant eagle has no place to stay for a while, and finally left.

Waiting for the giant eagle without the beast to leave for a long time, Huang Xiaolong dare to spit out the chest.

Finally is gone!

Huang Xiaolong touched his forehead, all cold sweat.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong smiled and continued this way, only to fear that he was really scared of heart disease.

However, this is not the way to go. Although his masters gave him a lot of bodyguards, they can only be used once. If the average half-day encounters a holy place, there is no beast, his bodyguard. It will run out in half a year.

It seems that it is still necessary to step up to find it.

Two months passed quickly.

On this day, Huang Xiaolong fell in a cave, feeling a kind of collapse.

This is simply more tired than challenging a hundred evil spirits a day.

"Let's find another month." Huang Xiaolong was tired and panting.

Looking for another month, if he hasn't found it, he can only return it in the same way. After all, he still needs to leave some bodyguards for his departure.

Half a month later, when Huang Xiaolong became more and more disappointed, suddenly, the power of Huang Xiaolong’s body was violently shaken without warning.

this is? ! Huang Xiaolong stayed.

Hong Meng Ziqi? !

Is there a singularity here?

No, it’s not a singularity. If it’s a singularity, the power of the body is far less so fierce.

Is it that Hong Meng is holy? !

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