Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2369: Newly collected younger brother

Seeing Lin Xiaoying's tickle, Huang Xiaolong smiled, then took out a ten-day spirit, threw it into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it.

Once the tenth of the world's spirits enters the body, it will be automatically assimilated by the sacredness of his body, and then slowly refining by Huang Xiaolong.

Looking at Huang Xiaolong chewing candy like chewing candy, Lin Xiaoying, who was originally itchy, could not help but look strange. In these few days, Huang Xiaolong chewed four ten-day spirits almost every day!

Chew one every few hours!

She really can't understand, these ten worlds and spirits can not support Huang Xiaolong!

This is the tenth of the world, not a product, not two!

Even if it is a product, the second product, it is also necessary to take the opportunity to refine and refine it. However, in the past few days, she has never seen Huang Xiaolong stop to refine and refine.

These ten worldly spirits, for Huang Xiaolong, seem to be really sweet, and there is no smell in the mouth, then chew on one.

After a few days, she found that she could not see the young man more and more.

This young man has a mystery everywhere, and there is magic everywhere, which makes people understand.

For example, how did Huang Xiaolong find these holy drugs.

For example, this is why the Ten Kinds of Heaven and Earth Ling Dan does not die Huang Xiaolong, why Huang Xiaolong does not need to exercise the power to refine these ten products.

For example, how does Huang Xiaolong have so many dozens of heaven and earth!

Although she did not know how many of the ten products of Huang Xiaolong had a lot of spirits, it was absolutely quite a lot to see Huang Xiaolong chewing on four pieces every day.

"Who are you?" Lin Xiaoying could not help but ask.

"You will know later." Huang Xiaolong blinked.

Lin Xiaoying is mad.

"Then I will call you thirteen in the future!" Lin Xiaoying turned his eyes and smiled.

"Thirteen?" Huang Xiaolong was puzzled.

Lin Xiaoying smiled and said: "Because you like to install thirteen."

Huang Xiaolong sweats!

After a pause, Lin Xiaoying looked at the dim sky: "I don't know Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi, how are they doing now, and I don't know where they are now."

Before, they were attacked by evil spirits, and Dou Rui and others secretly attacked. Later, she and Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi dispersed.

Although these days, she constantly tried to use the letter to contact Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi and others, but it was not connected at all. In this river, it was affected by the light force, and the letters could only be related to each other within a certain range.

Huang Xiaolong said with relief: "Don't worry, your sisters have already broken through the holy realm. With their realm, plus the Qingxue Palace, as long as they don't meet the high-level power of the Holy Land, there will be nothing."

Even the Holy Day, the Holy Land Alliance, the Demon Palace, and the high-level powerhouses of the Holy Land are not many.

Lin Xiaoying nodded: "I hope."

It was two days passed.

In these two days, Huang Xiaolong did not have the "good luck" as before, but he also found two holy medicines, plus the previous nine, a total of eleven!

Lin Xiaoying only has envy.

However, in view of the previous two people said that whoever discovered the holy medicine first, Lin Xiaoying is not good at "big" bullying, and occupying Huang Xiaolong.

On this day, suddenly, Lin Xiaoying was a happy face and took a letter: "It’s Li Li’s sisters, Li Li’s sisters are connected!”

Li Li is one of the female disciples of the Qingxue Palace who entered the Wuyuan River. Although her strength is not better than Lin Xiaoying, she is also a core disciple of Qingxue Palace.

But then, the letter was a shock, Lin Xiaoying looked, his face changed: "Li Li Shimei, they met the headless beast, it is dangerous!"

The sacred beast has no eyes and beasts? Huang Xiaolong has a glimpse.

"Go, we are going to pass!" Lin Xiaoying did not wait for Huang Xiaolong to open, and then rode the Luobao gold pig to go straight.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he couldn’t help but smile.

Before Lin Xiaoying patted his chest to ensure that the two exchanged mounts, exchanged one day, one day, but these six days, Lin Xiaoying's **** has been sitting on the falling treasure gold pig.

Two hours later.

The two came to a black mountain range.

At this time, there was a strong wave of power in front.

"Li Li Shimei, they are injured, fast!" Lin Xiaoying's pretty face changed, suddenly, speeding up again.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong saw a few Li Li who were attacked by the innocent binocular beast. However, in addition to the sacred beast, there were a few beasts.

I saw Li Li, who was attacked by the Wuyuan Bianmu, who was already in danger.

"Li Li Shimei, I am coming!" Lin Xiaoying gave a sigh of relief, and the snow sword in his hand swung out. Suddenly, the snow and swordsman fired, like a rain, hitting other beasts without a beast, and forced The head of the innocent animal has retired.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he nodded secretly. Lin Xiaoying was the second in the holy list. To know that the headless beast was also the nine-roasted and half-sacred peak. Lin Xiaoying slammed back and saw the strength.

"Mr. Lin Xiaoying, you are here!" Qingli Palace Li Li saw Lin Xiaoying and was overjoyed.

"Be careful!" Suddenly, Lin Xiaoying exclaimed, only to see the one that had just been forced to retreat, and the one-eyed beast had a body, and he went to Li Li’s back, and the claws came to Li Li’s back. Li Li Although wearing the ice **** of the Qing Xue Palace, but with the sharpness of the two-legged beasts of the innocent eyes, you can completely break the gods and then pierce the whole body!

Li Li hurriedly turned to the first, and saw the claws of the innocent and the beasts close at hand, the flower is eclipsed.

Seeing that there is no eye, the beast's claws will pierce Li Li's back. Suddenly, the innocent eyes of the beast are screaming and slamming out. It seems to have been hit hard, roaring, and no longer continues to attack, breaking the air. Leave.

Lin Xiaoying, Li Li can not help but be shocked, inexplicable.

At this time, the other few unbeatable beasts saw the unbeaten beast escaped, and they also dispersed and fled.

"Lin Xiaoying, sister, you are going to chase! You can't let that headless beast escape!" Li Li cried.

If this time let the unbeatable beast escape, it will be difficult to catch the estimate next time.

Lin Xiaoying hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head: "Forget it, I will heal you first." Li Li was seriously injured, she was not at ease.

Huang Xiaolong did not catch up with the headless beast. Just now he secretly used the power of the Holy Spirit to reinvent the soul of the innocent animal. He has planted the sacred sacredness on the headless beast. He is not worried that the other party can escape.

Huang Xiaolong thought for a moment, took out four reincarnations, and then gave Lin Xiaoying, indicating that Lin Xiaoying would give Li Li a few people to swallow the wound.

"Returning to Dan!" Seeing the four returning dans, Li Li was equally shocked.

At this time, Lin Xiaoying explained to Li Li four people: "This is my new younger brother, thirteen!"

"Little brother? Thirteen?" Li Li was surprised. Although Qing Xuegong did not ban the inner disciples from recruiting, but they knew that Lin Xiaoying had never received any men, let alone men.

Lin Xiaoying smiled and said: "He likes to install thirteen, so it is called thirteen."

Huang Xiaolong opened his mouth, but he was speechless. Well, he admitted that Thirteen is better than fourteen.

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