Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2391: Waiting to kill the kid and kill the Yang family again.

"Chen Taishang’s elders are right, no matter what his identity, offending you under the Son of the Son, you are offending our four seas." Another elder of the Four Seas Gate, said: "We took him down. You are handed over to your Highness by the Son of the Son."

Teng Yunlong heard the words, his face began to be better.

He is not worried about whether he can catch the other person. This time, the four-season headquarters of the Four Seas Gate, accompanied by him, is a long-time elder. The elders have a total of 16 people, all of whom are supreme high-level masters, not to mention the Four Seas. The main Han Jiangcheng, the supreme tenth-order late master and the Qi domain division, are among the most advanced, high-order.

Tengyunlong has once again accelerated the speed of the spacecraft.

Just when Tengyunlong, Hanjiangcheng and others rushed back to Fangshan City, the Yang Family Hall was a cloud of gloom. Just now, they also knew that Tengshihai and Tengjia’s veteran Teng Dushun’s old man was chasing Yang Xin. And the news of being killed.

The Yang family’s owner, Yang Nan’s brow, was completely squeezed together.

"Well, our Yang family is going to be completely finished!" A Yang family veteran cried: "In the past, if we went to the Tengjia, please sin, then send Miss Yang Xin to Tengjia, and give Tengyun Long a waiter." Maybe there is still a lot of open space, maybe Teng Yunlong will not destroy our Yang family!"

"Now, Tengshihai is dead! I am killed by Miss Yang Xin! Teng Yunlong will definitely not let us go again!"

Another Yang family veteran Huo Ran stood up: "Homeowner, I suggest that Yang Xin will be sent to Tengjia now, let Yang Xin serve the Highness of Teng Yunlong, and will make up for it. Maybe it is not too late. Teng Yunlong likes Yang Xin before, if Yang Xin can please Yunlong, Tengyun Dragon’s anger is gone, and our Yang family can still live.”

"Yes, there is, the young man who killed Tengshihai and Tengjia Teng Dushun, I suggested that we go to take it down and hand it over to the Teng family to explain to us and the young man. There is no relationship, maybe there is still a turning point!" Yang Jiayuan stood up.

Yang Jiayuan has a voice, without exception, it is recommended to send Yang Xin to Tengjia, please Tengyunlong, and take Huang Xiaolong to Tengjia, to clear his relationship with Yang family, and ask for forgiveness.

Yang Yang’s owner, Yang Nan, raised his hand and pressed the pressure to scan the crowd. He sighed: "The young man can kill Teng Dushun with one hand, we have to catch him alive, how easy is it?"

In the late stage of killing the Supreme First Supreme, I am afraid that there is a supreme middle-level strength, and his Yang family, the first master of the Yang family, is also able to break through the Supreme Intermediate.

Everyone is silent.

"Where is Miss now?" Yang Nan turned to ask the guards on the side.

"Go home, Miss is now in the East Hall." The guard answered.

Yang Nan sighed in his heart, and then said: "Bring up the lady, all the elders listen to the order, go with me to the city gate, waiting for the temple of Teng Yunlong."

Now, they only have to go to the city gate, waiting for Tengyunlong, and rushing to Tengyun Long, and hope that Tengyunlong really likes his daughter before, maybe when Tengyunlong looks at his daughter Yang Xin’s love, he can put Over Yang!

Soon, Yang Xin was brought over by Yang Jia master.

"Father, you, what are you doing?" Yang Xin was angry.

"Xin Er, I am sorry, we are only now in front of the city gate, pleading for Teng Yunlong, asking him to let us go." Yang Nan said.

"Father, you are confused, do you think that we are pleading for Tengyunlong, and he will let us go?" Yang Xin cried: "We should believe the predecessor, the predecessor said, he will not sit idly by We should now go to thank the predecessors, instead of pleading for Teng Yunlong and Tengjia!"

Yang Nan shook his head. He knew that the predecessor in his daughter's mouth was the young man who killed Tengshihai and Teng Dushun.

"Xin Er, you don't know what a new son means." Yang Nan shook his head. "Maybe the young man is the supreme fourth-order or even the supreme high-level master, but the Tengyun dragon is the saint, and it is that Can young people compete? If we go to worship the young man now, it is the real thing that makes us Yang family really ruined. When we want to clear the relationship, it is impossible!"

"At that time, our Yang family will inevitably be squandered by the Teng family!"

"Teng Yunlong should like you. If we are now begging for enthusiasm for Tengyun, he will look at your feelings and should not ruin our Yang family."

Yang Xin listened to his father Yang Nan and even insisted on going to the city gate to give up the Teng Yunlong for help, and could not help but turn to tears.

"Father, you!"

"Okay, don't say it, Xiner, I am doing this for you, for the Yang family." Yang Nan no expression, interrupted.

Originally, he went to the door of the Teng family and tried to ask his family to let her daughter go, but did not expect her daughter to flee, causing Tengshihai and Teng Dushun to be killed. There is no room for circumstance. He is only now. Can take his daughter and Yang Jiazhong veteran to go to the city gate to ask for help.

As for the daughter who said that the young man would shelter Yang, he did not believe it.

A young man who has never met before, and who meets with each other, will really help the Yang family? Only her daughter is stupid enough to believe that the other party will help Yang.

Even if the young man really will help Yang, but he does not believe that the young man has this strength, after all, Tengyunlong is the new son, behind the entire four seas holy gate!

A few hours later.

When Yang Nan’s owner Yang Nan took his daughter Yang Xin and Yang Jiazhong’s elders to the Fangshan City Gate, Fangshan City’s gates had already stood in front of Fangshan City’s major family powerhouses and Qiqiang’s strong players, including The master of the family, Teng and Qing, and other masters of the family.

Everyone naturally came to welcome Tengyunlong.

When I saw the Yang family's lord Yang Nan, the strong people of all sides could not help but gloat, and the people of Tengshihai heard about it.

Teng Heqing saw Yang Nan come with his daughter Yang Xin, and suddenly his face was murderous. When he was about to shoot, someone surprised and shouted: "It is the Four Seas Gate Ship! The Temple of Tengyun Dragon is here!"

When everyone looked at it, I saw a huge spaceship coming from the sky, and the speed was extremely fast. The blink of an eye came to the front of Fangshan City, and the mark on the ship was the Holy Gate of the Four Seas.

Then, the ship's door opened, Tengyunlong, the main domain of the Han domain, Hanjiang City, the four seas of the Holy Gates, the elders, the elders sneak out.

Teng Heqing had let go of Yang Nan, and everyone rushed to the front.

"See you under the Royal Son of Tengyun Long!"

"See the Hanjiang City Master!"

Suddenly, everyone crouched down.

Yang Nan and Yang Jiazhong masters also rushed forward and crouched down.

Teng Yunlong swept his eyes and saw Yang Nan, Yang Xin and other Yang Jiazhong masters, his eyes were cold, let his father Teng and Qing and other masters get up, and then went to Yang Nan, Yang Xin.

Yang Nan saw Teng Yunlong come over, his heart trembled, hurrying his head, and suddenly explained the story of Tengshihai, and said that Yang Xin was able to serve Teng Yunlong is a privilege of Yang.

Looking at the white-faced Yang Xin, looking at Yang Nan, who explained the slap in the face, Teng Yunlong smiled coldly: "Yang Nan, Yang Jiazhu, you really thought you were crouching here, explain it, I will Let go of you, let go of Yang?"

"If it’s not Yang Xin, my brother won’t die! But you can rest assured that I am not in a hurry to kill you and this, wait, I will let you see how the kid died! Bring it They! To kill the kid, then destroy the Yang family!"

Yang Nan and Yang Jiazhong are pale and pale.

When Teng Yunlong finished speaking, he took everyone, and all the way to the Yazhi Restaurant where Huang Xiaolong was located, and Yang Nan and other Yang family masters were kept behind.

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