Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2393: Climb to the gate

The storm of terror, like a giant ship, keeps rolling forward in the sky, and constantly pushes forward. Whenever it passes, the Four Seas Gate, everyone in the Teng family can't escape.

The Qizhong Supreme Zongmen’s masters feared that this horrible airflow storm had a kind of horrible magic and swallowing power, and they swallowed and they could not escape.

All of the top-ranking Supreme Masters struggled desperately, desperately trying to escape, but useless, the more struggling, the greater the engulfing of the terrorist airflow.

One hundred, two hundred, five hundred, one thousand, two thousand...

As he swallowed, the horrible airflow gradually became bloody.

This is the blood of the Four Seas Holy Gate, Tengjia and others!

The blood of the terror stream became more and more intense, and finally, it became the red color of the red.

The terror stream was getting bigger and bigger. Eventually, in the face of Yang’s masters, Yang Nan and Yang’s veterans watched the horrible airflow swallowed, their eyes feared and despair.

Seeing the terrorist airflow rolling in front of them, at this moment, the terrorist airflow suddenly stopped without warning, and stopped in front of Yang Nan and others one meter away.

Looking at the terror stream that was close at hand, Yang Nan only felt that the heart was abruptly stopped, and the whole body pores were opened in turn.

Suddenly, the terror stream is like a blisters, breaking open and dissipating.

Yang Nan and others were shocked. They looked around and looked at the whole body. They could not believe that they were still alive.

Huang Xiaolong's eyes were indifferent, and he took a look at the Yang family and Yang Xin. He said to Chen Zhi, the sword saint: "Let's go." Then I rode the beast without a beast.

Until Huang Xiaolong left for a long time, Yang Xin reacted, tears in the eyes, crouching toward Huang Xiaolong.

"Home, home!" A Yang family veteran voice trembled, looking at the **** ground around, these, but Teng Yunlong, Han Jiangcheng, the Four Seas Holy Gate, the blood of the masters of the family!

Nearly 20,000 masters! Thousands of supreme! One is not left!

No, only they are left, leaving them Yang family!

"Homeowner, we, what should we do now?" Another Yang Jiayuan was cold and asked.

Yang Nan’s eyes are sluggish and his face is confused.


"What?! Our four-sea sacred door, the new son of the Son of the Son, Tengyunlong died?! Even the generals of our four-sea sacred gates, the domain of the Hanjiang City, were killed?! This is impossible?"

"Thousands of true! Teng Yunlong went home to visit relatives. When he returned to Fangshan City, he was killed in less than an hour! The four-sea gate headquarters of the four seas with him, the elders, the elders, and the Qi domain division Jiangcheng and the masters of the public were all killed, together with the masters of the Supreme Masters who were welcoming the Temple of Tengyunlong in Fangshan City, all of them were killed!"

"This is definitely a big event. Who is the other party? Is it the other holy land master? Can kill Han Jiangcheng adults, at least half-sacred!"

As Tengyunlong was killed, the news spread quickly and the holy land of the sea boiled.

At the headquarters of the Four Gates of the Holy Sea, a seat of the Holy Spirit Mountain Peak, sitting in an old man with a white hair, the old man's face is ruddy, like a boy, but at this time, his face is gloomy and watery, his eyes are cold.

This old man is the master worshipped by Teng Yunlong after his new son, and the four-season holy door is Bicheng!

Standing in front of Bi Cheng’s masters, they all bowed their heads and dared not speak out.

"The identity of the murderer, did you find out? After they left Fangshan City, where is the whereabouts now?" Bi Cheng asked quietly.

"Responding to Master, the exact identity of the murderer has not yet been detected. However, the other party is the first stage of the Supreme Nineth Order, but it can kill the Hanjiang City Master with a single punch. It is rare, so the disciples speculate that the other party should be the other holy land master. Feng Kun, who was standing next to Bi Cheng, replied quickly: "After they killed the younger brother, they went south, but when they were near the mountain, the whereabouts disappeared."

Bi Cheng's eyes are cold and cold: "Other holy land masters? No wonder you dare to kill my holy gate, but even if he is the other holy place, killing my holy gate, he will also pay for it, pass on orders, block the holy land, everyone Do not allow access, and search the various fields, be sure to give me the murderer!"

Bi Cheng is a nine-roasted and half-sacred peak. He is extremely powerful among the veterans of the four seas.

"Yes, Master!"

After the order, Bi Cheng left Dongfu and met with other veterans of the Holy Gate of the Four Seas.

A few days later, outside the headquarters of the Four Seas Gate, the void was broken, Huang Xiaolong, Chen Zhi, and the three men from the sword went out.

Looking at the headquarters of the Holy Gate of the Four Seas, Huang Xiaolong has a colorful look.

The Four Seas Holy Gate is finally here!

Just then, a group of four-sea gate patrol disciples flew in the distance.

After Huang Xiaolong killed Tengyunlong, the entire four-sea sacred land was very strong, and the patrol was extremely strict. In particular, the strength of the squad disciples at the headquarters of the Four Seas was strengthened ten times.

"What are you doing?" Far away, the group of four-sea gate patrol disciples screamed: "Which family is the sect?"

Huang Xiaolong said: "There is no door, no party, I want to see your doorkeeper."

Those patrolling disciples listened to Huang Xiaolong and said that they would like to see their four-door holy gatekeeper, and they could not help but be surprised.

In the blink of an eye, those patrol disciples have come to the face of Huang Xiaolong.

"Want to see our doorkeeper?" The patrol captain looked at Huang Xiaolong and looked at him. "What do you want to see our doorkeeper? I don't know where you are?"

"Supreme nine-stage early." Huang Xiaolong looked calm: "As for what happened to your doorkeeper, when you meet your doorkeeper, your doorkeeper will know."

Listening to Huang Xiaolong said that the Guardian captain was slightly surprised at the beginning of the Supreme Nineth Order, but then he laughed: "A lot of people who have no door to the stage and the first stage of the 9th stage want to see our doorkeeper? Do you know how many nine? The robbers and the sacred peaks want to see our doorkeepers seeing them at first sight?"

"That way, if you climb from here to the door of our headquarters in the Holy Sea, I can report it to our veterans and let you see our veterans."

The other four-season disciple immediately laughed.

However, at this time, a four-season disciple suddenly came forward and said to the patrol leader: "Lin brother, he seems to be the murderer ordered by our holy gate."

The patrol captain squinted and his eyes fell on Huang Xiaolong again. When he looked closely, he couldn’t help but change his face. However, at this time, there was no beast under Huang Xiaolong’s seat and he took a foot and took a shot.

Suddenly, the patrol captain flew a foot, only to see the patrol captain back and went into the distant mountains, I do not know how many peaks penetrated, banging loudly.

The other disciples of the Holy Gate of the Four Seas were terrified.


Then they fled and fled, and the letters rose into the sky, shining, and the entire four seas were visible.

Huang Xiaolong did not stop, let the disciples of the four seas be informed, and soon, the light of the road rose from the headquarters of the Four Seas.

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