Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2405: Dedicated to me

Thinking of Huang Xiaolong is lie to him, Lu Ding eyes again killing Ling Lie.

Yes, as Fujiang said, although this kid is a miracle with a holy soul, it is still a miracle. However, his body is still a flesh and a body, extremely fragile, as long as he destroys the other body, then The other holy spirit will not have a physical body to live in, no more threatening power!

And as long as the other body is destroyed, the four seas are won! He can use the four seas to get the inheritance of their four seas! Then break through to the holy world in one fell swoop!

There are countless sacred places in the whole sacred world, and there are many sacred places. But the holy world is less!

Seeing Lu Ding’s eyes in killing, Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly. This Lu Ding really did not die in the Yellow River. He even dared to marry the four seas, and thought about the inheritance of the four seas saints!

It’s just that I don’t know how to live!

In this case, you can't blame him!

Huang Xiaolong’s whole body shines, and the mysterious light waves rush from Huang Xiaolong at an alarming rate and penetrate into the surrounding space.

First, the space around the Holy Sea of ​​the Four Seas was shaken. Then, the headquarters of the Holy Gate of the Four Seas was shaking. Immediately, the space of one domain and one domain of the Four Seas was shaking.

The horror of the Holy Spirit from every inch of the four seas of the Holy Land, every corner of the oozing, the entire four seas of holy places are shrouded in this horrible holy.

Originally, the murderous spirit was fierce, thinking that the body of Huang Xiaolong would be destroyed at that time, and then the four-season sacred character was won. Lu Ding, who successfully accepted the inheritance of the Four Seas and the ancestors, saw this sudden change and could not help but stay: "This, this is?!"

Soon, his face changed dramatically: "The original strength of the Holy Land!"

As the master of the Holy Gate of the Four Seas, he practiced the Holy Way of the Holy Land and can control a small part of the source of the Holy Land. How is the source of the Four Seas holy land unclear?

However, now, the original strength of the four holy places is completely activated and completely awakened. It is a thousand times stronger than a small part of the source of the Holy Land that he used to control!

He suddenly looked at Huang Xiaolong: "You, you really!"

In just 11 years, the other party actually succeeded in accepting the inheritance of their four seas!

How can this be!

Yu Fujiang was also shocked. He did not expect that Huang Xiaolong had already obtained the inheritance of the Four Seas Masters and was able to control the original strength of the entire Four Seas Holy Land.

Although he had intentionally provoked Lu Ding just now, he did not believe that Huang Xiaolong had been inherited by the Four Seas Masters and believed that Huang Xiaolong had deliberately scared Lu Ding.

At this time, in the eyes of Fujiang, Lu Ding, and the masters of the control of the beasts, the countless sacred light above the holy land of the four seas is like the tumultuous ocean.

Then, a holy shadow appeared.

This holy shadow, with a million feet, stands on the sea of ​​the Holy Light, like the **** of creation in the same heaven and earth.

"Zu, ancestors!" Lu Ding trembled.

Yu Jingjian and other four-season holy gates are even more shackled.

This holy shadow is the icon of the four seas saints of the Four Seas.

This four-sea sacred place was built by the four seas saints for many hundred million years. When the whole source of the Holy Land is activated, the incarnation of the will of the four seas can be activated.

This will incarnation is no more than the ordinary shadow, but truly has a part of the power of the four seas saints.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes were cold and enthusiasm, urging the incarnation of the will of the four seas saints, and saw that the four seas saints’ incarnations turned to the palm of Lu Ding’s palm.

Under the giant palm of the sacred will of the four seas, Lu Ding only felt that he could not escape. He fled to the corner of the holy land of the four seas and hid in the space of the holy land of the four seas.

Unless he can escape from the holy land of the world, but now, under the cover of the power of the four seas, how can he escape? Not to mention the escape between the moments.

In the heart of Lu Ding, there is an unprecedented fear, a fear of extinction. Although the Holy Spirit is not destroyed, but under this giant palm, he has the fear of extinction.

"Ten, thirteen masters, I am willing to surrender, I am willing to obey your master!" Lu Ding could not care, and quickly crouched down to Huang Xiaolong.

“Is it willing to surrender?” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are cold and cold: “It’s late!”

The invaders of the four seas sages will continue to squash.

Lu Ding suddenly felt that he was black in front of him, and then he heard a loud roar, and the whole body lost consciousness. In an instant, he had a kind of thought that he could not believe. He was a mid-level master of the holy world, and the other party was willing to Kill him?

You must know that in his capacity, if you are a top-level force in the sacred world, you will be treated with courtesy.

When the sacred incarnation of the sages of the four seas was slammed down, the two holy places of the sacrificial sacred land were hand-picked in Fujiang, and the two had just withdrawn from the hall, and they saw Lu Ding being slammed into the ground.

The front half of the entire hall was smashed into an abyss, and some of the saints who controlled the beasts were also bombarded.

Under this palm, Lu Ding's sacred body, blood, flesh, and even the sacred genre were all blasted, leaving only the Holy Spirit to sway in the abyss.

Yu Fujiang only felt that the whole body was stiff, and the shock was undecided. Just a half-step slow, I was afraid that even he would! At the same time, his heart raised anger, and the kid just ignored his safety, even he would kill? !

In the anger of Fujiang, the Huang Xiaolong dragon is full of the palm of the sacred soul, and then Lu Ding Sheng soul once again blasted into the abyss, and then took a photo, took Lu Ding holy soul to the front, and then imprisoned into the beast.

All this, but in the blink of an eye.

See Huang Xiaolong imprisoned Lu Dingsheng soul, completely violently out of Fujiang, pointed to Huang Xiaolong, and yelled: "Thirteen, what do you mean? I want to hide slowly, I am not dead or seriously injured! If I hurt half It’s not enough to kill your whole family!”

Huang Xiaolong heard the words and smiled coldly. At this time, this is still in Fujiang, and he really thought that he would not kill him?

The identity of the chief saint of the sacrificial sacred place is indeed honorable to others, just like Lu Ding just now, and does not dare to hurt the half of the hair of Fujiang.

However, in Fujiang, the chief sacred identity of the beast of the beast, for him, is a fart! Or, even a fart is not!

Huang Xiaolong came over to Fujiang: "Injury your half hair, is it not enough to destroy my whole family?"

Yu Fujiang looked down at Huang Xiaolong: "You know it! You don't think that you are the master of the Four Seas Gate. The Lord of the Four Seas is in my eyes. It doesn't matter at all. If I want to, every minute. Can destroy your holy door and crush you into mud!"

"Let's do it, you will give me the sacred beasts, I can consider letting you join the sacred door of the four seas and work for me! This is what many holy places can't ask for, and I know you. There is a return to life, returning to life in your hand, it is a waste, you take it out and give it to us to control the holy land, rest assured, I will not treat you in the future!"

In the face of Yu Fujiang's alms, in his view, Huang Xiaolong will dedicate him to the sacred beast, and he will return to the holy land of the beast, which is the glory of Huang Xiaolong.

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