Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2417: Go to Ziyun Sea

Regardless of how the outside talks about boiling and how to vibrate, Huang Xiaolong still maintains the speed of killing twenty demon masters in a day, consuming the enlightenment of the demon masters, the holy veins and the Eucharist.

It’s another month.

Huang Xiaolong walked out of the magic cave.

Behind him, I was sent by the elders of Zhang Sijin and the disciples of the Holy Day.

Originally, a few days ago, Huang Xiaolong and Li Wei’s gambling promises, under the deliberate stirring of Xie Yao’s deliberate people, among the disciples of the Holy Day, there were many negative news of Huang Xiaolong, but after the trial of the magical caves in these months. The prestige of Huang Xiaolong did not fall and rose, reaching an astonishing degree.

Zhang Sijin and the disciples of the Holy Day behind Huang Xiaolong are all looking fearful and binocular.

"Elder Zhang Sijin, go back." Huang Xiaolong walked out of the magic cave and waved to Zhang Sijin and Shengtian disciples behind him.

"Yes, His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong." Zhang Sijin respected the extreme, and then asked: "His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, then you, will you come to the magic cave next time?"

Looking at Zhang Sijin's face, Huang Xiaolong nodded: "Yes." Then he smiled: "Next time, I will come to the magic cave, find you to drink."

Zhang Sijin listened, his face was excited, and he was flattered: "When Zhang Sijin must prepare the best wine, wait for His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong!"

Huang Xiaolong snorted and patted Zhang Sijin's shoulder, then flew away.

Zhang Sijin was photographed by Huang Xiaolong, and the whole body was soft. He waited for Huang Xiaolong to leave for a long time. He disappeared completely and still did not move.

For a long time, his next disciple came to him and called: "Elder Zhang Yijin, His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong is gone."

Zhang Sijin just woke up.

After the magic cave, Huang Xiaolong returned to the Blue Dragon House.

This time, the magical cave trials, the value of more than 50,000 contributions, completely used up, although there is a bit of pain, but it is still worthwhile, after this year, devour the devils masters of the demon sage, the holy veins and the Eucharist, now, His three sacred sects, the three great sacred bodies, and the three great holy veins have all evolved into forty.

Now, the entire Holy Day, with the top 40 disciples of the sacred sect, is not even 20%.

However, although the three sacred sects have evolved into forty, Huang Xiaolong is still not satisfied.

"As soon as possible, the three sacred sects will be evolved into the top 30!" Huang Xiaolong secretly.

Every time he is in the top ten, his combat power can be improved a lot, and the more he is enlightened, the faster he can practice.

If he can evolve the three sacred sects into the top ten, then even if he enters the sacred temple, he will not get the sacred sacred sacred, and he is fully sure that he will be promoted to the ninth and the sacred before the next sacred birth. !

Each of the top ten sacred sects has a terrifying power. If his three sacred sects are all evolved into the top ten, it is absolutely shocking.

However, let alone evolution to the top ten, it is the evolution of the top 30, it is also difficult to add.

Moreover, even if he is crazy to take the task and earn the contribution value, there are not so many demons in the magic cave to let him swallow.

Huang Xiaolong blinked: "Maybe, you can go to some branches of the Demon Palace."

The power of the demon palace is spread across the sacred world, and there are many important divisions. There are enough demon disciples to let him swallow!

However, it is very dangerous to go to these evil demon divisions.

Every demon palace branch can be held by a high-level master of the Holy Land. If it is discovered, even if he has a dark holy ring and a pterosaur ship, it is difficult to escape.

After returning to the Blue Dragon House, Huang Xiaolong did not think about the demon palace branch and began to practice retreat.

This time, he will swallow the four sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

After these days, the devil trials, now, he is the peak of the early days of the robbery, and refining the four disk stars Sheng Dan and Yu Qing Sheng Sheng Da Dan, he should be able to promote to a robbery half late or even later peak.

Commanded Di Huai, Feng Tianyi did not want to disturb himself, Huang Xiaolong went into the secret room, and then took out a disk star Sheng Dan.

Without hesitation, Huang Xiaolong swallowed the disk star Sheng Dan directly.

Suddenly, the medicinal sin of the disk star Shengdan became Hongtian giant water, Huang Xiaolong blasted like a dazzling star, countless stars, countless stars force screamed out from Huang Xiaolong.

Rao is Huang Xiaolong who has been prepared for a long time, and he was almost stunned by the force of this sacred sacred Dan. The power of this sacred sacred Dan is stronger than the ten geniuses he had swallowed before. Thousand times!

Even those holy medicines are far from comparable to this star.

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong suddenly understood why the four masters heard that he directly swallowed and refining the holy medicine, why he hated to eat him.

Huang Xiaolong clung to the mind and tried his best to run the eleventh layer of Hongmeng parasitic cockroaches. Suddenly, the power of the medicinal herbs of Panxing Shengdan rushed to the three big sages of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong's body, starlight, is like the owner of an ancient star.

Rao is Huang Xiaolong. Now the three major sects have evolved into the top forty. After four months, the Panxing Shengdan was completely refining.

After refining and refining this disk star Sheng Dan, Huang Xiaolong felt that there was a feeling of incomprehensibility in the whole body. It seemed that the whole body experienced a kind of baptism. For the origin of the sacred world, there seems to be another kind of avenue law for the sacred world. New cognition.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong took out the second Panxian Shengdan and swallowed it.

After another four months, the third one...

When Huang Xiaolong retired for nearly a year and a half, Huang Xiaolong came out of the secret room.

This retreat was even better than Huang Xiaolong expected. Originally, he thought that after swallowing four Panxing Shengdan and Yuqing, he would be able to ascend to the peak of the late Sansheng, but now he only swallowed it. Taking the four-disc Saint Dan, it is already the ultimate in the peak of the late St.

If you take another step, you will be able to lead to a second sacred robbery.

However, Huang Xiaolong did not want to spend the second sacred robbery in the Holy City. After all, the impact was too great and he did not want to make everyone known.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong intends to go to the Ziyun sea area to find Hongmeng holy gas in the past few days, then swallow Yuqing to live a great holy Dan, and then break through the two robbers and half holy.

After coming out of the secret room, Huang Xiaolong stayed in the Blue Dragon House for three months. In the past three months, Huang Xiaolong went to the ancestral space and practiced God, in addition to accompanying Tianzhu, Dihuai and Zhang Wenyue. Chu Ba, Long Daren, Wu Lao, four people's holy ways and magical skills.

Three months later, Huang Xiaolong secretly left the Holy Land and then went to the Ziyun Sea.

After leaving the Holy Land of the Lord, Huang Xiaolong took out the pterosaur sacred ship and then used the pterosaur holy ship to hurry. At the same time, Huang Xiaolong will Chen Zhi, from the sword saint, Yu Ming and others.

(The last chapter, actually the second chapter, four hundred and forty-six chapters, the content is correct)

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