Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2419: Is the dead spirit

With the sacred smashing, the pressure of terror is as strong as the giant mountains.

Rao is Chen Zhi, away from the sword saint, Yu Ming and others are far guarded, feel the horrible power, but also their faces are shocked.

"The sacred robbery has just condensed, the pressure is so terrible!" Yu Ming said with amazement: "According to this, the sacred lightning is only afraid to condense into a brontosaurus?"

Chen Zhi, who was alone from the sword saint, could not help but laugh.

"Thunder Dragon? When the previous sacred sacred robbery, it has already condensed Thunder Dragon." Chen Zhi smiled: "And Leilong has four hundred feet!"

"What? Four hundred feet of Leilong! Only a robbery? This, no?" Yu Ming's eyes widened, can't believe, even Yu Jingjian and other four-seasons are also shocked.

The sword saint nodded: "It is true that when the temple is robbed, I and Chen Zhi are guarding each other, and seeing it with their own eyes."

Yu Ming’s heart was shocked. He looked at the top of his head and saw a moment of hard work. The thundercloud rolled like a sea. The thunder and lightning had condensed into a thunderbolt, and it rose at an alarming rate.

"This?!" Yu Ming's eyes were shocked: "Isn't that the second robbery of His Royal Highness, the dragon will reach six hundred feet, seven hundred feet? In that case, the power of the holy robbery and the ordinary seven robbery The robbery is almost the same, but this is the second robbery!"

"The more the sky is against the sky, the greater the power of the sacred robber, so the more difficult it is to spend." From the sword saint: "The sacred sacred sacred by the sacred man is bigger than the sacred sacred man who was crossed by the old man. Be the first person in the sacred world!"

Chen Zhi shook his head: "His Royal Highness is indeed a peerless match. Now, there is a holy soul. It is easy to rob the Holy Spirit. But when it comes to the Holy Land, it is time to rob the road. The sacred sacred sacred is so terrible. The road robbery is inevitable horror, so His Royal Highness must be the first ancestor, but it is difficult!"

In the semi-sacred environment, there are nine sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred pri

Only by successfully crossing nine times of robbing and integrating all the avenues can we break through to the ancestor.

In the semi-sacred environment, the failure of the sacred sacred sacred, and hope to repeat the re-transition, but in the holy place, if the failure of the road robbing, the body is generally destroyed, can only be reincarnation, everything must start from the beginning, some genius, If the horror of the road is horrible, if it is defeated, it will even be destroyed by the road. Even the holy soul will be blasted, and then there will be no slag, let alone reincarnation.

"Yeah, if it is time to go to the Holy Land, the catastrophe of His Royal Highness, I am afraid of the unprecedented horror. It is difficult for His Royal Highness to break through to the ancestral ancestors."

Yu Ming smiled and said: "We are saying that it is too early to say it now. Your Highness is now robbing and robbing!"

At this time, I saw that the Thunder Dragon has risen to 500 feet, and it is still rising. It will soon rise to seven hundred feet. However, after seven hundred feet, it is still rising.

Everyone was shocked.


When Leilong rose to eight hundred feet, it stopped.

"Eight hundred feet of Lei Long! This is the second time sacred!" Yu Ming eats and eats, his eyes are shocked.

Now, he is completely convinced that the former sage knows that the saints of the sword say that Xiaolong’s robbery has four hundred feet.

The second sacred robbery, the robbing of the brontosaurus has eight hundred feet, which is simply more terrible than the ordinary half-sacred seven robbers.

Just as the Thunder Dragon rose to eight hundred feet, suddenly, the dragon body of the dragon produced a black fire.

"This is a black fire." The sword saint stunned: "Some of the most gifted sons have a black fire when they are robbed."

However, Huang Xiaolong only crossed the robbery.


Under the stunned eyes of the sword saint, Yu Ming and others, the huge hundred-foot-thousand thunder dragon suddenly smashed down to Huang Xiaolong.

Just as the Thunder Dragons smashed down, the Huang Xiaolong dragon was flying out of the Holy Spirit, and the Thunder Dragon was blasted in an instant, and the black fire was also destroyed.

Thunder Dragon was blasted and turned into the most pure sacred power and avenue rule.

Huang Xiaolong rushed to run the parasitic worms and began to refine the power of the sacred sacred and the law of the avenue.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s body light floated.

The heart of Hell of Huang Xiaolong began to bloom brilliantly, and the avenue of the road continued to spread from Huang Xiaolong’s heart of hell.

The ruling law contained in the sacred robbery continually entangles the heart of hell, and then merges into the heart of hell. At the same time, in the depths of the sacred world, a strange avenue of avenues is constantly falling down and integrated into the heart of hell.

And the medicinal herbs that the main sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs also rushed into the three sacred sacs of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyebrow imprint marks a sun-like glow.

All the dead air in the surrounding space and even the residual sword gas, the knife and the air are all swayed.

During the first sacred robbery, Huang Xiaolong spent more than two months before refining the power of the sacred robbery and the law of the avenue, but this time, four months, the sacred power and the avenue rule were still not finished. .

It was not until five months later that Huang Xiaolong was finished.

In Chen Zhi, from the sword saints and other people looking forward to, Huang Xiaolong came out from the depths of the valley.

"His Royal Highness!" Chen Zhi, a sage from the sword, Yu Ming, Yu Jingjian and others, greeted him: "Congratulations to His Highness to break through the robbery!"

Huang Xiaolong nodded to everyone and then let everyone get up.

This breakthrough in the second sacred robbery, his heart of **** became nearly half, it seems that up to two more sacred robbers, his heart of **** can be completely transformed into immortality!

However, thinking of the power of the sacred robbery, Huang Xiaolong frowned, so went on, to the fourth sacred robbery, I am afraid that the power is comparable to many nine robberies.

If it is to the seventh sacred robbery, then the power, do not be the same as the power of many holy places?

"Forget it, don't want to." Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "The ship is naturally straight to the bridge." When he has an inexhaustible heart, he uses the law of Shengben Avenue to refine his body. When it is time, it is how the road is robbed.

Huang Xiaolong took out the pterosaur holy ship, and everyone entered the pterosaur holy ship and began to go to the headquarters of the sacred gate.

Two days later, I came to the headquarters of Wanshengshengmen.

Looking at the ruins of the side, Huang Xiaolong shook his head and the ruins were in the dust. It was obvious that some of the palaces were broken.

After coming to the headquarters of Wansheng Sanmen, Huang Xiaolong did not dare to open up the dark sacred enchantment of the dark sacred ring, and the pterosaur sacred ship disappeared.

Huang Xiaolong asked Chen Zhi to carefully control the pterosaur sacred ship to go deep into the headquarters of the sacred gate.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong launched three holy souls, carefully sensing all the space around him.

This time, after the second sacred robbery, the power of the Holy Spirit of the three great souls of Huang Xiaolong has been more than doubled, and the power of the Holy Spirit continues to penetrate deep into the space.

However, just as Huang Xiaolong sensed and searched the surrounding space, suddenly, a scream of screams came from the far side of the sky, like a desolation, rolling, and the earth shook.

"It's a dead spirit!" Chen Zhi's face changed.

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