Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2425: Yan Yangshen


Millions of swords slashed into the void, and the eyes came to the two holy places of the Black Dai people.

The two great sacred faces of the Black Dai people were frightened and desperately resisted, but even the late Song Cheng’s sacred scene could not resist the dark sacred swords. How can they resist the two holy places in the middle?

If the power is on the battle, it is the two who join hands, not as good as Song Cheng.

After the Dark Swordsman’s sword was stunned, the two men’s defenses were smashed, and suddenly they both had swords and scars.

Previously, the two men were injured by the two holy souls of Huang Xiaolong. Now the dark holy sword is in the air and the injury is aggravated again.

Huang Xiaolong urged the Dark Swords to attack, Chen Zhi, from the sword saints, Yu Ming three people are not idle, shot at the side, suddenly, the two great sacred places of the Heizu are in danger.

"You just saw Song Cheng's end." Huang Xiaolong said indifferently: "I give you the opportunity to choose, remember that there is only one chance. It is the same as Song Cheng. I was bombarded with the body of the Eucharist. I was imprisoned by the Holy Spirit. Still choose to work for me like them?"

It means Chen Zhi, from the sword saint, Yu Ming three.

At this time, the saints from the sword said: "To tell you the truth, my Highness is the Holy Trinity of the Holy Dragon, and is the disciple of the four ancestors of the Holy Day!"

"What? Huang, Huang Xiaolong! He is Huang Xiaolong!" The two great holy places of the Black Dai people were shocked.

Huang Xiaolong enlightened the 12 monuments of the Holy Land, worshipping the four ancestors of the Holy Land as the teacher, and was hailed as the first person of the sacred talent. The talent even surpassed the solitude, and has already shaken countless holy places in the holy world, even if the black scorpion is not born. , already know the news.

"Yes, my grandfather is Huang Xiaolong!" Yu Ming said: "Otherwise, do you think that the Holy Land is a holy place, who can have two holy souls? Who can have the Holy Spirit without the achievement of the Holy Land?! My Highness Sooner or later, become the first person in the sacred world, and you will come to the Holy Land! Follow your house, you will enjoy the glory!"

The two great sacred places of the Black Skull are silent and look at each other.

Huang Xiaolong did not continue to attack. Millions of swords were spread over the heads of the two men. Before and after, as long as the two men shook their heads, Huang Xiaolong did not hesitate to spur a million swords to kill the two.

The screams are still on the rise.

I saw that the half-sacred of the Heizu had been solved by the beasts, and the screams were getting less and less.

"Well, I can vote for you, but you have to let me go to my two disciples!" One of the sacred places finally opened, one of which was two and a half of the Black Skull.

Another sacred place hesitated, and also wanted to vote for Huang Xiaolong, asking Huang Xiaolong to let go of his own disciples.

"Good!" Huang Xiaolong nodded and smiled: "As long as they are willing to work for me like you, for my life, I naturally do not kill!"

"The same is true of other Black Dai disciples."

Driven by the remaining two sacred places of the Heizu people, many of the remaining black sects and semi-Saint masters are willing to pay for Huang Xiaolong. However, there are still some thorns and hate to kill Huang Xiaolong.

Some of these thorns are former pro-disciples of Song Cheng, and some are loyal to the previous Zambo.

For these thorns, Huang Xiaolong is also polite and directly swallowed.

Watching nearly one hundred black Yi disciples swallowed up by Huang Xiaolong, the two holy places of the Heizu people also have a feeling of trepidation.

Later, Huang Xiaolong swears to the two sacred places of the Heilongjiang and the black sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred avenues, and then he swears himself. Then, Huang Xiaolong planted the sacred atmosphere in the two holy places of the Heilongjiang.

At this point, Huang Xiaolong, add two more holy places!

Plus Chen Zhi, from the sword saint, Yu Ming three, there are five great holy places.

Many holy places in the sanctuary are generally one or two holy places. Like Zhuoyuan Holy Land, only Dihuai is a holy place, but Huang Xiaolong now has five holy places. If Dihuai is added, it is the Six Great Saints. The situation is over.

Huang Xiaolong is full of happiness.

Now, his own strength has improved, and his holy world has also increased. When he is, he does not rely on the Holy Land. He also has a foothold in the Holy Land.

Later, if he refines the holy land of the four seas and brings the four holy seas to his side, he can let Chen Zhi, the sword saints and others continue to use their own sacred power to temper the four holy places, so that the power of the four seas will continue to increase.

If there are a hundred and two hundred sacred strong men who temper the four seas and sacred places day and night, then the improvement of the four seas holy places is amazing.

"One hundred." Huang Xiaolong read.

Although there are only a few people in the holy world around him, Huang Xiaolong believes that it will take a long time for the holy world to reach one hundred or even two hundred.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong let everyone clean up the scene.

"His Royal Highness, then we are now rushing to the Magical Mountain Range?"

"Yes, His Royal Highness, the Longyang people, they are born this time, I am afraid that they are also coming for the magic tire of the Magic Mountain." Another black sacred place, Li Huajun, also said.

"No hurry." Huang Xiaolong shook his hand and said: "Even if they really let them find the magic tire, it is not easy to collect the magic tire."

From the memory of the previous Jambo, Huang Xiaolong has learned that the trip of the Heizu is to find the magic tire of the Magic Mountain.

The black patriarchs did not know where to get the news. The Ziyun Sea Range has already spawned a new magical tire. He asked his son, Zhanbo, to come and collect the magic tire.

This magical tire is born by the sacred spirit of the Holy Spirit. Although it is the magic of the magical mountain range, as long as it is refined and swallowed, it is a great complement, but this magical tire is Heaven and earth are rare, but only have a great effect on the semi-sacred masters, and the effect of swallowing the strong people is not great.

Huang Xiaolong is not in a hurry to rush to the Magic Mountain Range. It is because when he and the Song trader, his three holy souls sensed that there was a change in the space at the bottom of the Yangshan Mountain.

Yan Yangshen?

Or flame Yang spirit?

"You are waiting for me here first, I will come back soon." Huang Xiaolong told Chen Zhi, the black Yi people are all human.

Chen Zhizhong should be.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong displayed a bandit and disappeared in front of everyone. After coming to the bottom of Yanyang Lingshan, Huang Xiaolong kept flying down and stopped somewhere under the tens of thousands of feet. Then, Huang Xiaolong’s whole body was sacred. Move, the power of fire wraps the whole body, and then slowly blends into a space in front of it.

As soon as I entered the space, I saw the flames in front of me as the thorns and the thorns. However, Huang Xiaolong instantly locked the humanoid giant ginseng that was suspended at a high altitude and was three or four meters high. This humanoid giant ginseng was full of flames. Like the sea, the spirit of the Holy Spirit is like a tidal wave.

"Yang Yangshen!" Huang Xiaolong said.

Just when Huang Xiaolong just entered the space, the flame Yangshen was alert, and the whole body was vibrating, and he wanted to take it away. However, Huang Xiaolong would let this flame Yangshen escape, and the dark holy knot will suddenly open, and the flame will be trapped. Live, then, the dragon's holy spirit flies out, and will take it in an instant, and then enter the dark holy ring.

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