Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2431: Grab the sorrow of Hong Meng

"Shang Yihui, His Royal Highness, Xu Haidong dared to give us false news. When I went back, I would take him to the front of Zhang Yuhui's temple and let His Royal Highness Zhang Xiaohui deal with him!" An Li, the deacon of the ancient emperor, was also angry.

Xu Haidong is the president of a branch of a very large chamber of commerce in the Holy Land.

Referring to Xu Haidong, Zhang Yuhui's eyes are cold.

Just when Zhang Yuhui and others flew forward, suddenly, An Li stopped and looked at a certain direction in front of him.

"An Li deacon, are you?" Zhang Yuhui saw it, and he was surprised. He asked.

An Li’s eyes shot a strange light, illuminating the void, and then smiled: “His Royal Highness Zhang Yihui, it seems that we have to have a good atmosphere!”

Another holy place is also a smile: "An Li’s deacon is right, the anger of the Holy Spirit in front is so violent, it is definitely someone who collects the holy level above the baby! This is absolutely a bad baby!"

When Zhang Yuhui heard it, he was overjoyed and laughed: "Is it really?! Well, it’s really a day to drop my air! I can’t stop it! Fast! We used to, let’s not let the other party accept the baby!”

An Li and others should be honest.

Under the leadership of the two holy places of Anli, Zhang Yuhui and other ancient emperors tried their best to rush to the north of the Magic Mountain Range.

Soon, Zhang Yuhui and others saw an unforgettable scene, only to see the front, a young black-haired young man is pulling out a whole body of purple gold from the depths of the void, the purple dragon has been pulled out Most of the body.

Although I only saw the big body, but this huge purple dragon, so that Zhang Yuhui and others are full of shock, they have seen many Taikoo dragons, and even seen many dragons of the great sanctuary, but there is no such purple gold giant The dragon is huge.

"Oh, so big?! Holy beast?!" A disciple of the ancient emperor was shocked to blurt.

An Li came back from the shock, but he laughed: "What holy beast! This is not a holy beast! This is the holy sacred! The sacred sacred gas that is hard to see in a billion years! And it is not the ordinary sacred sacredness. It is definitely the top quality in the sacred atmosphere of Hongmeng!"

"What?! Is this the holy sacred?!"

Some disciples of the ancient emperor are exclaimed.

Zhang Yuhui also came back to God, almost eagerly jumping: "Fast, An Li deacon, you two quickly shot, won the glory of the glory, you are a great achievement, then I will definitely let the ancestors reward you! ”

Founder! The first generation of the ancient emperor of the ancient emperor!

"Yes, Your Excellency Zhang Yuhui!" The two holy places of Anli flew up in an instant, and suddenly they reached out to the Hongmeng Zijin Dragon, which was transformed into the sacred atmosphere of Hongmeng. At the same time, the two people destroyed the power and rushed to Huang Xiaolong. A blow will destroy Huang Xiaolong.

"Bold!" Chen Zhiwu saw the situation, furious, and at the same time shot, and came to An Li.


Chen Zhiwu people blocked the attack of An Li.

The sky is loud.

The surrounding mountains have been cracked.

Huang Xiaolong sensed that the ancient emperor's holy land behind him, his eyes were cold, his strength increased, and the purple gold dragon that was sacred by the sacred atmosphere was completely captured from the depths of the void.

Although it is expected that the purple dragon of this sacred sacred body is extremely large, but seeing its whole body, Huang Xiaolong is still difficult to conceal the shock. In front of this purple dragon, it is like a huge purple gold mountain that straddles at high altitude. The length of Zhang.

Huang Xiaolong is like this, especially the ancient emperor Zhang Yihui and others.

After all, Huang Xiaolong had received the sacred spirit of Hongmeng before, so it was not so shocking, but Zhang Yuhui and others were the first to see Hongmeng’s sacred life, and they saw such a big one!

Seeing the purple dragons of Hongmeng’s sacredness, Zhang Yuhui’s eyes are even more fanatical, and it’s hard to suppress. It’s awkward to the two holy places of Anli: “Quick, fast shot! Fast, this holy sacredness is our ancient emperor holy land. Who will kill who, who will stop it!"

Who is robbing who!

Who is blocking who!

However, such a great sacred sacred spirit is indeed worthy of the ancient emperor's holy land to do everything and get it.

If it is other forces, we must also do everything we can to get it. Such a big sacred sacred sacredness is only the biggest one that has appeared in the sacred world so far. The value is immeasurable!

Such a big sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred A gathering of the spirits of the Holy Spirit and Jade.

Moreover, the Holy Spirit and Jade of the Great Spirits have a day of exhaustion, but this sacred sacredness can constantly absorb the original strength of the Holy Land, constantly replenish and strengthen itself, and will never consume it.

This is simply a treasure!

"Kill!" An Li and two people heard the words, and then refused to take care of the other, and once again rushed to Huang Xiaolong.

Chen Zhiwu saw the situation, furious, and shot again, blocking the attack of the An Li people.

Although both of them are the peaks of the holy world, they have already entered the second peak, but they have five people, but the five people cooperate with each other, and together, even the two great holy places of Anli Can't break through the defense of five people.

Seeing that Chen Zhiwu once again blocked An Li and two people, Zhang Yuhui was furious and angered at the black scorpion sun. He said: "You black squatters are not quick to hand over the sacred sacred spirits, but dare to rob me of the ancient emperor. The sacred sacredness of the Holy Land, your black scorpion is so courageous!” Previously, he did not want to have a conflict with the Heizu, but now he is not able to care for the ancient sacred place.

Listening to Zhang Yuhui said that he was robbing the sacred sacredness of his ancient emperor's holy land. Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly. This suihui hat was deducted, and it took advantage of it. When it was shot, it was also passed down. It is also the black sect.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong's power of the Holy Spirit was motivated, and the sacred sacredness was immediately taken into the dark sacred ring.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong took away the sacred glory, Zhang Yuhui was even more angry.

Just then, suddenly, the distant whistle came, only a few figures came from afar. These people were extremely fast, and they came to Huang Xiaolong and others in the blink of an eye.

It turned out that Chen Zhi, An Li and others played against each other, and the power of the Holy Land caused the attention of the powerful people around the world.

Seeing the arrival, Zhang Yuhui was overjoyed and quickly went forward: "His Royal Highness, you come right, fast, this black scorpion robbed the sacred sacredness of our ancient emperor, you will shoot, kill this person, will be Hongmeng Get it back!"

Among the six people, three are the ancient emperors, one is the master of the temple Guo Chang, the high-level master of the sacred place, as for the other three, very clever, is the Holy Day organization, is the main history of the law enforcement hall of the Holy Day organization Feng and two other deputy masters.

When Guo Chang, Shi Feng and others just arrived, they heard that Zhang Yuhui was so angry that he was shocked.

Hong Meng Sheng Qi? !

Guo Chang, Shi Feng and others did not want to stare at Huang Xiaolong.

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