Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2450: The power of the imprint

Broken Xuan, Zhan Zhiyuan, the main gate of the Red Flame Gate, the blue whale patriarch and other people have also recognized the black snake rope, all of which changed their faces.

They also know the origin and power of this treasure of the Ukrainian rope.

Broken Xuan is even more regrettable. As long as he knows this, he also took out the treasures of the ancient emperor's town to Fang Xing. In that case, Fang Xing can definitely defeat Huang Xiaolong, and the sacred sacredness is now the ancient emperor.

"Sister, is the snake-snake rope very powerful?" Lin Xiaoying, who was in the dark, saw Wu Ge’s expression and could not help but wonder.

Tan Juanmei is dignified: "What awesome! I heard Master say this Ukrainian rope, which is made from the snake scales of the birth of the sacred origin. It is comparable to the ancestral tract, and can be trapped, if it is a holy The nine-height high-handed hand has this black snake rope, under the ancestors, fearing to be invincible!"

Lin Xiaoying, Ji Xinyi and both women are eclipsed.

"That is not dangerous?" Lin Xiaoying said sharply.

Sometimes, she calls the name of Huang Xiaolong, sometimes called Huang Xiaolong as thirteen.

Tan Juan shook his head: "Huang Xiaolong is afraid that he really wants to lose! His strength is even higher, even if the talent is strong, he can't get rid of this black snake rope! However, Jin Yunfeng does not dare to really treat Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong can't Life is dangerous."

On the platform, the original dying Jinyunfeng saw the Wusong rope trapping Huang Xiaolong, and could not help but laugh, but because of the laughter, he also pulled the body injury, a cough, full of blood.

Jin Yunfeng wiped the blood of his mouth and smiled.

Shen Jiewen showed a smile.

This black snake rope can be said that he has been able to get through all the hardships. He has been deeply buried and has not been used in front of everyone. The baby is extremely, this time to win the battle of the battle for 100%, for the sake of the sacred He is going out and will not hesitate to take this black snake rope out and expose it to everyone.

For this black snake rope, he is still very confident. With the strength of Jin Yunfeng, he is urging this black snake rope, which can completely trap the peak of the nine robbers and the late Saints. Huang Xiaolong can no longer break free.

The victory is finally set.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong's whole body is full of brilliance, but no matter how Huang Xiaolong broke free, how the whole body shines, the power can never break through the black snake enchantment of the black snake rope.

Moreover, the more Huang Xiaolong broke free, the more the Ukrainian snake enchantment became stronger.

"Huang Xiaolong, it is futile to break free again, unless you are now a holy place, or you want to break free from this black snake rope, and the more you break free, the more tight the black snake enchantment will be, the more painful you will be!" Jin Yunfeng laughed: "I advise you to be better at peace of mind, and now concede defeat, save more suffering!"

Huang Xiaolong is a calm face. He knows the snake. He just wanted to try the power of this black snake rope. He has three holy souls. The enchantment is broken.

However, now Huang Xiaolong does not want to expose himself to the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is your own card.

Unless you have a bigger hole before.

Jin Yunfeng sees Huang Xiaolong standing there and does not move, does not speak, smiles coldly: "Huang Xiaolong, do you think that you don't open your mouth and don't admit defeat? I will let you experience the true power of the black snake rope now!" The secret law that the main Shen Jiewen taught him urged the snake.

Suddenly, the black snake rope is tightening, and the black snake enchantment is tightening, and the surrounding space is heavy.

The black snake enchantment tightens, not only when the space is tightened, but when the enchantment is tightened, the soul trapped in it is like being intimidated by the invisible giant hand, the extreme pain, and the black snake enchantment The power of the snake constantly infiltrates into the trapped person, which is painful.

Lin Xiaoying has a tight heart.

Just when everyone thought that Huang Xiaolong was experiencing pain, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s eyebrow imprint was like a golden sun, bursting with golden glare like a landslide and tsunami.

This golden light has penetrated the Ukrainian enchantment, as if it were actually bombarded on Jin Yunfeng.


Jin Yunfeng was bombarded and flew to the edge of the ring. The blood in the mouth was like a fountain, and it was half empty.

This sudden change made everyone stunned.

"The black snake rope is comparable to the ancestor of the ancestors. It is said to be difficult for everything. But there are exceptions in everything in the world. It is still unable to trap the imprint of the Holy Life! The power of the imprint of the Holy Life!" Huang Xiaolong said indifferently.

The vastness of the Holy Land, there are countless millions of years, countless holy places, countless enchanting geniuses, but only four imprints of the Holy Life.

The power of the imprint of the Holy Land is only the speed of cultivation and the success rate of breaking through the holy world.

Everyone was shocked to see the imprint of Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows.

This fourth immortal imprint between heaven and earth!

At this time, there was no control of Jin Yunfeng. The black snake rope of Huang Xiaolong was tightened, and Huang Xiaolong’s right hand was one. The black snake rope fell to Huang Xiaolong’s hand.

Shen Jiewen, who was shocked, first reacted and yelled: "Return my black snake rope!" After that, I want to get back the U-Nuo rope, but Wu Ge will make him wishful?

Wu Geyi palm stopped Shen Jiewen back, Shen Sheng said: "Shen Jiewen door master, I have already warned the broken Xuanmen master, if anyone dares to destroy the rules of the Taiwanese, don't blame me for not talking about the Holy Day!"

According to Huang Xiaolong's previous rules, the winner can get anything from the loser, including the holy device, Sheng Dan.

Shen Jiewen's face was cloudy and clear, and he was anxious and angry. He wanted to take Huang Xiaolong's hand to take back the black snake rope, but looked at the Wu Ge in front of him, and he was deeply jealous.

Wu Ge, who can be the chief of the first force of the Holy Land, is not only because of the trust of the first ancestor of the Holy Day, but also his own strength.

Although he and Wu Ge are the same as the holy world, he knows that there is still a gap compared with Wu Ge.

The Holy Land is a master of the nine heavens, and there are also strong and weak points.

There are ten masters in the holy world, Wu Ge is ranked among the top ten merchants, but he is not Shen Jiewen.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at Shen Jiewen coldly and took the black snake rope into the dark sacred ring. Then he took one shot and took the 隋云枫 photo to the front, and began to engulf his enlightenment, the holy vein and the Eucharist.

If the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred, if it is swallowed, then the evolution of the sacred sacredness of Huang Xiaolong is absolutely amazing, and it is better than the engulfing hundreds or even thousands of demon disciples in the magic cave.

However, before the devouring, Huang Xiaolong searched his memory for the secret law of the Ukrainian snake.

After swallowing Jinyunfeng, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes fell on the ancient Xuanxu around Li Wei.

It is the ancient mystery that draws the third card.

"The ancient mysterious is it? It is your turn to challenge!" Huang Xiaolong indifferent.

Ancient Xuanxuan face without blood, panic, panic, he looked at Huang Xiaolong: "His Yellow Dragon, this battle of collapse, I did not participate!"

Even Jin Yunfeng, who has a rebellious sage and has a black snake rope, is not an opponent of Huang Xiaolong. Isn’t he going to die?

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