Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2454: Continue the fourth round of challenges!

Under the enthusiasm of the crowd, the disciples of the third round of the group began to draw the number plate.

This time, the first number is drawn to the Holy Land. Although this holy place is not comparable to the holy land of the beast, it is also a first-class holy place in the Holy Land.

The Heavenly Holy Land is also one of the forces in the Holy Land Alliance, but it is not the Ten Holy Land of the Holy Land Alliance.

Extracted to the first round of the third round, the Heavenly Sage is naturally happy to laugh.

Unexpectedly, such a big fat, even when it fell into the mouth of his heavenly holy land.

He called the carefully selected fifty sons to the front, and cautiously gave fifty sons an order, and let the fifty people do whatever they need to win the battle of the downfall.

"As long as you win this battle of collapse, you will increase your salary every year by ten times!" The Heavenly Sage made a promise.

The fifty sons of the Holy Land in the heavens are naturally delighted and grateful. They say that they will not let the door of the Lord hope, and will surely win this battle of collapse.

Fifty sons of the Holy Land in the heavens were on the ground.

But ten minutes later, the smile on the face of the celestial sage gradually disappeared, and the face gradually became ugly. After only ten minutes, the sacred son of the holy land was shot by Huang Xiaolong, or was bombarded by Huang Xiaolong, or directly Was swallowed by Huang Xiaolong.

Ten minutes later, the fifty sons of the Holy Land and the first round, like the disciples of the second round, all "fragrance and jade."

Under the stage, Xuan Xuan, Shen Jiewen, Li Wei, evil and extraordinary people looked at Huang Xiaolong with amazement, a fear from the heart. Originally, they thought that this day, the holy sons carefully selected by the Holy Land It is impossible to win Huang Xiaolong, but at least it can make Huang Xiaolong hang a lot of color, at least to make Huang Xiaolong seriously injured.

But now, Huang Xiaolong can still easily solve the fifty sons of the Holy Land, and it is unscathed!

Compared with the power of Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong defends the same horror. The fifty sons of the Heavenly Holy Land are either swords or boxing or knife slashing on Huang Xiaolong. Huang Xiaolong has not even broken his skin!

They all can see that Huang Xiaolong did not wear the sacred armor until the end.

In other words, the attack on the holy son of the 50 heavenly places fell to Huang Xiaolong, and it was just scratching Huang Xiaolong. !

The ancient emperor's holy land, the control of the Holy Land, the black scorpion and other selected 50 disciples have not yet come to power, although the talent is higher than the fifty sons of the heavenly holy land, but it is not much higher.

Imagine, waiting for the ancient emperor's holy land, the fifty disciples who control the holy land of the beast to come to power, what will happen next time!

Broken Xuan, Shen Jiewen and other people face ugly, remorse, just now they are still fascinated, even once again on the thief boat of Huang Xiaolong!

This is fifty sons, carefully selected! Even if the talent is not comparable to the second round of the first round of the previous round, it is also the treasure of the great ancient tribes of the great holy places.

These saints are generally the pro-disciples of the elders and even the lords of the great holy places, and the great holy places have spent a great deal of effort on each of them.

Moreover, if even the fifty sons are broken in the ring, then there will be a fault in their 39th power!

At that time, the ancient emperor and other holy places will appear green and yellow!

Because the ancient emperor and other holy places are four younger and younger disciples below the holy, there are only a few melons and melons.

Wu Ge and the lord of the Holy Land, the elders of the elders obviously thought of this problem. Looking at Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, it was very complicated, both shocked, speechless, and bitter.

Their Highness, Huang Xiaolong, is to break the roots of the ancient emperor and other holy places.

It is easy for people to recruit a son with a better talent. You have now broken more than 60 people.

The secret Lin Xiaoying, Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi and the three women are completely silent, just staring at Huang Xiaolong with the eyes, Huang Xiaolong is up and down by the three women.

Resolving the fifty sons of the heavenly sacred place, Huang Xiaolong ignored the Shen Yingwen hateful eyes, and his eyes fell on the fifty disciples in the holy land of the beast. He smiled and said: "It is the turn of the people to come down."

This time, I took the second place and was the holy land of the beast.

Listening to Huang Xiaolong reminds that the 50 disciples in the control of the beasts of the beasts are like silver, which can’t be moved. Some even hold the thighs of the elders or the lords of the sacred land, crying and crying: “Master, I I don't want to participate in the challenge, I don't want to go up!"

Those who control the beasts of the beasts are too elders, and the main priests are convulsed.

Shen Jiewen was upset. He saw the disciples crying for the control of the beasts of the beasts. They couldn’t help but scream: “No war before you! What are you crying, what is the body! Just throw us the face of the holy land!”

In fact, I don’t blame these disciples who control the beasts of the beasts. Anyone who has watched the horrible defense and terror of the 50 disciples of Huang Xiaolong’s battle against the heavens will feel guilty and fearful.

Who wants to die?

But in the end, under the encouragement of Shen Jiewen, the fifty disciples of these sacred sacred places were brave and daring.

The end of the fifty disciples who control the beasts of the beast can be foreseen.


When the sky is dark.

The third round of challenges is over.

Huang Xiaolong stood on the platform, and the figure was very long on the platform. It was less than one meter tall, but it was so crowded that everyone could breathe.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the sky, and did not "tick" the broken Xuan, Shen Jiewen and others launched the fourth round of challenges, but sat down and directly adjusted the interest in the ring.

After a day of uninterrupted smashing, it is a fake, even if Huang Xiaolong has three sacred sacred sacs, even if there is a holy imprint, Huang Xiaolong’s semi-sacred power is also extremely depleted.

See Huang Xiaolong sitting on the platform to adjust interest rates, broken Xuan, Shen Jiewen and other people can not be flashed by the cold man, everyone can see that the power of Huang Xiaolong semi-sanctual consumption is very large, if the disciples continue to challenge the fourth round, perhaps still It is really possible to seriously hurt Huang Xiaolong and even defeat Huang Xiaolong.

However, no one dares to pick this head.

Moreover, the ancient emperor, the control of the beast and other holy places want to make up to fifty three robbers and half-sacred disciples, difficult!

Xie Yao’s throat is dry and itchy. He said to Li Wei: “Lie Wei’s brother, you must not let Huang Xiaolong adjust his interest. If he recovers, he will challenge him again tomorrow. It’s hard to beat him again!”

Li Wei’s face was gloomy and watery, and his eyes flickered at Huang Xiaolong, who was adjusting his interest on the ring. How could he not want to defeat Huang Xiaolong? Among the crowds, he was most eager to lose Huang Xiaolong. However, a group of three robbers and half-sacred masters who had been heavily recruited by him had already been killed by Huang Xiaolong, and they could not even make up for the fifty people to continue to challenge the fourth round.

"Go, release the news, double the price, and recruit three masters of the robbery!" Li Wei said to Xie Yao: "It is better to be in the mirage now!"

"I will use them now! Let them continue the fourth round of challenges!"

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