Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2663: Razer

The people of Yunxiao Commercial Bank were attracted by the fire here. I didn’t expect it to be Huang Xiaolong when they were close. It was an accident. Yun Fang’s face was a joy and flew over to Huang Xiaolong.

"Dragon son, it turned out to be you!" Far away, Yunfanger called, and there was an unexpected surprise.

Huang Xiaolong nodded to Yun Fanger and smiled.

Although they have just been separated, it is not too unexpected to meet here, but the boundaries of the river, the direction of thousands, can always meet the kind.

Chen Junhong, a young man with red hair, saw Yun Fang’s surprise when he saw Huang Xiaolong. He couldn’t help but sink his face. As a foreign disciple, he joined Yunxiao Commercial Bank. One reason was that the treatment conditions of Yunxiao Commercial Bank were quite attractive. Another reason was Because Yun Fanger, almost everyone in the business bank knows that he is interested in Yunfang.

"Dragon son, I thought you were far away." Before and after, Yunfanger smiled sweetly at Huang Xiaolong.

Yunfang is a kind of sweet and lovely girl. When I laugh, it makes people sunshine, and my heart is very warm, very spring.

Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly: "The night is deep, the ice is cold and heavy, so rest for one night and go tomorrow." Huang Xiaolong did not tell the other person his name, just let him call himself a dragon son.

Of course, what is deep and cold in the night is only a wording of Huang Xiaolong. Even if the boundary river is thousands of times cold, it is not a big deal for Huang Xiaolong.

Chen Junhong, who is behind Yunfang, heard the words, but ridiculed: "In the early days of a holy place, I was afraid of this coldness. I am not afraid to be embarrassed when I say it!"

Although the people of Yunxiao Commercial Bank felt that Chen Junhong had a lot of words, but no one said anything. After all, Chen Junhong’s identity was there.

However, Yun Fang’s pretty face sinks: “Chen Junhong, enough, don’t show your identity here, do you really think you are so great?!”

Chen Junhong, a young man with red hair, was ugly. He didn't expect Yunfang to swear at him for a human race. He was angry in his heart, but he didn't have an episode on the spot. He just looked at Huang Xiaolong coldly.

Yunfanger let the Yunxiao business people rest on the spot, and then apologized to Chen Xiaohong for Huang Xiaolong. Huang Xiaolong shook his hand and laughed and said nothing.

Later, Yun Fanger sat next to the campfire and chatted with Huang Xiaolongdong. When talking about the theory, Huang Xiaolong discovered that Yunfang was really not a normal talk. After sitting down, it was almost like a bird, but it kept going, but The sound is pleasing to the ear and makes people feel comfortable.

Chen Junhong, a young man with red hair, sat in the distance and covered his face. He looked at Yunfang and Huang Xiaolong sitting there talking and laughing, and the laughter made him extremely harsh.

He has been in the cloud business for so long. He has never seen Yun Fanger and he have said so much about it. Now that he is good, he has met a Terran twice, and he has so much to do with the Terran.

He swears, after waiting to go back, he must find out which Huang Xiaolong is a foreign human race, when, hey!

Just when the people in Yunxiao were in the same place, when Huang Xiaolong and Yunfanger laughed, suddenly, a shrill voice sounded: "Miss Yunfang has a good time, and loves in this deserted island and ethnic disciples!"

Yunxiao Commercial Bank has a glimpse of everyone.

Listening to the other party, Yun Fanger and the "human disciples" talked about love, and the young red-haired young man Chen Junhong stood up and yelled: "Who? Get me out!" The sword in the hand swayed in the direction of the voice. But the sword is not echoing.

In the dark sea, a large group of river disciples dressed in bizarre costumes emerged.

The disciples of the He nationality are different from the ethnic groups and the ethnic groups. The costumes of the disciples of the rivers generally use materials from the boundary river, and the colors are generally very bright.

However, seeing this group of river disciples, Yun Fanger, the youngsters of the red hair Chen Junhong and the Yunxiao business people are all changed.

"Thunder snakes!"

The Leizi people, although not the royal family of the boundary rivers and rivers, are also second only to the strong existence of the river kings. Like this powerful existence, the royal family is worse than the ancestor.

Seeing the Lei Snakes, all the Yunxiao merchants have returned to the side of Yunfang, tightly clustered together, as if they were enemies.

The Lei Snake Leilong saw it and smiled. He led thousands of Razers to the island and went to Yunfang and other cloud-makers.

When he came to the front, Lei Long smiled at Yunfanger: "Miss Yunfang is really the same as the legend. It is pure and can be tight. In the next Leizong Lelong, Miss Yunfang is polite."

The mouth is said to be polite, but his eyes are staring at Yunfang with impunity.

The old man around Yunfang’s face was surprised and said to Yunfang’s child: “Miss Er, he is the third son of the Leizi clan!”

The third son of the Razer patriarch!

The people of Yunxiao Commercial Bank were surprised again.

Yunfang is still calm, coming out of the crowd and watching Leilong: "I don't know what happened to Master Leilong?"

Look at each other's position, no one knows that the other side can't be without incident, and it is impossible to happen by chance.

Lei Longxiao smiled and said: "Miss Yunfang, you have a cloud business in the field of mine and snakes, I seem to have forgotten one thing, and did not pay the toll."

Yunfang’s Liu Mei’s eyebrows: “Our cloud business has paid the toll every time, and the Wujiao has already collected our toll.”

The Wujiao is the king of the boundary rivers and rivers. Although this basin is the domain of the Razers, it is also the land of the Wujiao governance. Therefore, the Yunxiao commercial bank pays the tolls to the Wujiao every time.

After paying enough tolls, these businesses can only pass.

Leilong listened and laughed: "Your tolls are handed over to the Wujiao, but they have not been handed over to the Razers. From this time on, how much will you pay for the Wujiao in the future? We are the Razers!"


The people of Yunxiao Commercial Bank have not changed their faces.

"Jokes!" Chen Junhong couldn't help but anger: "Why do we cloud the firm to give you the Razers tolls!"

However, he just finished, a flash of lightning flashed, and then saw that Chen Junhong screamed, and was instantly blasted out, kneeling in the distance of the island, the whole body was black and the injury was not light.

It was a Lei Zong master beside Leilong.

"Jun Hong elders!" Many of the cloud business firms have changed their faces.

Chen Junhong climbed up from a distant island and looked at the masters of Leilong with amazement. Is the holy place six or the holy place seven?

"Kid, dare to put a fart, I will destroy your body, and then refine your holy soul into a Lei Yinzhu!" Leilong sneered.

Chen Junhong's face changed greatly, and she was scared to speak.

Lei Long’s eyes fell on Yunfang’s body: “Miss Yunfang, I advise you to pay the toll. Otherwise, don’t blame us for the spirit of the Razers.”

Yun Fang’s pretty face is cloudy.

"Remember, one less jade will not work." Lei Long added: "One less, I will kill one."

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