Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2676: Exotic river

"That can only show that the ancestor of this invading magic eye city was too abolished." Another strong river leader heard the words and said: "I want to say that the magic eye family is a big problem, in fact, they do not need to open. The eight-claw magic eye is big."

"That's right, in fact, I see, this time the Devil Eyes opened this eight-claw magic eye, it was deliberately demonstrating to all the people in the boundary river. I heard that the Devil Eye Tower has been on the source of thousands of lines. Intention to expand the ruling basin, so to deter the surrounding people." Other rivers strong.

"I want to say that it is the demon eye that is afraid that the eight-pronged magic eye will not rust and open for a long time, so this time, the eight-claw magic eye will be opened, and the rust in the big bang will be worn." The strong people of the boundary river ridiculed and laughed: "The devil eyes are playing."

Everyone smiled.

In the circles and rivers, the strong and powerful people talked and laughed. Gradually, they saw the Magic Eye City.

But what surprised them was that they saw the magical eye city that was so huge in their impressions that the people were shocked and magnificent. At this time, the city wall collapsed, and the numerous walls of the city seemed to be involved in what terrorist power, now only There are a few meters of short stumps left.

Within the walls of the city, the streets that were originally wide and cast with the hardest ore of the boundary river are gone! That should have stood in a luxurious mansion on both sides of the street, no more! All of them became a piece of corrugated, all of which became ruins and broken walls, at first glance, except for the ruins and the ruins.

"No, no, go wrong?" When everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it, some people muttered to themselves.

Wrong place?

The strongmen of the crowds looked at each other, but then they denied this possibility.

How can they go wrong, even if one person goes wrong, is it true that dozens of dozens of people are going wrong?

And they are not the first time to come, and the magic city is such a big city standing here, how can they remember correctly.

Then, they thought of a question. If there is no mistake, if it is really a magic eye city, then? ! They look at each other.

"Magic, magic eye city, quilt, was destroyed?!" Some people trembled, it was just said that this ancestor who invaded the magic eye city was too wasteful.

"Should not, no? Isn't there a magical ancestor?" Another brother of the Jiehe River family squirmed.

Devil ancestors? !

Everyone is shocked.

Yes, the demon eye is destroyed, and the devil is the ancestors of the city? What about the eight-claw demon eye patriarch? And there are hundreds of thousands of core claws of the Eight-Paw Devils in the Magic Eye City?

Are they, too? !

No, impossible!

"Let's go in and see?" After a while, someone finally broke the silence.

Therefore, these elites and disciples of the rivers and rivers carefully came to the ruins of the Magic Eye City. When they came to the ruins of the Magic Eye City, they looked at the horrible bottomless holes on the ground below the Magic Eye City. Really feel the destructive power suffered by the Magic Eye City.

"This is a boxing force?" Looking at the huge hole in the ground, there is a river disciple who guessed.

"No, yes, it seems to be a gun? Gunman!" A high-level powerhouse in the Holy Land is extremely dignified.


Such a big gun!

This huge hole, the diameter is only tens of millions of miles?

They have been stagnant for a long time, and they have slowly moved forward, but wherever they go, apart from the ruins and the ruins, in addition to the huge holes that are not at the bottom, they are still huge holes.

When they came to the center of the Magic Eye City, that is, the palace of the Magic City, only the palace of the Magic City collapsed, and the former glory of the palace could be seen.

However, when they flew around the Magic Eye City, they still did not see all the Eight-Paw Devils disciples in the Magic City.

The magical city and the core disciples of the Eight-Claw Devils in the city are like disappearing out of thin air.

"Magic, they will not be completely destroyed?" There are river tribes eating and eating.

No one spoke, everyone looked at each other, and they all saw the sorrow of each other's hearts.

Eight-claw magic eye! The border river kings, the rivers of the ruling circles, have been innumerable for hundreds of millions of years, deterring the parties, but now they are destroyed? !

"Not going to be Fang Ding?"


It didn't take long for the ancestral strongmen to invade the magic eye city. In just one hour, the magic eye city was destroyed. The news of the disappearance of all the eight-claw magic eye-core disciples in the magical city and the magic eye city spread throughout the boundary river. If it is thrown into the thunder of the world, it will be regrettable to blow up the entire river and even the entire exotic.

In particular, the kings of the boundary river are even more shocked.

The Dragon Fish Family Office, the dragon fish family ancestor Long Jianfei looked dignified, he was originally retreat, but the Eight-clawed Eyes was destroyed, and he still had a reconciliation.

"The ancestors, now everyone is passing, saying that Fang Ding of the year got the treasure of the road, repaired for a big rise, and then the earth is important, destroying the eight-claw magic eye." Longhai, the dragon fish clan leader said.

"Fang Ding?" Long Jianfei frowned.

"Yes." Long Haiyan said: "The magic eye city was destroyed, but the demon eye treasure house was all scraped away. All the people were passing, saying that Fang Ding could not take the treasure, but this time it will be the magic eye. The entire treasure house of the family has moved away!"

Long Jianfei shook his head: "This is just speculation from the outside world." He said: "I always feel that things are not that simple." Then I turned to Longhai and said: "Let's check, have you seen these years? Offended the ancestors, especially in recent years."

"Yes, ancestors."

The things of the Eight-Claw Devils have naturally alarmed the source.

"What? The magic eye city was destroyed, the magic is missing the city?!" Yuan Qianxing heard the news, and was greatly surprised.

"Yes, many strong people in the boundary river are passing, saying that Fang Ding made a comeback and destroyed the magic eye city." Source Wang Feng looked solemn and hesitated, saying: "Your Highness, you said, will it be? Huang Xiaolong?!"

I learned that the Magic Eye City was destroyed, and the Magic disappeared. When he was shocked, the first reaction thought of Huang Xiaolong.

The source was a thousand miles, then laughed, and shook his head: "It is impossible to be Huang Xiaolong. We watched Huang Xiaolong jump into the dead hole at the time and determined that Huang Xiaolong had fallen into the depths of the dead hole. Huang Xiaolong could not live away from the dead hole, even if it was alive. Huang Xiaolong is not lucky, he can leave the dead hole, but it is impossible for him to destroy the Magic Eye City. He does not have this strength. He is not a magical opponent."

The source of the thousand lines is very positive.

"Yes, it is under the consideration of the subordinates." Source Wang Fengdao, he also thinks that it is unlikely to be Huang Xiaolong.

"His Royal Highness, do we want to report this to the old?" Source Wang Feng said again.

Yuan Qianxing shook his head: "This matter has spread all over the boundary river and foreign countries. It is impossible for the old man to know." Then his face was dignified, and he said to the source Wang Fengdao: "Check out, who is doing the magic eye city."

Just as the boundary river and the aliens of various ethnic groups were shocked by the magic eye city, the Dragon Fish City of the Dragon Fish Family ushered in a young human race.

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