Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2679: Who dares to commit me to the Dragon Fish Family Office!

Not to mention Long Haiyan, even if anyone hears a sacred scene in the late six peaks, he said that he has suppressed a master of the ancestor, and that he is the master of the four ancestors of the first ancestor, he will laugh like this.

Longhai is a long-standing family, and it is the existence of one foot into the ancestral world. In front of everyone, it is not so laughable to take care of identity, but he can't help it.

The four guards could not help either.

Long Jianfei in the hall has been paying attention to the movement outside the gate. He heard that Huang Xiaolong said that he had suppressed the magic city, and that the dragon sword flew for a long time, then shook his head and smiled.

Long Haiyan laughed, Huang Xiaolong looked at the other person quietly, and the other party smiled almost. Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and flicked at the dragon sea, just like playing the dust on his body.

Long Haiyan saw Huang Xiaolong bounce himself to himself, his face sinking: "Boy, you really thought." But he just finished, his face changed dramatically.

I saw that the whole person was swept in the wind like a fallen leaf, and he retired and went straight back from the main gate of the Dragon Fish Nationality. He broke the mountains and rivers of the Lingshi Lingshui of the compound and then broke through the house. How many buildings hit the dragon sword in the hall.

The dragon sword fly in the hall was shocked, and his hands suddenly pushed forward to block the dragon sea otter, but found that the power that Long Hai’s body was still surpassing the imagination of his ancestor’s five masters, Long Haiyan The strength still shocked him to retreat again and again. The two broke the throne of the hall, crashed into the back wall of the main hall, and finally fell into a small corner of the general government.

The four guards at the gate stopped laughing and turned to look at everything that had been shattered all the way to the main gate. They looked at Long Jianfei and Long Haiyan, who fell in the small corner at the end, and stayed.

"Who dares to commit me to the Dragon Fish Family!" At this moment, the anger sounded, and I saw a sacred master of the Zunlong fish family in the General Office, and the figure flashed, and the momentum was quite amazing.

Huang Xiaolong’s attack awakened hundreds of sacred masters in the Dragon Fish National Government.

A total capital, there are hundreds of sacred places, showing the strength of the dragon fish.

However, after hundreds of sacred angers of these arowanas, they saw that they were stunned when they saw the dragon sword flying and the dragon sea otter falling to a corner on the ground.

Even the nine-year-old elders of the Dragon Fish, who had just roared out, suddenly paused.

After all the dragon fish masters had a break, their eyes fell on Huang Xiaolong and they were surprised.

At this moment, suddenly, a sultry breath burst out from Huang Xiaolong, crushing the heavens, under the breath of Huang Xiaolong, those angry, those skyrocketing, those amazed dragon fish masters all fell from the sky, It is like the invisible giant force of horror at high altitude, shooting them down.

The four guards standing in front of Huang Xiaolong were bombarded by Huang Xiaolong and flew out directly. Huang Xiaolong walked into the main gate of the Dragon Fish Family.

The aquarium masters who fell from the sky were afraid to watch the Huang Xiaolong who came in. This is the six places of the Holy Land, which is the six ancestors!

They dare not move.

In fact, under the pressure of Huang Xiaolong, they could not move.

At this time, Long Jianfei pulled Longhai to get up from the ground, and the two looked at Huang Xiaolong. Both of them were shocked and mad. Especially the dragon sea otter who just laughed and sprayed, his face was pale and bloodless, he was shaking. The whole person is like walking from the edge of death. In fact, he knows that if Huang Xiaolong wants to kill him, he will not stand anymore.

Long Jianfei stood there, his face was inconspicuous, and he finally opened his mouth and held a fist: "This adult, just like Long Haiyan offended and scorned adults, Long Jianfei hereby apologized to the adults."

Even if it is the first ancestor of the ancestors or even the ordinary ancestor of the middle ancestors, dare to seriously hurt Long Haiyan in front of the Dragon Fish National Palace, Long Jianfei also wants to discuss.

But now facing Huang Xiaolong, in the end, he took the initiative to admit his mistake and apologized to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong came to Long Jianfei and Long Haiyu in front of him. He stretched out his hand and the dragon sword flew for a moment. He did not understand the meaning of Huang Xiaolong for a while, but he quickly reacted and took out the magic eye of Huang Xiaolong before handing it to Huang Xiaolong. Long Jianfei is handed to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong took the magic eye and said to Long Hai: "This magic eye is really not what I found."

Long Haiyan's face is red and purple, but there is no hole in the ground.

After Long Jianfei’s glimpse, he smiled and said: “The grown-up is laughing. As an adult, the magical eye of this area is really not worthy of being an adult.”

Huang Xiaolong took back the magic eye and said: "My identity, how can I compare with the old sword of the dragon sword, even the magic eye can not see you."

Long Jianfei smiled: "Adults laugh, adults laugh!"

At this time, he also saw that Huang Xiaolong was not malicious, and he was very arrogant in his heart. However, when Huang Xiaolong stepped into the gate of the General Office, he was taut, but he was shocked by a cold sweat.

Long Haiyan also eagerly went forward to Huang Xiaolong to accompany him.

Seeing the dragon fish family leader Long Haizhen sincere and fearful, Huang Xiaolong will laugh at it, no mention of the previous things.

Subsequently, Long Jianfei retired everyone, and strictly ruled that the dragon fishermen should not disclose the matter of today, otherwise they would be disposed of by the rebels.

Long Jianfei asked Huang Xiaolong to take a seat, and Huang Xiaolong did not sit down with him.

"Adult, Shu Jianfei is blind, are you?" After sitting down, Long Jianfei couldn't help but ask, he searched his memory and couldn't think of Huang Xiaolong's identity. He couldn't think of the aliens and the rivers. Strong.

Long Haiyan also looked at Huang Xiaolong with amazement.

"Huang Xiaolong." Huang Xiaolong did not conceal, open the way.

"What?! Huang, Huang Xiaolong! The opposite of the government!" Long Jianfei stood up and screamed, and the dragon sea cockroach reacted even more.

Before, it was not the legend that Huang Xiaolong was killed by a few thousand people and then died in a dead hole? This news was widely spread at the time. Long Jianfei became the ancestor of the arowana family, and he would not know.

At that time, he also regretted Huang Xiaolong for this. He felt that Huang Xiaolong’s talent was aborted.

Now, Huang Xiaolong is still alive! Just in front of them!

They finally understood why the Magic Eye City was destroyed.

At that time, the magic city was one of the six people who killed Huang Xiaolong.

Long Jianfei, Long Haiyan’s reaction, Huang Xiaolong was not surprised. The dead man suddenly appeared in front of the two. If they did not respond, it would be strange.

For a long time, after returning to God, Long Haiyan said to Huang Xiaolong: "It turned out to be His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, and Long Haiyu was rude." Before, he still wondered if Huang Xiaolong was an ancestor of six masters, and then deliberately concealed the sixfold as a holy place. Now, he knows that he is wrong.

Of course, knowing the identity of Huang Xiaolong, he is even more fearful and respectful.

"I don't know what Huang Longlong is down to my dragon fish family?" After knowing that it was Huang Xiaolong, Long Jianfei asked, he couldn't think of what Huang Xiaolong had come to find him.

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