Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2685: Source of thousands of plots

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"The foreign house has the avenue tree! The tree of the avenue has already produced six fruit!"

"What? The tree of the avenue, six fruit!"

The news came out and the whole foreign country shook.

When the news of the tree of the avenue in the opposite government came out, it shocked the masters of all the ancestors of the royal family, and even several old monsters that had not been seen for many billion years have been alarmed.

Road fruit!

The world is alarming!

Not to mention the ordinary masters of the ancestor, that is, many of the ancestors of the high-ranking ancestors also coveted seven feet. When the news came out, countless powerful people countless patriarchs of the royal family, and countless ancestors all came to the foreign government.

"How did the news come out? Who leaked it?!" The main hall of the foreign government, the alien government magistrate screamed.

It has been for many hundred million years, he has never been angry, but the news of the Avenue of the Avenue was leaked, and he was angry.

Longshengtian brows wrinkled, this matter, he also understands and doubts, according to the tree of the avenue, only him, the owner of the Mozhi and the fire ancestor guarding the forbidden land, know who is leaking ?

"Right, Zidongping?!" Long Shengtian suddenly flashed his mind.

A foreign house owner, Mo Zhiyi: "Zi Dongping!"

Long Shengtian nodded: "When Huang Xiaolong knew the tree of the Yifu Avenue, it was Zidongping who told Huang Xiaolong that now Huang Xiaolong had an accident, so except for the three of us, only Zidongping knew the news of our tree of the avenue."

"Zi Dongping has no reason to do this, so there is no benefit to him?" Mo Zhi contemplative, but he shook his head.

Long Shengtian Shen Shen: "You mean, source thousands of lines? Wanyuan family?"

"The news leaked out, and we are in a crisis. For the Yuan Qianxing and Wanyuan people, the benefits are the greatest. If we come to the battle with the many ancestors who came to **** the trees and the fruit of the road, if the two lose, then the source The line and the Wanyuan people can just take advantage of our injuries and seize the power of the foreign government!" Mo Zhi blinked: "Wanyuan and Yuanyuan are not a day or two."

"However, how do Yuanyuan and Wanyuan people know that we have a tree in the city?" Longshengtian doubts.

"Although I don't know how the source of the thousand lines knows, but since Zidongping can find out, Yuan Qianxing and Wanyuan people can naturally find out that we have a tree of avenues." Mo Zhi coldly: "And In these years, Yuan Qianxing has been spying on the secrets of our forbidden land. It is not surprising that he can smell something."

Long Shengtian brows tightly: "Now the news has leaked out, the major royal families, the great ancestors came, what should I do?"

Mo Zhi is also a frown, and he is sad in his heart. He sighs: "If the dragon is still there, then it will be fine. I will blame me."

At the beginning, if he insisted on blocking Huang Xiaolong from going to Kaitian Island, Huang Xiaolong would not be surrounded by Yuan Qianxing and others, and then forced into the dead hole.

Every time I think about this matter, I feel awkward in my heart. I feel that Huang Xiaolong’s death is also responsible.

When it comes to Huang Xiaolong, Long Shengtian is also a look of gloom, and then think of the source of the killing of Huang Xiaolong. Longshengtian’s eyes are cold and violent, one word and one meal: “Yuan Qianxing!”

At this time, in the luxurious palace of the different kings, the source thousand lines heard the source Wang Fengqi newspaper, saying that the ancestors of the major royal families had been alarmed. When they came to the foreign government, they were happy.

The owner of the house of the foreign government guessed that it was correct. The news was indeed leaked by him.

He also really wants to let the many ancestors and Mozhi who came to **** the fruit of the fruit and the avenue, and Longshengtian lose both sides. Then, he took advantage of the power of the foreign government!

"His Highness, the news leaked out is beneficial to us, but many ancestors came, the trees and the fruit of the avenue, I am afraid to fall into the hands of others." Source Wang Fengdao.

Yuan Qianxing shook his hand and smiled and said: "When the time comes, Mo Zhi, Long Shengtian and many ancestors lose both sides. Our Wanyuan people will shoot again. The tree of the avenue and the fruit of the road are also our Wanyuan people, and the wisdom and the dragon. Victory is seriously injured, unable to take charge of the foreign government, when the power of the foreign government is naturally falling into my hands."

"So, even if we don't get the avenue tree and the fruit, that's not a big deal. Once I control the foreign house, the tree and the fruit of the boulevard can be counted." Yuan Qianxing has deep eyes: "As long as I Take control of the foreign government, the resources of the foreign treasures are used by me. By then, my strength will be improved faster. As long as I break through the ancestor's realm, let alone the foreign government, the whole foreign world is mine!"

"There are also holy places, as well as the boundary river, all of mine!"

"So, the tree of the avenue, what is the fruit of the road!"

In the end, Yuan Qianxing said that he saw his own future coming to the top of the world, calling for universality, unification of the aliens, the holy world and the boundary river. His eyes were full of excitement and madness.

Originally, according to his previous plans, he would not want to control the power of foreign affairs so quickly. However, in recent years, due to insufficient supply of resources, his strength has improved slowly, so he started the idea of ​​a foreign treasure house.

Therefore, he must take control of the power of foreign affairs as soon as possible.

As long as he controls the power of the foreign government, the foreign treasure house can be used by him.


Within the palace of the Cangwu Dao, the dragon sword flew the blessing of Huang Xiaolong. Naturally, he was full of food, and many of the sacred fruits that he had never seen before in the sacred world, let him taste it all over.

"The news of the tree of the Yifu Avenue leaked, and the ancestors of the major royal families rushed to the foreign government." Standing in the holy mountain of Cangwu, Huang Xiaolong blinked.

When I came back, on the road, the two stopped in a holy place, so Huang Xiaolong knew that the news of the tree of the Alifu Avenue was leaked.

"The news of the tree of the Yifu Avenue was leaked, and things are not so simple." Long Jianfei confessed: "If I didn't guess wrong, the black hand behind it should be the source of thousands of lines. The source is to control the foreign capital. ?"

Huang Xiaolong nodded, and Long Jianfei and he thought of going.

"However, the source of thousands of lines is absolutely unimaginable, the Lord is still alive, and will soon appear in front of him." Long Jianfei laughed.

"The source of the thousand-line leaking avenue tree, the ancestors of all ethnic groups came, this is good, but let me save trouble." Huang Xiaolong sneered, when the golden zen ancestor Zen ceremony, the demon Meizu ancestors into the heart The source of the Wanyuan ancestors will definitely come, and there is that old man! Huang Xiaolong does not have to solve it one by one.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong waved with both hands, and saw the light of the sacred mountain swaying. A huge altar was raised from the bottom of the Cangwu Daogong Temple. Above the altar, it was the eight-clawed ancestors who were suppressed.

Now, Huang Xiaolong can't kill the ancestor, so he can only push the magic to the town.

Of course, the Eight-Claw Devil's Eyes, the Lord of the Devil, and others will not be as good as the Devil's City. The Holy Spirit of the Devil's Eyes and the Devil's Eyes has become the nourishment of the Cangwu Dao Palace.

"Huang Xiaolong, I want to kill you!" When the magic city sees Huang Xiaolong, he will be **** and red eyes.

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