Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2691: War ancestors

I saw Huang Xiaolong's entire right hand, crystal clear, like a transparent, like the ancient Xuan Huangyu wall, the law does not invade, the evil does not stick.


A loud noise.

Huang Xiaolong’s right hand collided with the Wuta. When Huang Xiaolong’s right hand collided with the Wuta, the Wuta shook a bit. The horrible Voodoo spewed on the right hand of Huang Xiaolong, but it was like a jade drop, and it was instantly splashed.

Huang Xiaolong’s right hand crossed the voodoo and firmly grasped the witch tower.

When the Witch Tower, which stands in the sky, was caught by Huang Xiaolong's right hand, he could not land another point.

"What?!" is not only the old, but the source of thousands of lines, Yuan Baifei and Jiang Heng's ancestors are amazed.

Huang Xiaolong is not afraid of the voodoo?

Let's not talk about the voodoo. The Witch Tower is just an ancestral tract. The wuta under the control of the old man is absolutely horrible. Even if many ancestors are four heavy, the five masters are afraid to use their own avenues. The body went to touch the Wuta, but Huang Xiaolong’s right hand did not even!

Even the skin is not broken!

Doesn't that mean?


Huang Xiaolong is now only the peak of the six seasons of the Holy Land. If it breaks into the sevenfold of the Holy Land, it is the physical body. How strong is it? Isn't it even the ancestral tracts that can't hurt his flesh? At the very least, the ancestor of the level like the Wuta can't hurt Huang Xiaolong's body.

"The body of the avenue!" After the old man was shocked, he looked at Huang Xiaolong and did not dare to cross the channel.

Huang Xiaolong is clearly the body of the avenue, and the body of Huang Xiaolong is even more perfect than the avenue of any ancestor who he has ever seen. The law of avenue is even more than any ancestor who he has ever seen. To be thick, like a derivative of Heaven and Earth.

"The body of the avenue!" Yuan Qianxing, Yuan Baifei and others were shocked. At this time, they also saw it. Huang Xiaolong’s body actually cultivated the body of the avenue!

Everyone is shocked.

The source of the thousand lines is ugly. Originally, he cultivated an inexhaustible heart in the holy world, shocking the whole alien, letting his origin son shine the exotic, but I did not expect that Huang Xiaolong also cultivated the immortality, and The realm is lower than him, and he has cultivated an immortal heart!

This made him suffer!

His origin is not as good as a man who was the most low-lying in his eyes!

Now, Huang Xiaolong has actually cultivated the body of the avenue!

But he didn't even grow the hair of the avenue, but Huang Xiaolong cultivated the whole body of the avenue!

There is an unprecedented shame in the heart of Yuan Qianxing, hate!

He suddenly felt that the sky was unfair, he was the son of the origin, he was the arrogant son of Heaven, why not comparable to a human!

In fact, it is not the source of thousands of lines, it is the source of the hundred, the demon into the heart and so on at this time, why not in this heart!

Yuan Baifei and others can cultivate into the ancestor and become the ancestor of the ancestors. Their talents are naturally dazzling, but now they are the dazzling talent in front of Huang Xiaolong, but it is like a stagnant mud.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong grabbed the Wuta with his right hand and suddenly slammed it like a giant city from the void. Suddenly, the wuta fell suddenly.

The old man who had controlled the witch tower was between Huang Xiaolong and his body, and the body fell uncontrollably and almost fell.

The old face changed.

"Hands!" He screamed at the source and other people who had been watching the battle.

However, the source is thousands of lines, Yuan Baifei and Jiang Heng's ancestors smashed. Before that, they never thought that the old man would open his mouth to let them fight against Huang Xiaolong.

"Not yet!" The old man saw the source and other people have not yet shot, but also screaming.

Yuan Qianxing and others have awakened and they have shot.

The source of Qianyuan and Yuanbaifei is the method of Wanyuan Guizong Avenue. The two people simultaneously display the method of Wanyuan Guizong Avenue, and the power has once again increased greatly. The source of thousands of lines even summoned the original source. Desperately urging the origin of the sacred grid, the power of the avenue of the origin of the heart rolling down, such as the Pentium.

Compared with the previous collapse, the power of the sacred sacred ridge of the source thousand has increased a lot.

As the original sage of the original sage, as his strength improves, as his perception of the avenue deepens, the power will become stronger and stronger.

Zen is in courtesy, and the demon is in the heart. They are also fighting to attack Huang Xiaolong and no longer keep their hands.

A few people in the source know that if they lose this time, then they will be the devastating blow of Huang Xiaolong. When they don’t say them, the Wanyuan, the demon and the Jinzen will cease to exist. Like the magical city that was destroyed, the imprisoned magic is like the city.

Think of the magic of the city, the source of thousands of lines and other people are even more at ease.

Just now they always thought that it was the dragon sword flying to help Huang Xiaolong, and the magic city was taken by the scorpion, but now it seems!

And Jiang Heng, Tengxiao Zhuzu sees the source of thousands of lines, the source of Baifei, Zen in the ceremony, the demon into the heart of the four shots, but hesitated, originally they think that Huang Xiaolong and Long Jianfei are on the old, source The thousand lines are banyan trees, and the car is blocked, but Huang Xiaolong is not awkward, not awkward.

They and Huang Xiaolong did not have any big grievances. Just as Huang Xiaolong said before, this is their personal grievances with the source of thousands of people, and they have nothing to do with them, they do not need to blend in!

Looking back at Jiang Heng, seeing Jiang Heng, Teng Xiao Zhuzu did not take a shot, could not help but both eyes fiercely, and shouted: "Jiang Heng, you don't shoot at this time, don't blame me for not telling me after the old things!"

Hearing the threat of old age, Jiang Heng, Teng Xiao's ancestors changed his face, and some were ugly.

No one dares to ignore the threat of elders.

Even if the old man is defeated, Huang Xiaolong is afraid that it is difficult to hold the other side. When the old man flees, he will hate them afterwards and then retaliate, then they are afraid of it!

In the hesitation, Jiang Heng, Teng Xiao and others eventually chose to send to Huang Xiaolong. Compared with Huang Xiaolong, they are even more afraid of the magic names and fierce names accumulated in the hundreds of millions of years.

Looking at the source of the thousand lines and the ancestors of the siege, Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly, the three avenues of the soul and the twelve high-order holy life flew out.

"The soul!" Seeing the three avenues that Huang Xiaolong called out, the original source of the siege was so scared.

Huang Xiaolong, not only cultivated the body of the avenue, but even the soul! And it is the soul of the Three Avenues!

Do not destroy the heart, the body of the avenue, the soul!

This is simply the first ancestor.

However, Huang Xiaolong is the peak of the six seasons of the Holy Land!

In the distance, Long Jianfei is equally shocking, shocking, and even has a kind of glory, this is their less master! The founding son of the creation of Huanglong bloodline!


I saw Huang Xiaolong’s double fists blasting out, the fists were over, and everything was shattered. They all belonged to chaos and nothingness. They were truly transformed into nothingness, and they were much stronger than the source of Yuanyuan.

The source of thousands of lines, the source of the source of the source of the source, was suddenly bombarded by Huang Xiaolong, shattered.

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