Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2699: Ghosts and prison gates

The yin dynasty nodded: "Like the enchanting huang Xiaolong, don't leave it in a day, don't say that you are a brother, it is my yin family."

He knows that with Huang Xiaolong's growth rate and combat power, if Huang Xiaolong continues to grow up, I am afraid that the boundary river will soon be unified. When the Yin and Yi people will become the target of Huang Xiaolong, this celebration, he must first remove Huang Xiaolong!

The middle-aged man, whose breath is even more amazing than the Yin Yu Wang, said: "Flying swallows, how are you doing now?"

The sorrowful Wang Wenyan sneered: "She has already poisoned my haze, but she is strong. When she gets married, she will be completely psychedelic by my haze, when I **** it. Her mysterious girl Yuanyin!"

"This time, I can get the body of this mysterious woman, but also because of the wind brother!" The Yin Yu Wang grateful to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man known as the wind broke his hand: "I did not expect to encounter a mysterious woman in this sacred world. Unfortunately, because of practicing a certain avenue, I cannot devour her mysterious female yin. However, after you **** the Yuanyin of this female mysterious woman, the strength will advance, and don't forget to promise me!"

The yin king hurriedly said: "This is nature, how can the savage dare to deceive the wind brother!"

Outsiders, everyone said that the ancestors of the Yin and Qian dynasty were the yin king. In fact, the name of the yin **** is called yin.

The middle-aged man who broke the wind nodded, and he did not dare to deceive him.

At this time, he said: "I heard that the relationship between Feiyanzi and Huang Xiaolong is somewhat embarrassing. This time, the Yinxiong brother and the flying swallow are married, but I am afraid that Huang Xiaolong is also the reason."

The sulky king sneer: "It’s a pity, but this kid doesn’t know the goods. If he knows that the swallows are the mysterious women of countless sacred circles in the heavens, they will regret it now, but they are all late, waiting for the big wedding day. I suppressed him, and then sucked on the mysterious female Yuanyin of the flying swallows. At that time, no one could stop me from the unified river, the exotic, the holy road!"

He laughed and said: "When the sorrowful Wang brothers unify the river, the foreign world, the holy world, don't forget my little old man."

The sorrowful king laughed: "This is nature. The three of us are from the Wuzu Tao system. They are also brothers of the same class. They are suffering together and sharing happiness!"


Huang Xiaolong and others did not stay in the Dragon Fish family for a long time. They continued their journey the next day and went to the Yinsong.

The Yin dynasty is in the extreme north of the boundary river and is far away from the dragon fish family.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong and others rushed past the arowana family, and it took about half a month. Huang Xiaolong calculated the time. They just happened to catch up with the celebration of the Yin people.

Nothing on the road.

Ten days later, Huang Xiaolong and others entered the haze area where the Yin people lived.

Before, Huang Xiaolong and others did not feel anything, but once they entered the haze, they felt the cohesive force and power of the haze.

I saw the sky over the haze, everywhere from the aliens, the strong people from the border river, everywhere is a spaceship, there are rare mounts and beasts, but these strong people from all over the world, across the river, into the yin After the floodplain, all of them were afraid and quiet, and they rarely saw someone dare to fight in the shadowy waters. Even if there were, there were very few.

It can be seen that the powerful deterrent power of the Yin people.

We must know that the Yin people only stipulate that they cannot fight in the major cities of the Yin dynasty. However, the strong people of these families who come to the Haze area are only outside the major cities and do not dare to fight.

This is because of the fear of the Yin family.


At this time, suddenly, seeing a spaceship flying over, Zidongping was shocked.

I saw a spaceship flying above, the ship's body, there are countless evil spirits and Buddha paintings, the hull side, showing evil, and the other side, showing the details.

"I didn't expect even the ghost family to come to the celebration of the Yin people!" Long Shengtian was also surprised.

The ghost family is one of the oldest ethnic groups in the world. It is older than the exotic Jinzen, the demon and the Fengyan. It is also older than the foreign house. The ghost family is one of the oldest ancestors of the foreign world. The ghost family disappeared after a long time in the establishment of a foreign government.

To be exact, it is a sudden retreat from the aliens, completely closing the family door, but this time even came to celebrate the Yin family? Or, it is to celebrate the breakthrough of the Yin Yu Wang.

Mo Zhi also looked dignified: "I didn't expect even the ghostly kings of the Ghosts to come. I am afraid that the aliens, the border rivers and the ghosts of the hidden kings will come a lot?"

Everyone swears.

If this is the case, then the resistance will be even greater when confronting the Yin family.

Because these hidden kings usually choose to stand on the side of the Yin people, these hidden kings in order to participate in the celebration of the Yin people, hundreds of millions of miles to come, if you encounter such a mammoth like Huang Xiaolong In the celebration of "noisy", generally choose to shoot Huang Xiaolong.

The crowd continued to fly forward.

Not long after, it was a huge spaceship flying over.

Jiang Heng, the ancestor of the Jurassic family, saw the spaceship and his face changed: "Prison Gate!"

"Prison Gate!" Long Shengtian, Zidong equals people are changing face.

Prison gate! The king of the Holy Land once!

Before the old man of the Cangjie had not broken through the high-ranking ancestor, the ancestral ancestors used to be the most powerful enemy of the old man. Later, the ancestral ancestors left the sacred world and disappeared. Some people said that the prison gate had escaped to the foreign land, and some people said that The prison gate hid in the boundary river.

Although there are people talking about it, no one knows where the prison gate really went.

Today, the prison gate is here!

Undoubtedly, the prison gate is also coming to participate in the celebration of the Yin people.

"Before, there are legends that the ancestors of the prison gate and the yin dynasty have a good relationship. It seems to be true?" Long Shengtian Shen Shen.

Everyone is silent again.

Huang Xiaolong is a calm, staring at the spaceship where the prison gate is far away, his eyes are cold.

It seems that the face of the yin dynasty is really big enough, even the ghosts and the prison gates are coming.

However, this time, no matter who blocks him, he will shoot horizontally and flatten!

The crowd continued to fly.

Later, the people saw several hidden ancient powerhouses or spaceships. These ancient hidden forces, although not as good as ghosts and prison gates, were once powerful in the alien and boundary rivers. The strength is not weaker than the current aliens, some of the kings of the boundary river.

Looking at the darkness of the darkness, Huang Xiaolong pointed to the front of the city: "We used to rest in the city before the night, and we will hurry tomorrow."

The day after tomorrow is the celebration of the Yin people, and they will be able to catch it tomorrow.

Huang Xiaolong opened, and everyone naturally obeyed.

So everyone entered the front of the city.

"This is the ancient city of the Yin dynasty. The ancient city and the yin city are the two largest cities in the Yin dynasty." Long Jianfei explained to Huang Xiaolong.

As the ancestor of the arowana family, he is no stranger to this ancient city.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, and walked with everyone, and then let the Jurassic ancestor Jiang Heng first go to the place where he lived. Jiang Heng respectfully took the lead, just when Huang Xiaolong and everyone walked, suddenly, a woman was chased and panicked. Passed through Huang Xiaolong.

The woman was about to leave. Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong reached out and took the woman down.

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