Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2710: Battle of the world

Looking at the more intense and brighter light of the underground caves, Yuan Baifei and others smiled.

Then, a golden dragon emptiness came out of the air, hovering up, straight into the nine days, the world is moving, all over the sky are under the shadow of this golden dragon, a golden light.

The enveloped Longwei, which impacts the entire yin basin, inundates the countless main cities of the Yin dynasty, and countless continents.

Under the circumstance of this dragon, even the strong people of all ethnic groups who had previously fled to the edge of the haze basin to participate in the celebrations were not suffocated.

It is the source of Baifei, the Jinchao ancestors and so on, as well as the chaos of the Chaoshan King, even the six ancestors of the ancestors, the ancestors of the prison, the ghost ancestors are no exception.

Broken wind, the yin king looked at each other, and all of them saw the other side stunned.

"This is?!" The wind blew at the golden dragon on the nine days, and I felt more and more familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Broken brother, we are the strongest blow?!" At this time, the Yin Wang began.

When the wind broke, I nodded and looked nodded.

Previously, both of them still retain their strength, but now it seems that the two must do their best.

The two men’s robes are windless and automatic, and the body shines brightly, making people dare not look straight, and the horrible atmosphere is constantly spreading in the two.

Feeling the horror of the two like the prison and the power of horror in the body, Mo Zhi, Long Shengtian and others are not shocked, this is the real strength of the ancestor high-ranking strong?

In front of the two kings of the yin and sorrow, the master of the alien government, the first master of the six ancestors, was completely unable to rebel, because the gap between the two sides was too great.

Finally, the two people climbed to the peak, the yin king, the wind and the two at the same time, suddenly slammed into the most intense part of the hole.


The heart of heaven and earth seems to have twitched.

The black light of horror, the red light alternates, fills the heavens and the earth, and blasts the underground caverns with the tide of falling into the sea!

This time it is really bombing!

If someone is outside the boundary river, you can see the central part of the boundary river, a black and red air vortex penetrates from the other side of the boundary river, and directly blasts into the alien starry sky.

The air is rolling, everything is turned into nothingness.

The power of destruction spreads to the heavens and the earth.

Throughout the boundary river, countless river basins have been swayed by this horrible airstream. Numerous strong people in all river basins can feel the violent turmoil of the boundary river, especially in some watersheds close to the haze, even more like the collapse of the river. Millions of waves, heavy waves beat each other, some main cities on the edge of the haze basin have cracks.

As for the main city in the haze basin, all collapsed, and some even turned into ruins or powder.

For a long time, the whirlpool of the air wave stopped, and then slowly dissipated, the turbulent boundary river slowly recovered, and the huge waves of the boundary river fell back to the river.

Everything is calm.

The old man, the source of Baifei, the Jinchao ancestors and so on, the horror of the wind and the horror of the two kings, are also staring at Huang Xiaolong’s bottomless hole.

This time, Huang Xiaolong was really scrapped? Will there be no more miracles?

One minute, two minutes, five minutes passed!

Still no movement.

Mo Zhi, Long Shengtian, Zidong equal face is ugly.

Huang Xiaolong will not be true?

Broken wind, the two kings of the Yin and Han are frowning. Although it is said that this time has not been so long, but the two are not happy, the two souls covered, can not find the traces and atmosphere of Huang Xiaolong?

Huang Xiaolong seems to have disappeared completely! Completely disappeared from the Haze!

Although the two have great confidence in their own joint attack, they still have no confidence in the extent to which Huang Xiaolong can be annihilated. Huang Xiaolong has an inexhaustible heart, the body of the avenue, and the soul of the Three Avenues. It is impossible to kill Huang Xiaolong with a trace of slag.

Just when the two were in doubt, suddenly, nine days above, the golden light was poured, and a figure appeared above nine days.

Everyone is looking at it, not Huang Xiaolong?

I saw Huang Xiaolong volleying, and behind the gold dragon's virtual shadow appeared, the gold dragon virtual shadow seems to be more solid and more awkward.

Huang Xiaolong is like the **** of the nine-day golden dragon, and his body is not reduced.

"This, how is it possible?!" The old man, the source of Baifei, the Jinchao ancestors and others were shocked.

Looking far away, Huang Xiaolong seems to be fine?

How could it be ok!

Under the continuous blow of the wind, the combination of the two high-ranking ancestors of the yin king, how can it be okay! And the bombardment that was just a blow to the world has not only failed to ruin Huang Xiaolong, it seems to be strong?

Huang Xiaolong’s breath seems to be a little stronger?

Is it their illusion and hallucination?

In fact, this is not their illusion and illusion. Under the wind and the sinister kings, they have not only seriously injured Huang Xiaolong, but also made the blood of Huanghuanglong in the body of Huang Xiaolong more awakened!

Huang Xiaolong was also surprised to discover that his blood of the creation of Huanglong was beaten by the power of the wind and the king of the yin, but he awakened the power he had never discovered before. When his body suffered a strong attack, the creation of Huanglong The blood can actually transform the power of this powerful attack, and then used by Huang Xiaolong?

Therefore, just after the wind was broken, the number of the two kings of the yin dynasty was strong and the attack was not strong. Huang Xiaolong was not only okay, but the breath was stronger.

Huang Xiaolong's eyes swept away, watching the dragon sword flying buried in the gravel, and then coldly watching the wind and the yin king.

The Yin dynasty had two ancestor high-orders, which surprised him and accidents. However, Huang Xiaolong ignited the arrogant war, the blade of the sky and the flying gun appeared, his body flashed, and the wind was broken. People attacked.

Huang Xiaolong attacked the wind with a blade of the sky and attacked the scorpion king with a flying gun.

At the same time, the Cangwu Dao Palace and the octagonal wild animal are standing on the top of the head and the whole body.

Although it is said that the blood of the creation of Huanglong can transform the strength of the two people, but the power after transformation is very small, and the two people have a strong blow, the pain, the pain of the bone marrow, so Huang Xiaolong is still calling out the Cangwu Tao Palace and the octagonal wild animal Ring body protection.


With Huang Xiaolong and the wind breaking, the battle of the yin king, above the sky, the power of destruction continues to roll.

This banging sound is like a thunder of the world, and it is constantly resounding through the haze.

The rivers of the boundary river will pick up thousands of waves, and everything will be destroyed.

Mo Zhi, Long Shengtian, Zidong Equality people with a dragon sword fly back and retreat, old, source Baifei and others also exit the haze basin.

The people looked at the three people killed in the distance, full of shocks, for the wind, the strength of the two kings of the Yin and Han, and Huang Xiaolong alone shocked the two ancestor high-order and shocked.

"Old, do we want to?" Yuan Baifei suddenly confronted the old man, his eyes looked at Mo Zhi, Long Shengtian and others, that is, whether or not to take action with Mo Zhi and others.

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