Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2729: Chu Fan Holy Land

"Cangwu Daogong!"

When I saw Huang Xiaolong’s hands in the Cangwu Dao Palace, Wang Xueru and the disciples of the Cangwu Holy Land were all in unison, and they were astonished. Even Chu Zhouyun in the distance and the disciples of the Chufan Holy Land were also surprised.

"You are?!" Wang Xueru then looked at Huang Xiaolong with amazement.

She listened to his master, the old man, who said that he used to have an ancestral tract, called the Cangwu Daogong, and the sacred sacred place was named after it. However, the ancestral Taoist temple was in his body called Huang Xiaolong.

But his master, the old man, is not saying that this Huang Xiaolong is not in the sacred world?

"Huang Xiaolong." Huang Xiaolong opened his mouth and looked at Wang Xueru's expression. It should be that his master and the other party mentioned himself.

Sure enough, Wang Xueru was shocked: "You, you are the master's pro-disciple, Huang Xiaolong!"

She is talented and can be a pro-disciple under any of the main gates of the Holy Land. But the old man of the sky only accepts her as a disciple, because the old man has received a pro-disciple, and is a disciple, the old man said. He only accepts one pro-disciple, so she can only be a registered disciple.

Over the years, she has been curious about what this is called Huang Xiaolong. In the end, what kind of talent is there, she can win the favor of her master, the old man, and accept it as a pro-disciple.

So, after being surprised, she carefully observed Huang Xiaolong.

However, she found that this human race young man seems to have nothing special except to be handsome. And the realm is lower than her own. She is the mid-eighth middle of the holy world, and this Huang Xiaolong is only the beginning of the holy world!

She could not help but be disappointed.

Just as Wang Xueru was disappointed in the heart, Chu Zhouyun, who was flying by the swallows, was angry and said: "You are all the holy places, the boy, you are the pro-disciple of the old man? I don't care where you came from. Come, I want you to come over and confess to me, and ask me to forgive, otherwise, you are dead, and your holy land is dead!"

The more he said, the more angry he was.

The vast sacred place, a newly rising holy place, including the old people of the sky, only a few masters of the ancestor, if they want to destroy the holy land, it is not difficult.

Now, I don’t know where the populist’s pro-disciples have come out, and they have seriously hurt themselves!

Chu Zhouyun said in the end, angered Huang Xiaolong: "You are not coming over!"

However, when he had just finished speaking, he was directly bombarded by a punch. This time, it was the whole flying, smashing up many unknown mountains, and then falling into a stinky swamp.

The shot is Zidongping.

In addition to flying swallows, among the people, he is the weakest. It is natural to solve this kind of shrimp and shrimp.

"Zhou Yun brother!" The disciples of the Chu Fan Holy Land exclaimed and rushed to the stinking mud.

Wang Xueru and the disciples of the sacred places are horrified.

Wang Xueru looked at Zidongping, and his eyes were obviously surprised. Another ancestor? Apparently, she did not expect that there were two masters of ancestor around Huang Xiaolong. From the previous shot, Zidongping and Feiyanzi should be masters of the ancestor.

She was somewhat puzzled. She couldn't think of the conditions of Huang Xiaolong. She actually moved two masters of the first ancestor to follow him to protect him.

You must know, please move the masters of the ancestors, but it is not cheap, even if it is a master of the ancestors is not cheap.

I heard that some super-large commerce associations in the sacred world also rented masters of the ancestors. The cost is calculated in days, and how many pieces of holy spirit jade a day.

In doubt, Wang Xueru hesitated, and said to Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Shixiong, this Chu Zhouyun, he is a pro-disciple of the veteran of the Chufan Holy Land. His master's position in the veterans of the Chufan Holy Land is quite high."

Although she did not say it clearly, she undoubtedly secretly reminded Huang Xiaolong that it would be best if she could not sin.

Huang Xiaolong couldn’t hear the meaning of Wang Xueru’s words, but Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: “Nothing, a Chufan holy place.”

The main gate of the Chu Fan Holy Land, a ancestor of the seventh mid-term peak, only to say that with the current strength of Huang Xiaolong, to clean up the ancestors of the seven mid-term peaks, is just a slap in the face?

Wang Xueru heard the words, but it was a wrinkle. Her master, a pro-disciple, was not high in the realm, but his tone was so arrogant that even the Chu Fan Holy Land was not in his eyes.

I really don't know if her master really fancy this guy, but she is a pro-disciple, and she is a disciple. She must know that even her master, the old man, dare not despise the Chufan holy land.

Thinking of this, her feelings about Huang Xiaolong could not help but be a little bad.

Her impression of Huang Xiaolong is that she is ignorant, arrogant and ignorant.

"The master of the Chufan Holy Land, he is a master of the seven ancestors of the ancestors!" Wang Xueru could not help but remind Huang Xiaolong that, in her opinion, Huang Xiaolong was arrogant and ignorant. It should be because he had just come to the sacred world and did not understand the holy place of Chu Fan.

Huang Xiaolong listened to Wang Xueru's kind reminder, but smiled: "I know."

Wang Xueru stunned and looked at Huang Xiaolong with a strange look.

At this time, Chu Zhouyun was rescued from the stinking mud by the disciples of the Chu Fan Holy Land. His face was pale and bloodless, and it was not known whether it was purple or flat.

"You, you!" Chu Zhouyun's eyes are going to spurt out the fire, and the heart is killing.

"No more nonsense, kill you." Huang Xiaolong indifferent.

Chu Zhouyun sneaked, and then sneered: "Okay, good, your holy land is very good!"

"let's go!"

In the end, he endured anger and killing, and flew away with the disciples of the Chu Fan Holy Land.

Wang Xueru looked at Chu Zhouyun who was away from the anger and sighed: "This time, I am afraid to offend the holy place of Chu Fan!"

"If the Chufan holy land is not interesting, it will be destroyed." Huang Xiaolong did not care.

Wang Xueru listened to Huang Xiaolong’s breath and the cows were in the sky.

"Destroy the holy place of Chu Fan? Just you, a holy place nine?" Wang Xueru could not help but air.

"Just me." Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Wang Xueru was speechless and speechless. The disciples of the sacred places also looked at Huang Xiaolong strangely. If they thought that Huang Xiaolong was a pro-disciple of their doorkeeper, they had already ridiculed.

Naturally, Huang Xiaolong’s impression of these disciples of the sacred places is also very bad.

"We are now in the past, the Thunderfire Holy Peak to participate in the Fengyun Sanctuary, you? Are you going to see the master or?" Strong self-pressing fire, Wang Xueru asked Huang Xiaolong.

"I came over and went to the Fengyun Congregation." Huang Xiaolong said: "When I was in the sacred place, I met several disciples of the world. They said that at the Fengyun Congregation, Tang Jin and Yuan Yue would be unfavorable to you."

Wang Xueru said, this is not a coincidence that Huang Xiaolong came over the ice blue holy land. She knew that she was dangerous, so she came to help her.

She was not very good at Huang Xiaolong's senses. Now, when I hear it, my heart is not warm.

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