Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2740: Back to the sky

Huang Xiaolong blasted Zeng Changwang with a fist and took one of his palms. He did not look at it and threw it into the palace of Cangwu.

There is another soul in the Cangwu Dao Palace!

Only after he broke through the ancestor.

Waiting, the speed of up to seven people watching Zeng Changwang's soul was taken by Huang Xiaolong, and then suppressed into the Cangwu Road Palace, still staying, for a long time no response.

Wang Xueru, the disciples of the sacred place are even more awkward.

Before, although they had seen the eight people of Heba being bombarded by Huang Xiaolong, but Heba was the peak of the four ancestors, but Zeng Changwang was the beginning of the seventh ancestor!

The body of Zeng Changwang’s first ancestor’s ancestors was definitely a hundred times stronger than Heba’s! Even a hundred times more! However, it is still bombarded by Huang Xiaolong!

Even the wind broke off, and Mo Zhi and others saw that Zeng Changwang was beaten by Huang Xiaolong, and they were all shocked.

To know that in the sacred world, Huang Xiaolong’s attack is strong, but it is impossible to blast a high-ranking ancestor. Now that Huang Xiaolong has come to the sacred world, the attack seems to be much stronger. !

In fact, the wind, Mozhi and others think that right, after entering the sacred world, Huang Xiaolong's creation of the blood in the body is stronger, and the strength of the heavens and the earth can be stronger with the help of the sacred world. The attack is much higher than the sacred world.

Of course, this is also because Huang Xiaolong broke through to the holy place, and after breaking through the ninefold of the Holy Land, Huang Xiaolong’s combat power, attack power, and the body of the avenue all improved a lot in all aspects, and the wind broke, Mo Zhi and others on Huang Xiaolong’s The cognition of strength still stays in front of the Huang Xiaolong Holy Land.

After all, after Huang Xiaolong broke through the ninefold of the Holy Land, he and the Xiaotian of the Tiandao Island played against each other, and the wind broke out, and Mo Zhi and others did not see it.

However, although Huang Xiaolong’s attack power is now terrifying, it can only blast the early ancestors of Zeng Changwang, and in the early days of the ancestor’s seven-year-old high-handedness, Zeng Changwang’s avenue is not strong, and the defense Not high, otherwise, Huang Xiaolong can not be blasted.

After Huang Xiaolong suppressed Zengchangwang’s soul, he did not continue to shoot, but stopped and gave the waiting for the seven people to digest.

After a long time, Waiting, the speed of up to seven people seems to finally come back from the shock, the seven turned around, looked at Huang Xiaolong with amazement, pale face.

"You, is the old disciple of the old man?!" Waiting for the trembling.

The old man of the sky, the early ancestors of the seven heavy, did not have such a strong combat power?

Most of the old people in the sky are a little stronger than Zeng Changwang, but Huang Xiaolong is more powerful!

"Yes, the old man is my master, I am his disciple." Huang Xiaolong is light, this is nothing to hide.

I heard that Huang Xiaolong personally confirmed that it was a pro-disciple of the old man of the Cangwu. Waiting for the court, the speed of the seven people was complicated and inexplicable. In the shock, there was fear and retreat.

Yes, it is retreating.

Waiting for the court, the speed of seven people began to retreat, a little back.

"I advise you not to escape!" Huang Xiaolong looked at the court, and the speed of the seven people secretly moved, indifferently reminded: "Escape, only one end, just like Zeng Changwang just now!"

Huang Xiaolong’s words, like the cold wind, the desire to escape the plan, the speed of seven people could not help but stop, his face was ugly.

"I will give you two minutes to consider, vote for me, or choose to be the same as Zeng Changwang, Heba, I was blown." Huang Xiaolong continued.

Broken wind, Mo Zhi, Long Jianfei and others locked the waiting court, and the speed reached seven. As long as the seven people were slightly different, they would not hesitate to stop.

Wang Xueru, all the disciples of the Holy Land, also looked at the seven people in the waiting.


At this time, in the distance, a group of ice blue sacred masters and disciples rushed over here, thinking that the movements of Huang Xiaolong and Zeng Changwang had disturbed the disciples around the ice blue holy land.

Waiting looked at the disciples around the ice blue holy land, his eyes flickering.

"There is still a minute!" At this time, Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice sounded.

Huang Xiaolong stared coldly at the ice blue sacred doorkeeper, and the other side's careful thoughts, he would not know, the other party is trying to take advantage of the ice blue sacred disciple to attack him, and then flee.

Feeling the killing and cold eyes of Huang Xiaolong, the original imperial court of the ice blue holy land was not tight.


In the Ice Blue Holy Land, the main court, after measuring the chance of his escape, was equal to a few tenths of a percent, and finally chose to invest in Huang Xiaolong.

Seeing that the court is effective, the unwilling Yang Shengda and others eventually contributed to Huang Xiaolong.

Wang Xueru, the disciples of the Cangwu Holy Land looked at Houting, Yang Suida and others respectfully called Huang Xiaolong as the young master, watching the court of the ice blue holy land in front of Huang Xiaolong respectful as a slave, naturally it is shock and silly stay.

Waiting for the first half of the ancestors! In charge of the ice blue sacred land for countless years, both identity and status, power and strength are much higher than the old people of the sky.

Now, in front of Huang Xiaolong, he is as good as a cat.

Long Jianfei, the wind and other people saw the seven people in the court to be effective, but not surprised and unexpected, in the heart of Long Jianfei, this is normal, as for the previous Zeng Changwang, Heba and others, choose to resist Huang Xiaolong, that is not normal .

As a child of creation, Huang Xiaolong is controlled by him sooner or later. He will be above the sentient beings sooner or later, but I am the only one.

In the future, let alone the masters of the ancestors, it is the Taoist sacredness of the sacred world. All the sacred sacred sages will be the princes of Huang Xiaolong.

The seven people in the court can now follow Huang Xiaolong, which is a blessing.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong planted a brand in the seven souls of the court.

After accepting the seven people in the waiting court, Huang Xiaolong did not stay in the ice blue holy place, and he and Wang Xueru and others left the ice blue holy land, and then returned to the holy land.

As for the seven people in the court, Huang Xiaolong did not let it follow, and told him to handle the ice blue holy land.

On the road, Huang Xiaolong asked Wang Xueru about some recent developments in the old people of the sky and the holy places of the sky.

"What do you mean by saying that the first ancestors of the sacred sacred place dedicated to the cultivation resources that have recently been devastated by the holy land?" Huang Xiaolong frowned when he heard that Wang Xueru said that the first ancestors of the sacred sacred place dedicated to the cultivation of resources in the recent sacred sites.

"Yes, Chen Birui has a few people who are arrogant and often squander the cultivation resources of our vast holy places." Wang Xueru mentioned this matter, and he was somewhat angrily: "And, they told Master that they have always been guilty of yin and said a set. Doing a set in the back, they not only have no help for the holy land, but a big locust in the vast land."

"Master doesn't know this?" Huang Xiaolong asked Wang Xueru.

Wang Xuezhu said: "Master knows, however, in order to retain the ancestors of Chen Birui, the Master’s actions for them are just one eye and one eye."

It seems that the situation of the sacred place is worse than what he thought. Huang Xiaolong shook his head. His master, the old man, wanted to let Chen Birui and others stay in the vast sacred place, so that Chen Berry and others would do so for the sake of the growth of the holy land.

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