Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2742: Cooperation

"I have seen Wang Xueru's sister!"

"Wang Xueru Shijie!"

After Wang Xueru and Huang Xiaolong entered the city, along the way, the disciples of the sacred places continued to respect Wang Xueru. It can be seen that these disciples are respectful to Wang Xueru from the heart.

However, these disciples see Wang Xueru respectfully standing next to Huang Xiaolong, apparently with doubts.

Huang Xiaolong smiled at Wang Xueru: "It seems that you are usually welcomed by these disciples."

Wang Xueru smiled somewhat cautiously.

"Yeah, little master, you don't know, Wang Shijie is usually in the eyes of our disciples in the vast holy land, that is the goddess, she can be popular." A disciple of the sacred place can not help.

Other disciples in the sacred place are also your words. I am praising Wang Xueru, saying that Wang Xueru is the first beauty of the sacred place, which makes Wang Xueru embarrassed.

However, if you look at the appearance, this Wang Xueru is indeed very good, although not more than flying swallows, but also do not have a pretty, pleasing kind.

Along the main street of Cangwu City, Huang Xiaolong watched the architecture of the road. Many buildings in the Cangwu City retain some styles of the sacred sacred world. However, there are few shops and restaurants, most of which are the residences of some disciples or family.

In the city, there are few battles. This is the main city of the sacred land. Some family or other holy places are not too arrogant, and there are common law enforcement disciples in the sacred places.

However, these law enforcement disciples are not high in strength. They are all semi-holy. The leader is a sacred place. Huang Xiaolong secretly shakes his head and sees that the foundation of the sacred place is still too weak.

Just as Huang Xiaolong secretly observed the Cangwu City, a group of disciples of the sacred place came on the head. The young man headed looked at Wang Xueru and smiled and said: "Hey, this is not Wang Xueru." The voice was scornful. When looking at Wang Xueru, his eyes were not pure. .

Wang Xueru did not pay attention to the other party. He said to Huang Xiaolong: "It is Chen Birui's pro-disciple Li Fuyang."

Huang Xiaolong nodded. When the other party appeared, he guessed it.

Next to Li Fuyang, the other three disciples should be the pro-disciples of the other three ancestors, Qi Dong, Wang Junqi and Zhang Sen.

As for the disciples of the sacred places behind the four, they are followers of four.

Li Fuyang came to Wang Xueru, Huang Xiaolong and others, and Wang Xueru did not pay attention to himself. Instead, he leaned into the ear of Huang Xiaolong and said something to Huang Xiaolong. The color of his eyes was flashing.

Soon, Li Fuyang, Ji Dong, Wang Junqi, Zhang Sen and others came to Wang Xueru, Huang Xiaolong and others.

Li Fuyang raised his head slightly higher and looked at Wang Xueru: "Wang Xueru, I remember, you should now participate in the Fengyun Congregation at the Holy Light of the Holy Land of the Ice Blue. Do you dare not follow the order and escaping back with the disciples? Participate in the Fengyun Festival?"

Listening to Li Fuyang's tone of asking for sin, Wang Xueru's face was indifferent: "I have not participated in the Fengyun Congregation, and I still can't take you to discipline. Li Fuyang, you have to remember your identity, and your Master is not the owner of the Holy Land!"

Li Fuyang heard the words, sneer, and did not continue to entangle on this issue, but looked at Huang Xiaolong and looked at the flying swallows around Huang Xiaolong.

In fact, just in the distance, he noticed the flying swallows, and the flying swallow gave him a very amazing feeling. Now, when he looks closer, he is even more amazing, and he can see the heart in his heart.

"I don't know what the brother and the girl call it?" Li Fuyang smiled at Huang Xiaolong and Feiyanzi: "Which family is a disciple? Under Li Fuyang."

Speaking of this, it seems that I am afraid that my self-introduction is not clear enough, and added: "My master Chen Birui is the first offering of the Holy Land!"

Huang Xiaolong looked at the other side and said indifferently: "Let it open!"

Li Fuyang stunned and did not seem to understand the meaning of Huang Xiaolong.

"Kid, you didn't hear clearly?" Long Jianfei looked at Li Fuyang, and said coldly: "My family is less letting you let go, so the dog is not in the way!"

This time, Li Fuyang and others are listening clearly.

When Li Fuyang heard it, his face suddenly gloomy.

"Kid, here is Cangwu City, you better not." Li Fuyang said.

However, when he just said this, Huang Xiaolong interrupted: "The palm of your hand!"

As Huang Xiaolong's voice fell, Zidongping smashed the past, and then Li Fuyang screamed and was shot.

Li Fuyang's side of Jidong, Wang Junqi, Zhang Sen and the three followers of a large group of Cangjing holy disciples have stayed, staring at the Fei Fei, rolling to the side of Li Fuyang.

Usually in the vast land of Cangwu, because of his master Chen Birui, Li Fuyang can almost be said to be one person, above the thousands of disciples, in the vast land of the sacred is walking, even Wang Xueru met this Li Fuyang to avoid, usually only Li Fuyang slapped other disciples For a share, he was once slapped, and he was in public.

Li Fuyang was also beaten by this palm. He rolled to the side and felt his mind scream. When he got up from the ground, he couldn't believe it and touched the hot face of the burning pain.

"You, you!" Li Fuyang was shocked and angry, and his heart was filled with violent killings and shameful shame.

But in the end, he did not shoot, he calmed down, he was the late nine-fold sacred place, but was flung by Zi Dongping, and there was no reaction, which shows that Zidongping is? !

Li Fuyang took a deep breath and tried to suppress the killing in his heart.

"Let's go!" Huang Xiaolong looked at the other party indifferently, then took the flying swallows, Long Jianfei and others to leave, Wang Xueru followed Huang Xiaolong, and when Li Fuyang was around, he saw Li Fuyang being swollen and swollen like a pig's face, she and the sky. The disciples of the Holy Land participating in the Fengyun Congregation will not hate it.

In the past, due to the command of the old man, Wang Xueru was tolerant of the entangled Li Fuyang. He had long been disgusted with this Li Fuyang. Now, Huang Xiaolong is taking a breath for her and her disciples.

Waiting for Huang Xiaolong, Feiyanzi, Wang Xueru and others to go far, Jidong, Wang Junqi, Zhang Sen and the disciples who followed him came to Li Fuyang.

"Lee brother, we?" Yan Dong looked at the ugly Li Fuyang, hesitated, and said.

Li Fuyang stared at Huang Xiaolong, Fei Yanzi, Wang Xueru and others to go back, his face said: "Let's go back and see my master!"

Jidong and others nodded.

At this time, within a luxurious palace in Cangwu City, Chen Birui, with his face full of beards, and the other five offerings are sitting together talking about something.

"Chen Xiong, I see, it will not be long before the Tanglong Holy Land and the cold desert holy land will be on the ancient land of the sacred sacred land. This sacred place can't stay, and we will leave after a few days?" Cheng Yueyang said.

"Yes, we don't have to stay in the vast land of the sky, and die with the old people of the sky." Another honor for Gao Chen.

Chen Birui heard the words and smiled: "Leave? Why are we leaving?"

Cheng Yueyang, Gao Chen several people look at each other.

“What does Chen Xiong mean?” Cheng Yueyang asked.

"We can just cooperate with the Tanglong Holy Land, the cold desert holy place." Chen Birui smiled and said: "Tang Long Holy Land, the cold desert holy land they just want to treasure the treasures." And he wants the position of the gatekeeper of the vast holy land.

(stomach is uncomfortable, one more)

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