Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2749: Another holy demon?

Cheng Yueyang, who is close to Chen Birui, a few people in Gao Chen, was directly stunned and turned, and his eyes turned white. It is estimated that even relatives and mothers are in front of them, they can not recognize it for a while.

The explosion of an early ancestor's four-time master, the impact, is extremely horrible, just like a small bomb blasting beside the mortal.

Even the first ancestors of the three great holy places were blown up and flew, and some of the three holy places were evasive, and they were blown up with blood and blood.

A scream.

It is Tang Long, Han Mo, Chu Yifan, such as the ancestor high-order, but also shocked left and right, then left and then right, it looks like awkward.

Far away, watching the play behind, or wanting to smash the cheap, the heavenly masters, all the people exclaimed: "What?!"

They looked at this scene of sudden change, dumbfounded.

Ren Yifei, a disciple around Zhuxu, bites his tongue and almost bites and hurts. This is a pain that is painful and unforgettable for a lifetime.

Huang Xiaolong took a photo with one hand and took Chen Buri’s soul to escape. He held Chen Bili’s soul and looked at the fearful look on his face. Huang Xiaolong looked cold and indifferent: “I keep your dog. Life, let you live to this day, is to solve them with Tang Long, save me two more hands!"

"I am not a casual person, I have two more hands on your waste!"

The voice of Huang Xiaolong rang through the sky above Cangwu City and clearly spread into every corner of Cangwu City. He not only wanted Tang Long, Han Mo, Cheng Yueyang and others to hear clearly, but also wanted to let the front look good and want to look around. The masters of the great holy places can hear clearly, and they must also make the sorrows and shrinkages in the Cangwu City, and listen to the disciples of the sacred places.

He wants everyone to hear clearly.

Let everyone know that in his eyes, the existence of Chen Birui, that is, the clown, is no different from waste!

When Huang Xiaolong’s voice was clearly passed into everyone’s ears, everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong dumbly, unbelievable, incredible, shocking, shocked, and stunned.

Even Tang Long, Han Mo, Chu Yifan three people are equally shocked.

A fist hit the end of the four ancestors of Chen Birui?

Even if they are, they can't do it!

Even if they are also blasting Chen Birui!

But Huang Xiaolong has exploded! A small holy place is nine-fold, and the **** has smashed Chen Birui!

Is Huang Xiaolong stronger than them? A sacred place is nine, even better than their first ancestor seven masters?

Do not!

They are shocked, feared, guessed, not believed, and they don't believe in death.

Li Fuyang, who was just excited, was blown up by the explosion. After stopping, he ignored the blood in the Seven Miles, but looked at the soul of his master Chen Birui who was taken by Huang Xiaolong in his hand.

He trembled and looked silly.

Being scared!

"This, will not be acting?" Far away, Ren Yifei of the heavenly holy places asked for food.

The masters of his masters, Tiantianmen, couldn’t help but give him a foot.

acting? Even if the acting is not played like this, who will take the body of his own boulevard to the other side to blast to play? And even if it is acting, it is also a real drama, Huang Xiaolong punches Chen Birui is true.

In the eyes of Chen Birui's fear of fear and forgiveness, Huang Xiaolong threw it into the palace of Cangwu Dao, first suppressed it, and broke through the ancestor, and then started eating one by one.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Cheng Yueyang, who had just been blown up, and Gao Chen, five people: "It’s your turn to have five of you. Do you want me to shoot five people, or come to die for yourself?"

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are full of indifference, full of condescending, full of killing and full of disregard.

If it was before, Cheng Yueyang, Gao Chen five people will definitely be angry, can not help but shot Huang Xiaolong pinch, but now, the five people are horrified and retreat, can not help but panic.

The five people retired to the Tang Dynasty's three great holy places, it seems that this can make them feel safe.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he smiled coldly: "You still think that Tang Long can shelter you? Their end will be the same as you."

Tang Long, cold desert, Chu Yifan and others heard the words, his face was ugly.

"Kid, you are less **** fart here!" At this time, the ancestors of a Tanglong Holy Land couldn't help but yell at Huang Xiaolong: "I don't believe, you **** can blow me up." !"

He held a long gun and pointed to the chest of Huang Xiaolong, and his body was full of anger.

This ancestor is one of Tang Long’s powerful warfare. It is the beginning of the six ancestors of the first ancestor. To Tang Long’s heart, Tang Long said that he would not pee, he must first fart.

Everyone has a look.

No one expected that the ancestors of this Tanglong Holy Land would take the lead to jump out and anger Huang Xiaolong fucking.

However, Wang Xueru and the disciples of the sacred place returning from the ice blue sacred land looked at the ancestor of the Tanglong Holy Land with pity. Before the ice blue sacred place, even the ancestor’s seven-year-old Zeng Changwang was beaten by Huang Xiaolong. .

This anger refers to Huang Xiaolong's **** ancestors, who can already foresee.

Sure enough, Huang Xiaolong slammed out his fist and punched the sacred place.


Huang Xiaolong boxing force, first hit the other side of the long gun, I saw the other side of the dam, the arranging level of the rifle, the moment was broken, and then, Huang Xiaolong fist force straight into, hit the other side.

Everyone saw that Tang Long’s ancestor’s early six masters, like Chen Birui, had blown up, but it was stronger, more impactful and more horrible than Chen Birui’s fried sound.

The power of the horror of the horror and the aura of heaven and earth swept, violently impacting everything around.

Everyone shunned and screamed.

In the screaming of everyone, Huang Xiaolong took the ancestor's Taoist soul in his hand and looked at the other soul indifferently. Since you don't believe it, then I will **** you.

Huang Xiaolong is in need of killing a few more ancestors of the five ancestors, six to deter the Quartet, and horrified the Quartet.

Just now, Huang Xiaolong blasted Chen Birui with a fist. Although everyone was shocked, although he was shocked, he was more suspicious and unbelievers, but now he is watching the soul of the six masters of the ancestor of Tang Long Holy Land being held by Huang Xiaolong in his hands. Everyone is not pale, it is difficult to hide their fear.

"This, this is too exaggerated? Is it another holy demon?" A sacred landlord who was fascinated by the far-off scene lost his voice.

"No! The Holy Auto can't be so perverted!" Another holy gate, his voice, with a trembling voice.

The Holy Devil, known as the first genius of the Holy Magic Cave, but not so abnormal! When this fact is said from the mouth of the Holy Land, everyone is mad.

Suddenly, everyone has a feeling of coldness in the whole body. Is the air in the holy place so cold?

"Master, I know the card that you said about the holy land." Ren Yifei got up from the ground and gasped for his master Zhu Tianmen.

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