Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2751: The ancestor of the ninety-two ancestors

"Tang Longmen is right, this Huang Xiaolong will destroy the Tanglong Holy Land, the cold and holy place, and will definitely be the next big underground man next time!" After a while, finally, there is a holy landlord standing. Get up, angered: "Everyone is now joining forces with Tang Longmen to remove the hidden danger of Huang Xiaolong!"

"He is also a holy place. Do we have so many ancestors, so many holy places to join hands, and still kill a holy place?"

The voice of the sacred landlord screamed over the sky.

Some of the sacred masters who were eager to move, couldn’t help but look at each other.

"The Greenwood Gate Lord is right. After the Huang Xiaolong hits us and fights back, it will be late. We will join hands and kill Huang Xiaolong!" Another holy landlord stood up and shouted.

These two people are usually in good relationship with Tang Long and Han, so they came out to support Tang Long.

Of course, they do think that Huang Xiaolong is too threatening.

With the beginning of the two, soon, there are some sacred landlords and holy land masters standing out, and willing to join forces with Tang Long and the cold to kill Huang Xiaolong.

Finally, a total of twenty-three ancestors stood up.

This time, the masters of the ancestors who came with the army of the three great holy places have forty or fifty people, which means that half of them who are coming to the market are willing to join forces to get rid of Huang Xiaolong.

"Master, do we want to?" The Yi Yifei asked the masters.

The threads hesitated, and finally they shook their heads, but they did not speak.

When the old man of the sky saw Tang Long, he even said that more than 20 ancestors joined forces, and his face could not help but change. Among the more than 20 ancestors, there were two ancestors and seven ancestors. The other strengths were not weak, and they were all above the middle ancestors.

In this case, isn’t Huang Xiaolong trying to fight more than 80 ancestors? !

Tang Long, the two people in the cold, seeing the heart, but the heart is overjoyed, Tang Long haha ​​laughs, the huge dragon knife in the hand refers to Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong, see it, you will be self-satisfied, you will be surrounded by holy places. Many masters want to kill you." Speaking of this, his face screamed: "You still can't come out, die!"

Huang Xiaolong was a light face, calm face, slowly walked out, glanced at Tang Long, cold desert, and the more than 20 ancestors who stood up and would like to join Tang Long: "Who else wants to kill me? So someone?"

Just a little bit?

Less? !

When everyone heard it, his face was weird.

Huang Xiaolong means that this person is not enough for him to sew?

The eight ancestors of the three great holy places of Tang Long! Plus these twenty more, a total of ninety-two! Ninety-two ancestors, still less?

Tang Long, a cold and cold listener, was furious, and even the two ancestral lords who were willing to join forces with Tang Long were equally angry.

"Yellow Xiaolong, listen to your tone, what you mean is that our ninety-two ancestors are not enough, can you force more than one hundred ancestors?" Tang Long smirked.

Huang Xiaolong looked at each other: "You said yes before, but behind, you said wrong, solve you, I am enough, I don't need my master to shoot."

The master of the holy land is another one.

"One, one person?" Ren Yifei eats.

"This Huang Xiaolong is a madman?" A sacred master couldn't help himself.

Although Huang Xiaolong’s combat power was amazing, but as the saying goes, it’s hard to beat the four hands. Huang Xiaolong wants to fight the 92nd ancestor alone?

This is simply!

People can't describe their thoughts.

A sacred place, to fight the ninety-two ancestors, if this is to spread out, let alone the holy magic hole, it is the entire sacred world to be a giant earthquake.

In the holy magic hole, there was a sacred ancestor who had a sacred ritual. When the holy demon was in the holy place, he challenged the master of the ancestor and even defeated the ancestor. At the time, the news spread, the whole holy magic hole shook, also It was because of that war that the Holy Devil was famous.

However, the Holy Magic Cave has never had a sacred challenge to dozens of ancestors! Not to mention dozens of ancestors, even the Holy Auto, the most once only challenged the four ancestors.

Tang Long haha ​​laughed: "One person? You one, we must fight our ninety-two ancestors? Huang Xiaolong, you dare to swear?"

He is afraid of Huang Xiaolong regret.

Huang Xiaolong slowly walked over to Tang Long: "When you solve ninety-two people, why bother to swear that a few minutes will suffice."

Tang Long heard, "Hey!": "A few minutes? You solve our ninety-two people, only a few minutes?" Speaking of this, and smiling at the cold desert, then, the body shape flashed, Xiaodao: "Don The Dragon Holy Land, the cold desert holy land, and the holy landlords, the first ancestor, we all shot and kill Huang Xiaolong!"

"Let all the masters of the world see if Huang Xiaolong can solve us in just a few minutes!"

Suddenly, Tang Long Holy Land, the masters of the cold and holy places flashed, forming two large arrays, between the two large arrays, the power of the avenue is diffuse and the power is increasing.

The relationship between the Tanglong Holy Land and the cold desert holy land is extremely deep. These two large arrays were studied through two years of actual combat. The two great holy land masters have evolved together to maximize the strength of the two holy places.

The more than 20 ancestors who stood up to get rid of Huang Xiaolong also saw themselves, and the power of the whole body screamed out and blocked the space around Huang Xiaolong.

"Chu Yifan, what are you still hesitating? Still not shooting?!" Tang Long saw that Chu Yifan had no action, and could not help but anger.

Chu Yifan took a deep breath and finally said: "The master of Chu Fan Holy Land listens to the order, the array of Bufanyun Avenue, killing Huang Xiaolong!"

In the end, he chose to join forces with Tang Long, Han Mo and others.

Originally, he still hesitated, but seeing the sacred ancestors of the surrounding holy places to join, can not help but rise up.

As Tang Long said, they have ninety-two ancestors, and they don’t believe that they can kill a dead world!

See Tang Long, Han Mo, Chu Yifan and other ninety-two ancestors each evolved a large array, completely blocking the space around Huang Xiaolong, the group was trapped and killed Huang Xiaolong, everyone felt shocked.

Whether it is the ninety-two ancestors who killed a sacred place, or a sacred place to fight for the ninety-two ancestors, this scene is too shocking.

Seeing Chu Yifan eventually led the Chu Fan Holy Land master to join in, Tang Long finally rest assured.

"Kill!" Looking at the always-looking Huang Xiaolong, Tang Long screamed, the huge dragon knife in his hand slammed down, hehe! Only listen to a sharp dragon screaming, the power of the dragons condensed into a piece of knife screen, such as the sky and the knife wave, one heavy and one heavy, drowning to Huang Xiaolong.

In the hands of the cold desert, the cold desert mountain was lifted up, and it turned into an instant. The black sand grains of one grain and one grain turned into one black meteorite, and they came to Huang Xiaolong, and they were so dense that they could not stop.

Chu Yifan, there are three great sacred masters, and more than twenty ancestors who were later added, almost simultaneously.

At the same time, the ninety-two ancestors shot at the same time, and the space was instantly beaten.

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