Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2963: This power is getting scarier.

However, before the closure of the early harvest, Huang Xiaolong spent a little time using the creation of the brand to control the dozens of masters of the ice-eye family, and from these people's memories, learned the hidden world of the ice-eye.

"Xuanzu, Bingjun." Huang Xiaolong sneered, he will inevitably step on the ice-eyed family, and the two will burst on the spot! And it won't be too long!

If the family of the Ice Eyes does not surrender, then he will extinguish the entire Ice Eyes!

It can also be regarded as a deterrent and vigilance for the sacred avenues of the sacred world. Let the sacred sects of the sacred world also have those hidden old monsters who know that they offend him Huang Xiaolong. His creation son does not need the help of other people’s hands. You are all gone!

In this uninhabited place, Huang Xiaolong opened up a space with the power of the world, and then took out the sun and moon furnace in this space, entered the sun and moon furnace, and went to the tree under the tree in the center of the sun and the moon furnace. .

Looking at the trees in the early days, the eyes are full of crystals, but the people are too early, and Huang Xiaolong is full of joy.

Anyone who sees this too early will be very excited and happy, even if it is seen many times.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong sat down in the tree tree at the beginning of the tree. With one hand, he took one of the first fruit photos and then swallowed it. Then he ran into a parasitic worm and started refining.

At the beginning of the first fruit, it turned into a very powerful and powerful power. The power of the beginning was too embarrassing, and it was like a sea. It was stronger than the 30 initials of Huang Xiaolong's refining.

When Huang Xiaolong refining the beginning of the fruit, the dozens of masters of the Ice Eyes were outside the furnace of the Sun and Moon, and they continued to infiltrate the world with the big furnace of the Sun Moon furnace. The sun and the moon furnaces were in full operation, and the sun and the moon were empty. The brilliance of time and space, the power of these worlds constantly poured into the body of Huang Xiaolong.

time flies.

The blink of an eye has passed for decades.

In these decades, Huang Xiaolong concentrated on swallowing too early fruit cultivation in the sun and moon furnaces, and fully realized the rules of the beginning and the beginning of the Taichu.

The law of the beginning, this is one of the strongest laws in the world.

In the past few decades, when Huang Xiaolong swallowed dozens of Taichu fruits, he finally broke through to the peak of Dao Zun's three times, and has already touched the threshold of Taoism.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong has all kinds of visions and ups and downs, and the power of the three worlds is widened. Sometimes it turns into a scene of opening the sky, and sometimes it becomes a Xuanhuanglong statue. Sometimes the light is tens of thousands, and the law of the road is condensed into a respectful respect, sometimes The shadow of the creation of Huanglong did not flash.

Huang Xiaolong’s body is full of enthusiasm.

This is the inner space of the Sun Moon Moon Furnace. Like the infinitely close to the top-level road sacred device, the inner space is extremely stable. It is that many Taoist nine masters can’t shake the full force, but now However, it has been a layer of lazy.

It has been several years.

Suddenly, the sun and the moon over the furnace, the thunder flashed, the fire and the sea undulating, the light overwhelmed.

The demise of the Taoist four has finally appeared!

The thunder of white flames is all over the sky, the fire of the origin seems to incinerate the heavens, and the light of creation occupies every corner of the void.

Compared with the triple annihilation, this four-fold annihilation is undoubtedly several times stronger.

No matter which big realm, Siwei is an extremely important watershed. Once you enter the quadruple, it means moving into the middle stage, and the strength will be amazingly improved. Whether it is the soul, the immortality, or the Tao, or The small world in the body will change dramatically.

Although it has been several decades, the old monsters in the sacred world not only did not give up looking for the whereabouts of Huang Xiaolong, but they became even more crazy, and some even forced the popular road system to say that Huang Xiaolong’s whereabouts.

However, after all, the popular road system is also the top of the sacred world, coupled with the wind and the moon, so as long as the wind and moon have not left the popular road system, these old monsters can not help.

However, just as Huang Xiaolong wants to break through the four respects of Taoism, the sacred world does not know where to send a message, saying that Huang Xiaolong is from the holy magic hole under the Tianzhu Cave.

The old man of the holy land of the Holy Magic Cave is the master of Huang Xiaolong.

A stone provoked thousands of huge waves, suddenly, the entire sacred world of countless forces, countless strong people flocked to the holy magic hole heaven.

However, in the end, the Dragon Fish Road system, the Wuzu Tao system, the Red Fox Road, the 10th Avenue, the strongest rushed to the scene, and finally saved the old man, flying swallows.

However, although the old man and the flying swallows were saved, countless masters of the vast sacred places, countless disciples were still not spared, and became the food of some old monsters, including the foreign house owners who followed the Huang Xiaolong to the sacred world. The owner of Longshengtian, as well as the purple spider family leader Zidongping, also fell into the hands of these people.

Of course, these, Huang Xiaolong, who was retiring in the Sun Moon, did not know.

Huang Xiaolong is constantly resisting the thunder of the four flames of white flames, the fire of origin, the light of creation.

Not long after, many powerful people in the sacred world were shocked to discover that the entire sacred avenue was instigated, just like a hundred years ago, the boulevard was boiling, and the sacred space was twitching.

A feeling of horror hangs over everyone's heart.

This feeling is not felt by the ancestors, but all the Taoist strong people feel it clearly.

The dragon fish teaches Bi Cheng’s face to be suspicious: “Is the horror of the heavens changing again, which leads to the change of the heavens and the earth!”

"What the **** is it!" Red Fox is a sorrowful singer: "And over the past 100 years, it has changed the world of avenues several times! And this power is getting more and more horrible, if this thing Continue to change, who else can suppress it in the future?"

Like the two, other Taoist powers have speculated, and they are suspicious.

This situation lasted for several years.

A few years later, Fang began to calm down.

But it didn’t take long for calm. After a few decades, Tiandi Avenue changed again, and the pressure that shrouded the hearts of the powerful parties was even more terrifying. Even many Taoist nine masters faced this pressure and were shocked. Sense.

In the trepidation of the powerful parties, the sun and the moon within the furnace, the thunder and light roar, everywhere is shattered, everywhere the cost source, and then derived recovery.


On this day, a certain uninhabited place in the Dragon Fish Cave suddenly shook. The ground of the uninhabited holy land began to appear cracks. The horrible power of the heart filled the ground from the ground, as if there was a peerless day. The beast will break out from the depths of the earth.


Suddenly, the entire uninhabited sacred place was shaken, and the ground exploded in a wide range. Then, a figure slowly came out from the core of the earth. It was this retreat that swallowed Huang Xiaolong, who had cultivated the fruit at the beginning.

Huang Xiaolong came to the ground and looked at the sky, the sun was just right, warm.

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