Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3017: Open thunder

However, the three thunder monsters roared and angered, but they did not rush to attack Huang Xiaolong. Obviously, Huang Xiaolong’s fist had already left a shadow in his heart.

"His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, I know that your strength is all over the sky. Even the sacred ancestors of the Dark Thunder are not your opponents. But, do you think that you can deal with more than 20 of us?" The Buddha's face was heavy and he looked at Huang Xiaolong with a bad look. As the first master of the buddha black domain, he controlled the infinite number of sects in the black world of the buddha, and the numerous powerful squatters, Huang Xiaolong actually let him crouch in effect? Why has he been so humiliated?

Huang Xiaolong jumped up from the turtle ancestors and came to the middle of the crowd, scanning the crowd: "You can take it."

The monsters and the strong guys face each other, but for a moment no one dares to shoot.

At this moment, suddenly, the yak and sturdy body figure flashed, and quietly came to the back of Huang Xiaolong. The ten-finger nails instantly became longer and inserted into the back of Huang Xiaolong.


I saw that the ten fingers instantly inserted the back of Huang Xiaolong, but found that he was like hitting the wall of Xuan Huang, but he could not shake it!

Huang Xiaolong’s backhand is a punch and a punch. He directly smashes the chest of the yak and brawny man, and smashes his chest and smashes his heart.

Huang Xiaolong kicked the yak and strong man. The next moment, he came to the red-haired single-headed old man. He touched his eyebrows with one finger and his brain slurry spattered directly from the back of the brain.

Everyone who wanted to start seeing it, scared his eyebrows and his chest, and knew that the yak and brawny were in the black field of their Buddha, but the existence of the top ten! Although it is only ranked tenth, but the natural yak magic body, a defense is amazing, among them all, the defense is definitely the top five, but it was smashed by Huang Xiaolong with a punch!

That red-haired single-headed old man is old, although the strength is slightly weaker, but it is not much different, and can't resist Huang Xiaolong.

Just when everyone was shocked, Huang Xiaolong continued to flash, this time, Huang Xiaolong came to the Buddha.


Ten minutes later, the Buddha and the three thunders were all crouching.

If Huang Xiaolong was the beginning of the Sixth Reward of the year, even if it was turned into a creation of Huanglong, it would be difficult to subdue everyone. After all, like the Buddha, the three thunders, they can escape, but they can escape. Now, Huang Xiaolong not only breaks through the Daozhong Eight, but also the Daozhong Eight-Heavy later, and cleans up the Buddha, and the three thunders are almost no effort.

After the creation of the Buddha, the three heads, and other people, Huang Xiaolong knows that the three thunders are called Lei Yu. Since their own memory, they have cultivated in this abyss, and the body is the three-headed Lei Lin. It should be the only mutation in the world of Huanglong.

However, about this purple Leishan peak, Lei Yu knows not much, he also found this purple Leishan peak when the Buddha and other people, just came in not long.

According to him, this Zilei Mountain peak should have been in a different space deep in the depths of the Leiguang. It should be the recent change in the different space, so this purple mountain peak appeared here.

Huang Xiaolong asked some people some questions and started the soul. After confirming that there was no other person in the purple mine peak, Huang Xiaolong let the Buddha and other people stay outside the Zilei Mountain Peak, and he began to collect all the purple Leishan peaks. Open the heavenly elixir and other thunder baby.

Under the cover of Huang Xiaolong's soul, all the elixir of Zilei Mountain Peak, baby, naturally can't be concealed, and they are all taken into the Sun Moon Dan furnace by Huang Xiaolong.

Rao is Huang Xiaolong charging smoothly, but this purple Leishan peak is too high and too big, and Huang Xiaolong also spent a day to completely complete all the elixir, baby.

Before the collection of the empty reincarnation, Huang Xiaolong actually collected more than a dozen!

There are more than 2,000 pieces of heavenly elixir! More than four hundred!

Huang Xiaolong even discovered two heavenly thunderstorms!

There are no more than ten times in the sacred world, and the biggest one is only tens of thousands of miles, but now the two are the most ten thousand miles.

This open-minded spirit is far from being comparable to the avenues of the road. The heavenly spirit contains the aura of energy, energy, laws, and even a trace of the creation of the world. The law of the world is extremely useful for the future creation of Huang Xiaolong.

In addition to these elixir, Huang Xiaolong also found a lake thunder in the inner belly space of Zileishan Peak! Open thunder! A full lake! More than ten times more than the open poisonous water he found in Xuanyin Dongfu.

Huang Xiaolong discovered that the purple mountain stone of the Zilei Mountain Peak turned out to be a natural generation of thunderstorms. It can automatically absorb the thunder of the Leiguang Abyss to quench its mountain and continuously strengthen the mountain.

Huang Xiaolong was pleased. Originally, he wanted to refine this purple thunder mountain peak, and then made it into a spaceship. Since this purple thunder mountain peak was born with a heavenly thunder, it saved a lot of effort to engrave the big array.

Before, Huang Xiaolong tried to move this purple thunder mountain peak, even if he had three worlds in his body, twelve holy lives, the blood of the creation of Huanglong was all motivated, and he could not move this purple thunder mountain peak, but now he only refining this mountain peak. All the thunder in the middle, then he can take away this purple mountain peak.

There is a creation of the world-class law of the creation of Huanglong blood and Shenglong, and it is much easier for Huang Xiaolong to refine the thunder system in the Zilei Mountain.

This is the case, Huang Xiaolong also spent half a month to fully refine all the ray.

In the past two months, there have been other beasts and monsters and even the sacred people of the human race. However, there are Buddhas, Lei Yu and so on. Huang Xiaolong is naturally not disturbed.

After refining all the thunderstorms of the Zilei Mountain Peak, Huang Xiaolong tried to spur the Zilei Mountain Peak. I saw that this high is not much known. The large purple mountain peak like a super continent has turned into a purple thunder. Disappeared in the same place, there are many millions of miles left in the blink of an eye.

Huang Xiaolong was pleasantly surprised. This purple mountain rock of Zilei Mountain Peak is the stone of heaven. The law of natural thunder property is motivated, and the speed is faster than he imagined. It is several times faster than the holy dragon spaceship of Shenglong. .

The holy dragon spaceship of the Holy Dragon is the first spaceship of the sacred world. It is several times faster than the holy dragon spacecraft. It is extremely amazing, and this is still Huang Xiaolong’s refining and transformation of the Lei dynasty, which was not built. Later, Huang Xiaolong To build it, the speed of the Zilei Mountain will be faster.

Driven by the Zilei Mountain Peak and left the place, Huang Xiaolong intends to retreat in this thunderstorm, first refining the thunder and then going out.

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