Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3021: Good blade

Holy medicine? Huang Xiaolong was speechless, and he thought that this hail fruit is what baby.

The white-haired old man saw Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu's look. Some accidents: "You are not coming for the hail fruit?"

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "This iced fruit, I heard it for the first time."

The old man with white hair is a sacred medicine. It is a holy medicine. It is very precious. Has this young man not even heard of it? He was quite unbelievable and looked at Huang Xiaolong with suspicion.

For the suspected fox of the white-haired old man, Huang Xiaolong did not pay attention to it. He continued to carry the corn in the bowl of the fire. This feeling is like returning to the earth and eating the rice.

"Unfortunately, there is less barbecue." Huang Xiaolong quickly finished a bowl and smiled.

Lei Yu smiled and said: "I am now catching a whale to taste for my Highness. The meat of this whale is extremely tender, slippery, fragrant!" When it comes to this, a photo of the void, then a pull, then see the void, one end The behemoth fell and shook the ground.

The white-haired old man and the child stunned and looked at the behemoth in front of him. Is this really a whale? !

The whale, but a high-order spirit beast of the origin of the sacred world, is the staple food of many holy places and even the banquet. The meat is indeed very tender, slippery, fragrant, and expensive, but the white-haired old man remembers that in this sacred place Is there no whale beast at all?

However, how did the whale be found in front of you?

The white-haired old man looked suspiciously at Lei Yu, who had three heads.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the whale beast in front of him and smiled and said: "The meat of this whale is really so delicious in your mouth? If you don't know how to use absolute firepower to bake, what will happen?"

Lei Yu's eyes are bright: "His Royal Highness is wonderful. I used to use absolute firepower to roast it." When it comes to this, the red mouth is a mouthful, and a group of absolute firepower is sprayed onto the whale, suddenly, for a while. The fleshy scent is filled and it is instantly cooked.

Huang Xiaolong took out a short blade and went to the front of the whale. He personally cut a piece down, biting it, filling his mouth with oil, and it was oily but not greasy. Really, as Lei Yu said, this meat is extremely tender and slippery. , incense, and after the absolute firepower roast, there is a kind of heaven and earth energy, people seem to be in the world, the mood, no one.

"Good!" Huang Xiaolong laughed and laughed. When he returned to the mortal world, he used to practice in the lower bounds when he was a master of the Luomen. He often went out to practice barbecue.

At this moment, a squeaking sound, I saw that the child is full of water, staring at the yellow dragon in the hands of the barbecue, even the white hair of the old man is a face of "hungry", Huang Xiaolong smiled, cut a large piece, throw For children and white hair old people.

"Lei Yu, you are coming." Huang Xiaolong threw the short blade to Lei Yu.

Lei Yu took the short blade and cut a large piece, but he praised it: "Good blade!"

Huang Xiaolong laughed, this short blade, but he found it from Jian Zun, it is a top-level device, of course, it is a good blade.

With absolute firepower roasting, using the top-order device to cut the meat, only Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu can do it.

A big whale in the hill, Huang Xiaolong sat there, eating it all day, and finally solved it. The meat of this whale is eating more and more fragrant, and the more you eat, the less tired, and the endless aftertaste.

One day, the white-haired old man’s attitude towards Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu changed completely. He respected and feared. Although he did not know what the absolute firepower was, he did not know what the small blade of Huang Xiaolong was, but he could see The absolute firepower sprayed by Lei Yu can definitely evaporate him in an instant. Huang Xiaolong’s short blade can even smash the high-order holy grate of his holy place into pieces.

When solving the whale and beast meat, the white-haired old man and Huang Xiaolong talked a lot, talked about the dragon's holy land, talked about the hail fruit, talked about the village and the fire flowing corn.

Speaking of hail nuts, the white-haired old man said: "Recently, there have been hail fruit on this continent, so many families of the Longsheng Holy Land, and even the masters of the surrounding holy places have come over, are looking for this hail fruit, before In a month, there are often many powerful masters passing through here."

Huang Xiaolong is stunned, so the white-haired old man mistakenly thought that they also came for the hail.

"Little doll, and you inquire about one thing." Lei Yu said to the white-haired old man.

Although the white-haired old man seems to be very old, but compared with him, it is really a little doll.

"Is adults please." The white-haired old man respectfully said that he was not dissatisfied.

"I want to inquire with you about the things of Lei Yu Dao, and tell you everything about Lei Yu Dao, and tell me." Lei Yu said.

"Lei Yu Dao!" The white-haired old man looked shocked and looked at Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu: "The two adults were the disciples of Lei Yu Dao!"


Lei Yu did not explain: "Okay."

When the white-haired old man listened, he was more respectful, and then told Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu one by one about everything that was known about Lei Yu Dao.

Although this white-haired old man knows little, but from his mouth, it is known that Lei Yu Dao is now developing well, and Lei Yuxi has let go of his heart.

Just when Huang Xiaolong was about to get up and Le Yu left, suddenly, a loud noise, then the ground continued to vibrate, and the devastating power was coming to this side.

The white-haired old man was amazed and apparently had a master of sacredness in the fight, and was coming over here.

Then, a few people saw a group of people flying to the village side. One after the other, one person fled in front, and a large group chased after him. The blink of an eye came to the face of Huang Xiaolong.

"Sister Liu, save me!" I saw the man who was chased after fleeing to the front of a few people in Huang Xiaolong, suddenly stopped and asked for help from the white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man’s face changed: “Lin Shidi, it’s you!”

Obviously acquainted with the people being chased.

At this time, after catching up, the group of Huang Xiaolong was surrounded.

"Lin Tong, I still don't hand over the hail fruit." Among the people, they came out with a young and handsome sword, cold and cold.

Ice hazelnuts!

The white-haired old man looks to the younger brother Lin Tong.

Lin Tong smiled, nodded to the white-haired old man, and then said to the young swordsman: "If I hand over the hail, do you let me go?"

The young man smiled and scanned Huang Xiaolong, Lei Yu, the white-haired old man, and the child: "The news of the hail fruit can not be leaked naturally. However, I can make you die more comfortable. Everyone in this village must be ruined. ”

Huang Xiaolong's face is calm.

The white-haired old man looked at the young man coldly: "A big tone."

At this time, two young people suddenly released their breath, and the white-haired old man’s face was shocked: “The Holy Land is nine!” And it is the two holy places!

"Little old man, let you die to understand, I am a disciple of the red blood family." The young man smiled.

"Red blood family!" The old-fashioned white-haired old man was shocked again, but he was one of the biggest and strongest families in the Lei Dynasty. Even if this young man is the most ordinary disciple of the red-blooded family, he is not Can be provoked.

The white-haired old man couldn't help but look at Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu.

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