Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3026: Calling an adult

Peng Fei, Jia Zhen and two listened to Chen Shuanghe, Lin Tong and others said that Huang Xiaolong, Lei Yu pretending to be a disciple of Lei Yudao, could not help but be dumbfounded, although they did not know the identity of Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu, but even they should pay attention to Zhou Hong’s teaching. If you order the presence of the service, how can you come up with a disciple of Lei Yudao?

Seeing that Lin Tong was determined to be Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu, Chen Shuanghe immediately became a cold face, and said to the disciples of the law enforcement court behind him: "Give me a chance!"

Behind him, the law enforcement disciples immediately came up.

"Slow!" Peng Fei, Jia Zhen suddenly yelled, and then the two rushed to Chen Shuanghe: "Chen Shuanghe adults, this is definitely a misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding?" Chen Shuanghe smiled coldly: "Peng Fei, Jia Zhen, don't think that you are the core disciple of the law enforcement hall, I will not dare to collect you! They pretend to be the disciples of Lei Yudao, this is a crime of death, you are law enforcement. The core disciples of the temple, dare to cover up these criminals?"

Peng Fei, Jia Zhen, both of them.

"Chen Shuanghe, the two adults, it is absolutely impossible to pretend to be a disciple of Lei Yudao!" Peng Fei then said: "I dare to guarantee the neck, this is definitely a misunderstanding!"

Two adults? Chen Shuanghe listened to Peng Fei's name Huang Xiaolong, and Lei Yu was an adult. He couldn't help but see one of his disciples, Lin Baoyuan and his family of red blood Chen Yang.

However, Peng Fei just fell, Lei Yu suddenly smiled and said: "This is not a misunderstanding, I did say that I am a disciple of Lei Yu Dao."

Peng Fei, Jia Zhen are both wrong.

When Chen Shuanghe heard it, he sneered: "Peng Fei, Jia Zhen, you both heard it. Now he personally admits that he is posing as a disciple of Lei Yu Dao!"

Lei Yu looked at Chen Shuanghe, and laughed and laughed: "Little doll, I just said that I am a disciple of Lei Yu Dao Tong, but I did not say that I pretended to be a disciple of Lei Yu Dao. Which ear did you hear me say impersonating? You are not old, your ears are back?"

Little Doll?

Everyone listened to Lei Yu as Chen Xiaohe as a little doll, and satirized Chen Shuanghe's ears, not to be colorful.

Chen Shuanghe’s face suddenly gloomy and looked coldly at Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu: “I have let my disciples personally check that you are not a disciple of Lei Yu Dao, there is no case and record for you. You said that you are Lei Yu Dao. Disciples, dare to say that they are not posing?"

Huang Xiaolong, who has never had an opening, suddenly said: "Even if we are posing, how about?"

Chen Shuanghe stunned, and then his eyes were cold and violent: "Pretend to be a disciple of Lei Yu Dao, killing my disciples of the red blood family, no matter which one, it is a death sin!"

Huang Xiaolong did not speak, but Lei Yu was screaming.

Everyone looked over.

"Little dolls, dare to condemn my old man's death, there are not many origins of the Holy Land." Lei Yu taunted and said: "Are you sure that a small ancestor of seven ancestors can set my death?"

Everyone stays.

Chen Shuanghe looked at Lei Yu with amazement. The other party could see through him as the first ancestor?

"Great tone!" Just then, suddenly, a cold voice sounded, and then, a gray-haired old man came out of the void.

"Luo Linfeng veteran!" Chen Shuanghe saw people coming, his face was overjoyed, and he quickly went forward to salute. Other disciples of the law enforcement courts of Lei Yu Dao were also crouching. The **** family and the Lintong were even scared to the ground. On, even Peng Fei, Jia Zhen and the two quickly squatted down.

Lu Linfeng let Chen Shuanghe and others rise up, then stare at Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu coldly.

Chen Shuanghe came forward and respected Lu Linfeng: "Luo Linfeng is a veteran, these two people pretend to be our disciples of Lei Yu Dao, and still."

"I have heard it." Lu Linfeng interrupted.

Originally, these trivial things, he did not want to come out, but seeing Lei Yu pretending to be a sorcerer of the Royal Court, it is no problem, and his tone is mad, he is really upset.

Since Lei Yu left when he left, Lu Linfeng had not joined the Lei Yu Dao system, so he did not recognize Lei Yu. Of course, now Lei Yu converged and hidden the body, and only the closest disciples of Lei Yu could recognize him. Come.

Lu Linfeng looked at Lei Yu coldly: "There are not a few people in the origin of the sacred world who can determine your death penalty? So, you are the supreme master of the ultimate power on the list of extinctions?" The voice ridiculed.

The origin of the sacred world has a list of extinctions, listing the top 100 masters of the origin of the sacred world. With regard to the characteristics and appearance of these hundred masters, many Taoist systems know that it is obvious that Lei Yu is not the master of this list. .

Since Lei Yu has left the origin of the sacred world for a long time, and this list of extinctions has been replaced once in 100 million years, there is really no ranking of Lei Yu on the current list of extinction.

However, when Lu Lufeng had just finished, Lei Yu lifted the front right claw, and the right-handed index finger was on the fingertip. A bright light column blasted out, and the Lu Fengfeng was directly blasted out of the square outside the Lei Yucheng.

The bang suddenly echoed for a long time.

Chen Shuanghe, Lin Baoyuan, Chen Yang, the family of red blood, and Lin Tong and others looked at Lu Linfeng who was suddenly blasted out of Lei Yucheng.

"Even if I am not a master of the list, it is just a matter of raising your hand." Lei Yu no expression, put the front right paw down.

"Who is it? Dare to let go in Lei Yucheng!" At this moment, suddenly, within the Thunder Royal Palace, dozens of amazing pressures skyrocketed, more than a dozen figures came out.

These dozens of people are the other masters of the Taoist guards in the Royal Palace.

Huang Xiaolong’s face was calm, and when Lei Yu was about to shoot again, suddenly, a voice came: “Give me a hand!” Everyone looked and saw Zhou Hong’s face rushing and angered.

"Teach the adults!" Lei Yudao masters see Zhou Hong anger and face, can not help but see.

At this time, Zhou Hong came to Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu, and was about to salute. He was knocked down by Lei Yu and his claws: "Who did you just call?!"

Zhou Hong squatted his head, bitterly screaming and shouted: "师!"

However, when he just said this, he was knocked out by Lei Yu again: "Call the adult!"

The pain of the heart was once again passed down from the top of the head. Zhou Hong’s pain was awkward, but eventually she woke up and cried and said: “Adult!”

In the field, Lei Yudao's masters were all stunned, including the dozens of Taoist masters who came over later, and looked at their masters who were sluggishly knocked.

"Go." At this time, Huang Xiaolong jumped and fell to the back of Lei Yu, riding Lei Yu to leave.

When Lei Yu passed by Zhou Hong, he gave the young disciple a slap in the face: "What do you do stupidly, the disposal of the disposal, the killing of the kill!"

Zhou Hong’s brain is completely devoid of temper. For so many years, Master’s habit has not changed. Before the Master left, he had no shortage of heads.

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