Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3028: Destroyed the nine-pointed system and the curse

Jinhu Dongtian is a super-big cave in the origin of the sacred world. Within the golden fox cave, there are thirty-eight powerful forces! The ranking of Lei Yu Dao is only eighteen.

Compared with the Lei Yu Dao system, the Jue Tao system is much higher than the Lei Yu Dao system. One is the tenth and the other is the nine!

The forces of the Nine-Ming Tao and the Magic Mantra can be imagined.

"Nine-eyed Taoist system, magic cursing system? How is it going?" Lei Yu listened to the three disciples, Yi Hengyi said that there is no need to be afraid of the nine-eyed system, the curse of the two birds, can not help but wrinkle, asked.

Although he has come back for some days, he has been staying with Huang Xiaolong for a long time, so the four disciples Zhou Hong did not mention the nine-eyed system and the curse.

Tan Wei, Yan Hengyi, and Zhou Hong were stared at Lei Yu’s heart and lowered their heads.

In the end, it’s still awkward and daring: “Master, you are not in these years. Jinhudong Tianxin has several new forces. This nine-point system and the curse system are one of the new Taoist systems that were only a few hundred million years ago. Although these two pedigrees are new avenues, they are developing very rapidly, and the nine-headed Taoist teachings and the cursing rituals are extremely powerful. In the golden fox cave days, the nine-eyed Taoist and the cursing sects are already ranked tenth. ,ninth!"

Lei Yu was interrupted: "Let's say these things, say the point."

Yan Hengyi took a look at Lei Yu and said: "In these years, the expansion of the Nine-Ming and the Magic Mantras has encroached on the resources of some of our holy places, and often grabbed some of our talented disciples, including tens of thousands of years ago. After the disappearance of the master brother, the nine-eyed Taoist and the cursed Taoist system are even more pressing against our Lei Yu Dao."

Lei Yu's eyes are cold.

"However, Master, you were born to the Golden Fox Cave Lord. Therefore, the Nine-Ming Taoist and the Magic Cursor did not dare to over-represent our Thunder Road! Otherwise, we are afraid of the long-term!" The road, feeling the chill of Lei Yu, he stopped.

Although Lei Yu has been away for many years, several people are still very good at Lei Yu.

Lei Yu sneer: "Nine-eyed Taoist system, the curse of the Taoist system is so suppressing the Thunder Royal Road system, the golden fox that little guy?"

The golden fox road teaches the master, that is, the golden fox cave master, who was rescued by Lei Yu in the same year.

The three men looked at each other and eventually Zhou Hong said: "The Golden Fox Cave owner once warned the nine-eyed system and the curse."

Lei Yu screamed coldly, and the four disciples Zhou Hong’s words meant that he would not hear it. The golden fox just warned the nine-eyed Taoist and the cursed Taoist system that he did not personally come forward!

Tan Wei is bitterly laughing: "Master, you have been away for many years, and the Golden Fox Cave Master is reading your old grace. It can be a good thing to warn the Nine Commanders and the Magic Mantra."

Yan Hengyi said: "Nine-eyed Taoist system, the curse of the Taoist system has expanded greatly in these years, and there is no less filial piety to the Golden Fox Cave Lord. This time, the Golden Fox Cave leader and the young girl broke through the Taoist dynasty celebration, the nine-headed teaching and the curse I was personally involved in the teaching, and I personally sent a medicinal medicine!"

"The Golden Fox Cave Master received the open-class medicinal herbs, and laughed on the spot! It is also the nine-headed teaching and the curse to teach the seats, we can only sit in the last seat!" Yan Hengyi said this, some angrily: "And, Master, you don't know. The disappearance of the master is only related to the nine-headed teaching. The master of the Golden Fox Division of the Tianji Pavilion invites the masters and others to enter the celestial burial ground to open the treasure. Only Tianji Gejin The fox division chief and the nine heads came back to teach."

Huang Xiaolong, who has never had an opening, suddenly said: "After the auction, the nine-pointed system and the curse are eliminated."

Tan Wei, Yan Hengyi, Zhou Hong, three people stayed.

Lei Yu was happy to smile: "The meaning of Your Highness is the same as I mean."

Zhou Hong hesitated a moment and said: "Master, if you are going to destroy the nine-pointed system and the curse, I am afraid that the Golden Fox Cave Lord will not approve."

Lei Yu snorted: "I want to destroy the nine-eyed system, the curse system still needs his approval? If he dares to stop, then don't blame me for smashing his golden fox house into a **** powder!"

Tan Wei, Yan Hengyi, Zhou Hong three smiles.

Tan Wei carefully said: "Master, although your strength is strong, but this Jinhudong master has grown tremendously in these years, and now he is the master of the world, and he has a deep relationship with Fengyun Zun, Jinhu There are more than 30 people in the Taoist Chamber of Commerce and the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce.

Lei Yu smiled: "Thirty more than the Taoist nine masters, you do not have to worry, even if I do not do the Golden Fox Road and Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, and His Royal Highness."

Your Highness?

Tan Wei, Yan Hengyi, Zhou Hong three looked at Huang Xiaolong.

"The first time I met, I didn't have any good things for you, so I will send you one person and one medicinal medicine." Huang Xiaolong is a channel, Tan Wei, Yan Hengyi, Zhou Hong, in front of each person, a jade bottle.

"This, this is a heavenly medicine?!" The three people didn't put it in their hearts, but when the three saw the lightning in the jade bottle, the sun and the moon shone in the world. The face was shocked.

Although the trio did not know what this medicine is, it is definitely a day-to-day, and I am afraid that I have reached the advanced level! Tan Wei, Yan Hengyi, but I saw the nine-headed teaching at the celebration. The two magical medicines that were given to the golden fox cave masters were not comparable to their eyes, because they were too much too much. .

This is the purple Lei Ri Yuedan that Huang Xiaolong personally refines with the open-class elixir on the Zilei Mountain Peak.

Lei Yu saw three disciples stunned and smiled: "Opening the heavenly medicinal herbs, the highness of the temple is that after you, the three stinky boys will serve for the Highness, and you must do your best, your Highness will not treat you badly, His Royal Highness, is not You can imagine it." Speaking of this, I was afraid that the three people would not have enough knowledge of Huang Xiaolong and said: "The next time, His Royal Highness will surely unify the origin of the Holy Land."

"Unified origins of the Holy Land?!" Three people lost their voices, and their faces were unbelievable.

They didn't have a clear understanding of Huang Xiaolong before, and they never thought that Huang Xiaolong would be the origin of the sacred origin in the future! Unifying the origin of the sacred world, wouldn't that be the originator of the sacred border?

The origin of the Holy Land Lord, what a supreme existence!

Although Lei Yu Dao is not weak, but in the Golden Fox Cave days is only ranked 18th. As for the vast origin of the Holy Land, it is no different from the dust!

Therefore, the origin of the sacred world for the Tan Tan, Yan Hengyi, Zhou Hong three, that is the high mountain, can not imagine the existence.

Tan Wei, Yan Hengyi, and Zhou Hong’s eyes looked at Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. They completely changed. They looked at Huang Xiaolong with a look at the originator of the sacred boundary.

They have always believed in Master's words. Since Master said that His Royal Highness can unify the origin of the Holy Land, it must be able.

Lei Yu saw the eyes of three disciples, knowing what the three thoughts, laughing, and unifying the origin of the sacred world? The son of the founding of the world is only a unified sacred origin?

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