Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3040: Origin of the gas

Jin Xiaoxiao did not sell the Phoenix Fire Crystal and Huang Xiaolong. It was a big surprise. After all, this kind of situation is rare. It can be said that it has not appeared.

Before, Huang Xiaolong grabbed the golden little road, and later grabbed the thundering fire that Jin Xiaoxiao was watching. Now Jin Xiaoxiao does not sell this Phoenix Fire Crystal and Huang Xiaolong, apparently wanting Huang Xiaolong to be embarrassed.

At this time, the beauty auctioneer said: "The Golden Fox Princess, although this Phoenix Fire Crystal is what you sent, but according to our Tianji Pavilion auction, during the auction, you have no right to decide this. Whoever sells the goods, as long as the other party gets the money, anyone can bid for the auction."

If it is the person who sent the film, whoever does this, then who would dare to come to the Tianji Pavilion auction to buy things? Patted and patted, the seller suddenly said that I did not sell.

Jin Xiaoxiao, a pretty face: "If I must do this?"

The beauty auctioneer shook his head: "If the Golden Fox Princess must do this, then after that, we can no longer send things at our Tianji Pavilion auction, and we can no longer buy things at our Tianji Pavilion auction!"

Jin Xiaoxiao's face changes, his face is not very good-looking, usually in Jinhudongtian, who dares to violate her meaning? However, the other side is the Tianji Pavilion.

In the end, she stared at Huang Xiaolong coldly and did not speak again.

Since Huang Xiaolong’s six billion yuan is clearly beyond the scope of the mysterious person’s acceptance, the Phoenix Fire Crystal was bought by Huang Xiaolong.

After Huang Xiaolong paid six billion yuan, he collected the Phoenix Fire Crystal into the Sun Moon Dan furnace.

When everyone saw it, they breathed a sigh of relief. If Huang Xiaolong rewarded the Phoenix Fire Crystal to Peng Fei, Jia Zhen, their little heart couldn’t stand it.

Jiuwang Shaozhang taught Li Dongjun to see Jin Xiaoxiao's face and said: "Princess, this is not a good thing. He may also come for the sake of origin, but he has spent nine billion now, and there are certainly not many coins in his body. Now, you can't compete with the princess, you must be the princess of your origin."

Jin Xiaoxiao heard the words, this face is a little embarrassing.

"Does the following people find out his identity?" Jin Xiaoxiao asked Li Dongjun, Yu Dong and others.

Li Dongjun, Yu Dong and others shook their heads.

"I only know that he suddenly appeared in Lei Yu Dao a few months ago, and Zhou Hong called him His Royal Highness, calling him the three-headed beast as an adult, and the others have not yet found it." Li Dongjun replied.

"His Royal Highness?" The little gold eyes flashed, revealing the color of contemplation.

"In fact, it is not easy to find out the identity of the kid. I will call the three people, Zhou Hong, Tan Wei, and Yan Hengyi. The princess directly asks them three people. The three of them dare not say it." Yu Dong said: "This person must He has a great relationship with Lei Yudao. He dared to offend the princess. Lei Yudao also has the blame that cannot be pushed. According to me, when Zhou Hong was called, the young man would be directly Detained into Golden Fox Dungeon!"

Jin Xiaoxiao nodded: "When the auction is over, I will pass my order, let Zhou Hong, Tan Wei, and Yan Hengyi come to see me."

Li Dongjun, Yu Dong’s heart is a joy, should be.

Next, the auction was the high-level spacecraft of the boundary, and was finally bought by Ren Fengyuan.

As for the flying sword of the high-level level of the boundary, the auction is more intense, the dragon statue, the mysterious person, and the other three masters are rushing for the price. The original price of the sword was six billion, and the auction was finally made. Ninety billion, was obtained by the mysterious man.

For this spaceship and sword, Huang Xiaolong is naturally not interested. There are hundreds of high-order devices on his body. Even the short blades he used to cut whales and beasts are top-level devices.

"Next, the auction is the gas of origin!" The beauty auctioneer began.

When the beauty auctioneer fell, Huang Xiaolong found Shi Zu, Fan Luo was sitting up straight, Jin Xiaoxiao is even more beautiful and flashing, Ren Fengyuan is also staring at the auction platform.

I saw the space ring on the auction platform, which I didn’t know what to use. The space ring was forbidden to open. It was a faint and inconspicuous gas. The gas was only the size of the arm. It was like a dragon, and it was constantly circling. The power of this is filled with this source of origin.

"The origin of this gas is that a customer entrusts us to auction at Tianji Pavilion." When everyone looks at the origin of the gas, the beauty auctioneer continues: "Everyone can see the origin of this source of origin." Completely non-destructive, and nourished by various spirits, the quality has reached the highest level."

She introduced the qi of this origin one by one, and introduced the effect of the gas of origin as much as possible, even a little exaggerated.

"This origin of the gas, the starting price is 10 billion yuan." After the introduction, the beauty auctioneer smiled.

Although I guessed that the origin of the gas started to shoot the price, when I heard that it was 10 billion, many masters still took a breath.

Generally speaking, a gas of origin is worth only 10 billion yuan, but this one is 10 billion.

However, the gas of origin also has a quality, and the origin of the superiority is indeed rare.

"One billion and one billion!" When everyone was surprised, the first one to open was Kim Xiaoxiao.

"One billion billion!" But Jin Xiaoxiao just fell, the black mysterious man immediately followed.

Everyone did not look at the mysterious man in black, very shocked. Before he had spent nine billion shots to buy the high-level flying sword of the world, now he still got 11 billion?

"One billion and two billion." Fan Luo is a light smile.

Everyone looked at Fan Luo and was shocked.

One billion billion coins! Fan Luo turned out to be a billion!

"One hundred and four billion!" When everyone was shocked by Fan Luo's 12 billion, suddenly, the stone ancestors who had been sitting in the mountains were quiet.

One hundred and four billion!

Everyone was scared for a while.

Even Li Dongjun, Yu Dong and others are all mad.

Ren Fengyuan, who always wanted to open an auction, heard Shizu’s 14 billion, stayed there, and opened his mouth to stop there. Eventually it turned into a bitter smile, shaking his head, giving up, 14 billion, even if he It is also difficult to get it.

The mysterious man in black did not move.

Fan Luo is a wrinkle, one hundred and four billion, he can get it, but, in his view, spend one hundred and four billion to buy a source of origin, some worthless.

"One hundred and four billion." When everyone was silent, the little voice of Jin rang again. She smiled at Shizu: "The predecessors of Shizu, this origin of the air, is important to me, so small courage and stone The ancestors auctioned."

Shi Zuhehe smiled: "Little girl, as long as you have made the money, this origin of the gas, although you shoot it, no harm." After that, shouted: "1,42 billion."

Jin Xiaoxiao smiled at Shizu with a sweet smile and shouted 14.3 billion. Soon, the two raised the price to 15 billion, and the two were 100 million plus. After all, they went to 100. After more than four billion, the price is already terrible.

When Jin Xiaoxiao shouted to 15 billion, Shizu shook his head and smiled: "But, since you are eager to get the qi of this origin, I will fight with you, and let everyone laugh." The meaning is self-evident.

Jin Xiaoxiao sweet smile: "Xie Shizu's predecessors are generous!"

Even the predecessors of Shizu have withdrawn, and the origin of this gas is undoubtedly her thing.

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