Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3046: Please stop

Originally still glaring at Huang Xiaolong's body, Lei Huo Dan, the golden gas of the origin, Li Dongjun, Yu Dong, seeing Huang Xiaolong come over, his face changed and changed.

But then, the small town of Jin was settled. As a golden fox princess, she did not believe that Huang Xiaolong dared to move her hair.

Li Dongjun, Yu Dong, seeing the small town of Jinzhong, settled down, and thought of his identity, he also calmed down, and there was no door to the knife. Huang Xiaolong could be eliminated without any scruples, but behind them was the nine-eyed system and the curse. Tao Tong, they are nine eyes less teaching, the curse less teach, Huang Xiaolong dare to shoot them?

The masters of the Golden Fox army came to see Huang Xiaolong coming over. Although they were scared, they went forward and protected Jin Xiaoxiao from the other and blocked Huang Xiaolong from coming over.

"Hello, please stop!" A Dao Zun Jiuzhong Jinhujun commander spoke to Huang Xiaolong: "Go ahead, we will." But before he finished, he was kicked by Lei Yu.

The face of the Golden Fox army masters changed dramatically.

"A big courage, I dare to take the lead of the Golden Fox!" Another Dao Zun Jiuzhong Jinhujun commander angered Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu.

He is the strongest of the Golden Fox Army who followed the protection of gold.

It is no wonder that he will be furious. The Golden Fox Army is the law enforcement army of Jinhu Dongtian. All the disciples of all the masters of Jinhudongtian, who dare to be disrespectful to the Golden Fox Army?

As the highest commander of the Golden Fox Army, they are even greeted by many Taoist teachers. He has been treated like this!

Lei Yu's eyelids were not lifted, and the same foot kicked the Golden Fox army commander in the late Jiuzhong Jiuzhong, and the force used this time was even greater. He directly kicked out Xuancheng.

Kim Xiaoxiao’s face was shocked and angry: “What do you want to do?!”

Huang Xiaolong continued to ride on Lei Yu. When he encountered the Golden Fox Army, Lei Yu was kicked directly.

A few meters away from Jin Xiaoxiao, Huang Xiaolong stopped and looked at Li Dongjun indifferently, Yu Dong and other masters of the nine-eyed system and the curse of the Taoist system: "Your Majesty!"

Your majesty!

Huang Xiaolong’s voice contained the power of supreme deterrence. Li Dongjun and Yu Dong’s people only felt a tremor in their hearts, but they could not help but collapse.

However, after a sigh of relief, Li Dongjun’s heart was disgraceful, and he was angry and looked at Huang Xiaolong with anger: “What are you doing, let us give you your knees!”

The fire blame directly touched the palm of the hand, and Li Dongjun was printed in the ground. Li Dongjun had no sound at all. Jin Xiaoxiao and Yu Dong saw that Li Dongjun had become a flesh and blood.

Yu Dong was scared to be completely bloodless. He was like Li Dongjun. He wanted to get up in the winter and squatted there. He didn’t dare to move, even Jin Xiaoxiao’s Jinhudong, a master of gold foxes. The princess is also pale as paper.

Just when everyone was chilling, the old man was directly in the palm of his hand, and the winter was printed on the ground. Like Li Dongjun, it became a flesh and blood.

Just now in Li Dongjun, many other masters around Yu Dong, some scared there.

Li Dongjun, Yu Dong, the two are only nine heads of less teaching, the curse is less taught, just a lot of them are still in the knot and please Li Dongjun, Yu Dong, but now it is the two pools of flesh and blood.

"All the nine-eyed disciples and cursing disciples who are willing to invest in Lei Yu Dao can not die, do not want to, die!" Huang Xiaolong looked at the nine-eyed disciples and cursing disciples, and said indifferently.

Originally, according to his meaning, he directly stepped out of the nine-eyed Taoist system and the cursed Taoist system. However, watching these treacherous nine-eyed disciples and cursing disciples, Huang Xiaolong had no interest and changed his mind.

Jin Xiaoxiao's pretty face is ugly. Everyone knows Li Dongjun. Yu Dong is the most loyal "follow-up" around her. Now Huang Xiaolong is not only in front of her, but also kills Li Dongjun and blatantly annexes them. Nine-eyed Taoist system and magic cursing system?

Huang Xiaolong is not only ignoring her golden fox princess, but even her father Jinhudong is ignored. Because the nine-headed teaching and the curse are now the most loyal dog around her father, the dog has to watch Master.

But in the end, Jin Xiaoxiao forbeared the anger in his heart.

She is now seeing it. Her identity as Princess Jin Fox is useless in the eyes of Huang Xiaolong.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu walked away.

Many of the nine-eyed disciples and cursed disciples followed Peng Fei and Jia Zhen. These are all effective in the Thunder Royal Road. As for the lack of efficiency, the end is naturally the same as Li Dongjun and Yu Dong.

However, before leaving, Lei Yu glanced at somewhere in front of the void, and smiled and said: "Silver worm, we have not seen it for many years. After a few days, I will go to a rock cliff, and I will play hide and seek again. !"

Lei Yu and Huang Xiaolong’s figure drifted away, but Lei Yu’s words echoed over Xuancheng for a long time. Others were faintly confused. I don’t know what Lei Yu said, but Shizu, who was hiding in somewhere in the void, is like Hit the thunder of the world, the whole face was furious.

"Silver, silver worm!!"

This title, he has not heard it for many years.

This title made him sleep for thousands of years. The horrible memory he thought was completely forgotten, but now, with the claim of Lei Yu, that horrible memory reappears.

"No, don't!" Shizu, who was originally hidden in the void, suddenly screamed and screamed, and fled with a fearful look at the direction of Lei Yu's departure.

Many masters face each other.

In the dark, Fan Luo saw Shi Zu’s madness, and he was shocked.

He stared at Huang Xiaolong, and Lei Yu left the direction and looked thoughtful.

Just in Huang Xiaolong, it was not long before Lei Yu left the sacred holy place. The knife saw him, the nine-headed less taught Li Dongjun, and the news that the curse was less taught that Yu Dong was destroyed, and soon spread to Jinhu Dongtian.

The golden fox cave is boiling, everyone is shocked, guessing Huang Xiaolong, Lei Yu identity and origin.

"I heard that Li Dongjun, Yu Dong was directly shot into a flesh and blood, and was killed in the face of the Golden Fox princess. At that time, the face of the Golden Fox princess was ugly!"

"Who is the young man? Even the singer of the Dao Zun, such a singer, has been killed by his hand! This is too horrible! His men, even if they are not masters of the list, fear It’s not far away! It’s no wonder that when the restaurant was picked up, Chen Dingtian, who was in the arc of the arc and the magic blade, was smashed, and there was no resistance!”

"The arc circuit system, the magic blade system seems to be working together to deal with the young man, now I heard the news, I heard that the arc and the magic blade teach almost scared the urine!"

"It’s not just the arc circuit and the magic blade. I see that there are hatreds and sorrows in the Thunder Road. There is also a curse. Now the system is scared to death. The nine-eyed system and the curse have planned to annex some days. Drop the Thunder Road!"

Not long after, there was news.

"The young man is riding his three-headed beast to the Nine-Minute General Administration!"

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