Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3052: Bohai

"I am afraid that all the masters of the caves around the celestial burial land are coming!" Lei Yu looked at a spaceship that had poured into the burial place. Most of the marks of these ships were familiar to him.

"Yeah!" Suddenly, Lei Yu stared at a tiger-headed spaceship in the distance, his eyes shrinking.

"How?" Huang Xiaolong also looked at the past.

"It’s a dark tiger ship in the dark tiger hole!” Lei Yudao said: “An opponent of the year.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded, can be the enemy of the thunder, that is the existence of the top 20 on the list.

The Dark Tiger spacecraft was extremely fast, and soon disappeared into the land of celestial burial, disappearing into the eyes of Huang Xiaolong and Lei Yu.

Huang Xiaolong let the thirteen people of the fire blame control the purple mountain peaks, but also broke through the burial place and entered the land of celestial burial.

The land of celestial burial is turbulent everywhere. This kind of turbulent flow is extremely strong, and the ancestral environment is unbearable. Therefore, it is generally a master of Tao Zunjing, or a half-walker Complete.

Seeing the Zilei Mountain Peak, many strong people have also looked at each other. One is because the Zilei Mountain Peak is selling, and the other is because the Zilei Mountain Peak has not appeared.

"What is this? Is it a spaceship? Some people have chosen a mountain directly to make a spaceship, and they have not changed a shape. This shape is really wonderful! I don't know which hole and which road is!" The master of the hidden star system Don't laugh.

"This purple mountain peak is not simple! I am afraid that it is a heavenly thing!" Another master of the Jin Xing Dao system, Baiyue, blinked and opened his eyes.

Both the hidden star system and the Jinxing road system are the Taoist temples, and it is one of the ten avenues of the Fengfeng Cave. Its power is stronger than the Nine-Ming Taoist and the Magic Mantra. ,seventh.

In the dozens of cave days in the burial place, the overall strength of the Tianfeng Cave and the Golden Fox Cave are similar.

"What! The things that open the sky?" Jun did not laugh and was surprised: "Hundreds of brothers, you will not laugh?"

Jin Xingdao master master Baiyue is a face to affirm: "It is definitely a thing of heaven, although it is impossible to determine what is specific, but my eyesight is still there."

The purple thunder mountain peak passed the fire and the old blame, after the Ming Buddha built more than a thousand high-level masters, the thunder has been hidden, but some masters still see the extraordinary peak of the purple thunder.

Jin Xing Dao Tong is the first refining sect of the Fengfeng Cave. This Baiyue is also the master of the Jin Xingdao Reformer Hall. Therefore, the material of many things can be seen at a glance.

Of course, this is also the intention to hide the purple Leishan peak shape, if Huang Xiaolong deliberately hides the purple Leishan peak shape, even if Jin Xingdao is in charge of teaching, it is impossible to see the root of Zilei Mountain.

See the Jin Xing Dao master Baiyue affirmed that the Zilei Mountain Peak is the thing of the heavens, and many of the masters who are with them are tempted.

This is a heavenly thing!

And such a huge mountain is definitely not an ordinary heaven.

Jun did not smile and stepped out, it was blocked in front of the Zilei Mountain Peak, and the giant knife in his hand was horizontal: "Under the Fengyun Cave, the Tianyin Star Road, the main hall of the temple does not laugh, something to ask!"

At the peak of Zilei Mountain, Huang Xiaolong looked indifferently at the other side, letting the thirteen people of the fire drive the purple Leishan peak to continue.

Jun did not smile and saw each other without paying attention to himself. Zi Leishan continued to bump into himself and could not help but be angry.

"Break the knife!" Jun did not smile in the hands of a giant knife suddenly slammed into the purple Leishan peak.

Suddenly, the turbulent waves of the surrounding world became a mess.

"Break the knife! Hidden Star Road created by the founder of the ancestors, Jun does not laugh, is the cultivation to the 12th realm!"

"This knife, many Taoist eight masters can not pick up!"

Jun does not laugh, it is the master of the seven-year-old peak of Dao Zun.

Jin Xingdao Tong Baiyue and others saw that Jun did not laugh, and that the shot was a broken knife. They were all amazed.

But then everyone saw that the huge purple peaks like the super-continents continued to hit, and they immediately smashed the smashing of the sky, and then they blinked to the front.

When Zilei Mountain Peak came to the front, Jun did not smile and changed his face, trying to block it with the giant knife in his hand, but the next moment, he himself was directly plowed together with the giant knife like a plow. .

When the Zilei Mountain Peak broke away and disappeared in front of many masters, Jun did not laugh and fell on a mountain peak millions of miles away, smashing a place, as for the giant knife trying to block the Zilei Mountain Peak Scattered into pieces, scattered around the door.

Jin Xingdao Tong Baiyue and others were shocked on the spot.

"That, is the gentle knife that you don't laugh?!" someone asked.


Everyone is silent.

The gentleman who does not laugh, the quenching and building of the countless years, has long been a middle-order device, but now the middle-order device is like a crisp glass.

But after the shock, everyone's eyes were hot and abnormal.

Even the mid-orders can't bear the impact of the purple mountain peaks. Is the purple mountain peak absolutely? !

As a master of refining, Jin Xingdao Tong Baiyue’s eyes are surging.


Standing on the peak of Zilei Mountain, Huang Xiaolong's three avenues unfolded and carefully felt everything in this burial place. This burial place seems to be a corner abandoned by heaven. The law of avenue and the power of heaven and earth are extremely chaotic here. It seems that there is a kind of The power of extraordinary horror obscured here.

Huang Xiaolong’s brow wrinkles, like a place of celestial burial, should not appear right. Here, he could not feel the power of any catastrophe, and could not feel the energy fluctuation of any thunder property.

Seeing the doubts in Huang Xiaolong’s mind, Lei Yudao said: “The land where this day is buried, some people say that the creation gods deliberately left, and some people say that it is not our world.”

Huang Xiaolong thought about it and remembered the blood red mysterious stone that the auction bought.

"There is a peerless treasure in the Bohai Sea! Fast, we used to go to the sea!" At this moment, suddenly, a spaceship traversed from a distance, and there was an anxious sound coming out of the ship.

Huang Xiaolong: "Bohai?"

Lei Yu explained: "The Bohai Sea is a dangerous place for the burial place. There are endless monsters. These cockroaches are almost impossible to kill. They are extremely troublesome. If we rush to the sea, it should take half a day."

Huang Xiaolong nodded, then Lei Yu came to the road and went to Bohai.

Half a day later, Huang Xiaolong came to the Bohai Sea that Lei Yu said. When he came to Erhai, he saw the white cockroach monster that could not be seen at the end of the Bohai Sea. Huang Xiaolong stayed, and he understood what the endless cockroach monster said by Lei Yu. Meaning, this is simply the sea where the monsters are stacked! How many billions? Even the soul of Huang Xiaolong can't be covered.

Suddenly, a scream screamed, and there was a group of strong people in the distance being besieged by these sly monsters, biting, licking, bloody, and each person’s face was difficult to hide, and Huang Xiaolong discovered that when these strong people were smashed When these monsters are smashed, these cockroaches will quickly heal again, and even the flames of the common world power will burn and kill these cockroaches.

Lei Yudao: "Once you are surrounded by these monsters, it is difficult to get out of the way. It is also a dead end. These monsters can not be destroyed."

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