Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3102: I don’t know how the strength of Huang Gongzi is?

The magic of the array of ancestors listened to the ridicule of Huang Xiaolong, saying: "The origin of your secret machine is that these garbage disciples can be compared with my Highness."

When Pang Rui listened, he had to speak, but Wan Gu Xuan shook his hand, and then laughed at Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Gongzi, please enter the house, I have arranged for you in the yard, evening dinner, we will talk about the transaction. ”

Huang Xiaolong nodded, and then walked into the origin of the branch office with Wan Guxu.

After everyone followed the two.

Later, Wan Guxu personally took Huang Xiaolong to the specially arranged palace yard and smiled at Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Gongzi, this palace is one of the best palaces in our origins. The materials are the highest level. Even if the first ten palms come to teach, they may not be able to enjoy it."

It means the origin of the tenth century.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "I am so flattered by the eternal grace of the ancients."

Wan Gu Xuanhe smiled: "At night dinner, I deliberately prepared a lot of heavenly spirits, and even deliberately slaughtered a dragon with a **** vein, and took the yellow son to pick up the dust."

I don't know if this ancient imaginary is intentional or unintentional, referring to the dragon that slaughtered the blood of the open world.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

The two had a lot of guest, and Wan Guxu and Pang Rui had left.

After the departure of Wan Guxu and others, the magic of the 10,000-magnitude brilliance swayed and shielded everything around him. He said to Huang Xiaolong: "His Royal Highness, the origin of the celestial machine is divided into 36 large-scale squadrons. The main government, and our palace and nearby, is the most central area of ​​killing."

The origin of the secret machine is divided into a concealed exception, even if it is difficult to detect the masters of the list, but can you win the magic of the 10,000?

Before entering the origin of the branch office, the magic of the array of spectators saw all the big arrays of the origin of the division.

Huang Xiaolong heard that there were thirty-six large-scale squadrons at the origin of the squad, and did not care. He smiled and said: "It seems that Tianji Pavilion is going to kill us all the time?"

Then, to the magic of Wanshi: "You can do your thing, come back on time at the evening dinner."

"Yes, Your Highness!" The magic of the singer of Confucius, stepped back, and turned into a light and shadow, gradually disappearing into the space, no trace, no shadow, although the magic of the array did not realize the power of space. However, the absolute wind that he is full of is in line with his lawlessness, and the power of the sky is not worse than the power of the space.

Next, Huang Xiaolong stayed in the palace, using absolute Mu Li and Lei Yu, Feng Yun Zun, Huo Lao Gu and others to learn from each other. When learning, Huang Xiaolong knew that Wang Gu Xuan was observing him through the array method, but he did not shield it. Everything in the palace, let the observation of the ancients.

Indeed, as Huang Xiaolong thought, in his use of absolute Mu Li and Lei Yu, Feng Yun Zun, fire and blame, in another palace, three adults, Wan Guxu, Pang Rui and the origin of the division of more than a dozen veteran masters Looking through the mirror to observe all the movements in the Huang Xiaolong Palace.

"Absolutely Muli!" In the mirror, Wan Guxu sees Huang Xiaolong exhibiting absolute wood strength, and he is not surprised.

An originate branch elder said: "You can understand the absolute wood power, this Huang Xiaolong talent is not ordinary."

After all, the younger generation, who can understand the ultimate strength, will also have the number of palms.

This is the opening of the Muguang, the origin of the group of the oldest! In the origin of the division, the strength is second only to the ancients, and even more powerful than the Pang Rui.

Pang Rui sneered: "Thirteen kinds of extreme strength, absolute wood power ranks three, can not be realized, can also be considered nothing, up to the top of the list of fifteen, and this Huang Xiaolong's absolute wood power, should be just getting enlightened Come out, just enter the threshold."

Wan Guxu also nodded: "This Huang Xiaolong, compared with Qinger, is much worse. If he compares with Qinger, he can support up to twenty or thirty strokes."

Wan Gu Qing Er is the sixth in the list of heavenly machines, and Huang Xiaolong is at most fifteen, which is quite different.

"At the evening dinner, everyone took the opportunity to act." The three adults spoke.

"Yes, three adults!"

Soon, the day passed.

The night is slowly coming.

Moonlight silver light envelopes the city of infinity, and the origin of the division is under the moonlight, which is particularly charming.

The magic of the 10,000 arrays returned as expected, and when the magic of the 10,000s came back, Huang Xiaolong smiled at Lei Yu, Feng Yun Zun and others: "We also go out, the dinner has almost begun."

However, Huang Xiaolong, Lei Yu and others just stepped out of the palace, and they saw Pang Rui’s disciple Tang Fei leading a dozen disciples. Tang Fei told Huang Xiaolong: “Huang Gongzi, our cabinet owner asked me to come over and invite you to the dinner party. ”

See Wan Guxu, Pang Rui and others did not appear, just sent a disciple of the next generation to come and ask yourself, Huang Xiaolong said: "You guys are very busy?"

Tang Fei smiled and said: "This time in addition to the banquet of Huang Gongzi, I also banqueted a lot of Taoist teachers and veterans, the Lord, our host and the host were on the scene, very busy, Huang Gongzi forgive me."

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Very busy is just an excuse, it seems that the ancient imaginary is to see yourself and other people into the origin of the branch office, is already the shackles, so it is too lazy to come and ask.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong and others came to the scene.

The layout of the site is very luxurious, very stylish, people come and go, it is indeed a lot of Taoism, the veteran, the lord, but Huang Xiaolong knows that these Taoist teachers, the veteran, the lord, in fact, are all attached to the origin of the secret Under the branch, the loyalty to the Tianji Pavilion, or the ancients will not entertain these people.

If you want to do it, these people are good helpers!

Seeing the arrival of Huang Xiaolong, Wan Guxu came over, hehe smiled: "Huang Gongzi, I wanted to ask you personally, but it is really busy, forgive me."

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand and said nothing.

"Come on, I will introduce you to the masters of our origins!" Wan Guxu laughed, and then introduced Huang Xiaolong to the many experts on the scene.

There are more than 400 masters in the field, almost all of them from the origin of the 20th century! Even the top ten Taoist dynasty of the ancient dynasty came, but Henggu’s master taught him personally.

Henggu Daotong, ranked fourth in the origin of the hole!

Wan Guxu pointed to a middle-aged man and said to Huang Xiaolong: "This is the lord of the beastmaster, Liu Qiu'an, the lord of the beast, and Huang Gongzi still remember?" Then it means profoundly: "Iceland cocktail party, died in Lei Yushou The Xie Li in it is the lord of the hegemony."

The beastmaster teaches Liu Qiu'an to Xiao Xiaolong's smile: "Want to hear the name of Huang Xiaolong's son, I saw it today, and it really is a dragon and a phoenix." Then the tone turned: "I don't know how the strength of Huang Gongzi?"

"Wait, you will know." Huang Xiaolong laughed.

(second more)

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