Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3140: Also let our Highness explain to you?

The Lei Feng family, the nine-eyed black tiger, was shocked.

In Guyuan City, the black shadow magic used the power of space to destroy the silver horns and the Shao ethnic group and the patriarchs, but they did not know that the power of the space shadow is a big reality!

They thought that even if the black shadow magic had the power of space, it would be good to have at most a small realm. I never thought that it was a big success, and the gap between Dachengjing and Xiaochengjing was not doubled.

In the midst of a big shock, the nine-eyed black tiger family’s digital old people screamed in unison, and at the same time, the shots were dark, the black waves raged, and the black shadows were smashed.

These four nine-eyed black tigers are all absolutely dark forces, some are big, some are small, and some are small!

But the four people joined forces, and the absolute dark power of the four people blended together, and its power was actually many times stronger! Not weaker than the absolute darkness of the fullness.

The black shadow magic sang a cold drink, and the left hand greeted the four people.

I saw the boundless black waves formed by the absolute dark power of the four people instantly rising!

The four-eyed black tiger family and four elders also felt that there was suddenly a terrorist force in the body to open them all over the body! Their bodies are like balloons, and they have risen dozens of times!

The four people were stunned and panicked back and forth.

Suddenly, a cold, a black light cut through the void, with the thunder of the sky, smashed to the black shadow magic, the black shadow magic backhand, the bombing burst, the black shadow magic took a step back.

Everyone looked at it. I saw a naked old man with nine eyes and black tigers. The other eyes were full of black striated patterns, and the thin palms flashed. At this time, Hao Zheng had been rescued by him.

Huang Xiaolong was amazed. He could see that the absolute darkness of the black-skinned old man of the nine-eyed black tiger has been completed, and the absolute thunder force is already the ultimate, and it is only a little bit complete.

No wonder the other side can take the black shadow magic back.

However, it is just a black shadow magic, otherwise, with the power of the space of the black shadow magic, you can completely avoid the other side.

Hao Zheng was rescued by the nine-eyed black tiger-skinned old man. After the robbery, he only felt a little scared. Just now, the breath of death was so close to him!

"Thank you for the help of Hao Dio old." Hao Zheng was depressed in his heart and said to the skinny old man.

The skinny old man nodded: "The young patriarch is polite." Then he turned to Huang Xiaolong and said: "You will give the flowers of time to our nine-eyed black tiger and Lei Feng people. We can let you leave safely."

Although the strength of the black shadow magic is strong, but after all, it is only one person, and they are nearly 100 masters of the Lei Feng and the black tiger, all of whom are strong.

He does not believe that the other 12 men around Huang Xiaolong also have the power of the black shadow magic!

Lei Qianqian did not open, it is the default of the meaning of Haoduo.

After all, Huang Xiaolong has a master who has the power of absolute space.

Hao Zhengyi listened, but he jumped suddenly: "No, Hao is old, can't let the kid leave!"

Li Tianyao, who has never had an opening, said: "The flower of time, we are destined for it!"

Lei Qianxian stared at Li Tianyao: "I have been in the Thunder, I have not consulted?" Although Lei Qianqian is the first person of the younger generation in the origin, he has not seen Li Tianyao.

When Li Tianyao heard that the other party turned out to be Thousand Thousands, he was also shocked by the secret. The name of Lei Qianqian, he has never heard of it, the place of origin even thinks that this Thunder is thousands of children! In other words, regardless of their talent or strength, they must be stronger than him!

"It turned out to be a Thousand Princess, under Li Tianyao." Li Tianyao clenched his fist.

Although he had already guessed Li Tianyao’s identity, he heard Li Tianyao’s personal confirmation that Lei Qianqian and the two masters were still taken aback. Even Hao, who was angry and could not let Huang Xiaolong leave, stared at Li Tianyao.

"It turned out that the descendants of the Tianming tribe came in person!" Lei Qianqian said, the voice is crisp, and the sound is good: "The flowers of these two times are the things of our origin, and belong to the family of our origin, Li Tianyao Even if the patriarch is given, I am afraid that I will not bring back your destiny, you say it!"

When the masters of the destiny are heard, the brows are wrinkled. Although Thousand Thousands is a threatening statement, after getting the flower of time, they must pass through the place of origin, and escape from the origins of the various ethnic groups to stop the Enron from returning to the Tianming clan. So easy.

Li Tianyao Shen Shen: "The flower of time, we only need one, this is our bottom line!" Speaking of this, one refers to the tall old man around him: "This is the old Shu Li of our destiny!"

Li Shuo!

Lei Qianqian and Hao Zheng and others are all shocked.

The chief veteran of the destiny! It is also the second strongest of the destiny, ranking eighth in the list of extinction!

There are even rumors that the strength of Li Shuo is far more than that, but its low-key, hidden strength, so it is the eighth in the world, otherwise, can squeeze into the top five!

Even the black tiger clan, Hao Duo, who just repelled the black-and-white magic, looked at Li Shuo with his face.

Lei Qianqian and Lei Feng’s several veterans looked at each other. Later, they exchanged their eyes with Hao Duo and others. In the end, Lei Qianqian nodded: "Well, these two flowers of time can give you a flower!"

Since there was no Huang Xiaolong’s command, the emperor, the demon of the 10,000, and so on just watched, watching Lei Qianqian and others there to discuss the ownership of the flowers of the two fruits in the hands of Huang Xiaolong. The emperor was like watching the clown. Look at the three masters.

Li Shuo? The chief veteran of the Tianming clan, the eighth in the list of extinction? In his eyes, it is just a clown. Maybe the patriarch of the destiny is coming, and some look at it.

"Are you finished?" Huang Xiaolong opened, Lei Qianqian, Li Tianyao and others looked at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong took back the flowers of the two timelights into the sun and moon furnaces, and scanned Lei Qianqian, Li Tianyao, Hao Duo, Hao Zheng and others in a circle, slowly saying: "Today, you can't escape!"

Lei Qianqian, Li Tianyao, Hao Duo, Hao Zheng, the three masters are all stunned, thinking that they have got it wrong.

Hao Zheng laughed and laughed at Hao Duo: "Hao is old, you heard it, you want to let them go, they are not willing to let us go!" The voice taunted.

Just the face that he was swollen into a pig's head by the shadow fan has recovered, but there is still a slight palm mark on his face. This is the mark of the force of space, which is difficult to erase.

Haohu, a veteran of the black tiger family, sank and looked at Huang Xiaolong: "Do you really want to hand over the flowers of time? Also, you better explain what you just said!"

Lei Yu finally couldn't help it, coldly said: "Old things, what are you, also let our Highness explain to you! Your ten overlords do not have this qualification!"

Lei Feng, the black tiger and the two masters are not angry.

Listening to Lei Yu disrespectful to their top ten hegemons, the black tiger family leader Hao Duo suddenly shot to Lei Yu: "You are a slave to sit on the beast, but also dare to disrespect our overlord! The kill!" Absolutely the power of darkness and the absolute thunder of the ultimate!

This palm is much stronger than the one that just knocked back the black shadow magic.

(Recommended to recommend a book to you, a friend I have been dating for many years, and my colleague for many years, the title of the book "The sword of rebirth is broken", the pen name is three stone, is the starting point of fantasy, new book newcomers, not easy, hope Everyone collects, supports, thanks!)

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