Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3170: I have never seen you blowing cowhide.

"Xiaolong, you take the little shackles and they flee first, we are broken!" Jinjiao chick is standing on the chest and sighs with loyalty.

Looking at the golden-breasted chick, which is obviously developed a lot of chest muscles, Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Nothing, a half-sacred peak."

Originally, Hongmeng, the great emperor and other people were also about to ask Huang Xiaolong to take the women to leave first. Suddenly I heard Huang Xiaolong say so, and could not help but stay there.

Shi Xiaoying, Li Wei, Yao Chi, Fang Wei, Bei Xiaomei, and Peng Yu’s daughters also looked at Huang Xiaolong in vain.

"Little dragon, are you?" Shi Xiaoxiao asked some unbelievably.

Huang Xiaohai suddenly yelled: "Big brother, are you now stronger than the half-sacred peak?!"

Stronger than the semi-Holy Peak? !

Huang Peng, Su Yan, Hongmeng Old Man, North Lengyang everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong, including Chen Jia’s two supreme guards and restaurant guys.

Chen’s two supreme guards and the restaurant guys were obviously shocked. Isn’t Huang Xiaolong really a master better than the semi-Shengfeng? !

Just before Huang Xiaolong waved off the top-ranking Chen Xu, maybe it might be stronger than the half-sacred peak!

Then, Huang Xiaohai was excited and laughed: "I know that the talent of the big brother, tens of thousands of years must be a master, haha!"

Huang Xiaolong smiled, this kid.

The two shocked masters of Chen’s esteemed masters couldn’t help but look at each other. One of them could not help but sneer at Huang Xiaohai: “Thousands of years? So, tens of thousands of years ago, he and you are the masters of the world? You I thought that after cultivating him for tens of thousands of years, he could cultivate to the realm of saints who are stronger than the semi-Sacred peaks. Tell you, even if it is the first day of the holy gate of our Luquan Holy Land, it is impossible to do it!"

"After breaking through to the sovereignty, every step is harder than going to heaven. Especially after breaking through to the Supreme Ninth Order, it is even harder to break through to the semi-sacred environment. It is necessary to successfully survive the holy robbery, even if it is successful, it is also One robbery and half saint, then two robbers and half saints, until the nine robbers and half saints! Even if it is a breakthrough to the nine robbers and half saints, become a semi-holy peak, but also to successfully capture the Holy Life, and then integrate the Holy Life to break through the Holy Land, Become a saint!"

Everyone in the Huang family, Shi Xiaowei, Li Wei and others are stunned, such as listening to the book.

The master of the Chen family is sneer and sneer: "Take us the deer of the Luquan holy door, the deer of the Luquan saint, the talent of our deer in the Holy Land, and the cultivation of millions of years before they can break through the holy Realm, do you think that he can break through the holy world after tens of thousands of years of cultivation? It is a joke, a big joke!" One refers to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaohai was poured a basin of ice water, and the whole body and heart were cool.

Huang Peng, Su Yan, Shi Xiaowei, Li Wei, Hongmeng and other people have just been happy, the excited look can not be completely disappeared, just the smile froze.

The guy in the restaurant was obviously relieved. Just now he really thought that Huang Xiaolong was a master of the Holy Land.

It turned out to be only a small pipa that has been cultivated for tens of thousands of years.

Huang Xiaolong heard the words, smiled, and was too lazy to explain with the Chen family guards. There is no need to explain with the other party. Even if it is explained, the other party does not know what is the Taoist, what is the ultimate power, and what is the creation god.

Huang Xiaolong will Lin Xiaoying, Fei Yanzi, Fengyue, Yinyue four women recruited over, to Huang Peng, Su Yandao: "Father, mother, I will tell you, they are my friends." Then smiled: "You can rest assured, They are all masters who are stronger than the saints. What kind of ancestors of the Chen family, if they come over, they can pinch their fingers with one finger!"

Huang Peng, Su Yan, Shi Xiaowei and others were shocked.

Stronger than the saint? !

What is that realm?

At this time, the Chen family's ruling guardian screamed: "Is it stronger than the saint? You don't want to say that these women are masters of the ancestor? We are very few ancestors in the sacred world." Every one is a supreme master who is not born. The master of the ancestral ancestors is the true ruler of our sacred sacred world. Even the sacred sages of our holy land have never seen the masters of the ancestral world. You said that these women are the first ancestors. Or is it your friend? You are a person who is not a holy place, is your friend the first ancestor?"

"I have seen blowing cowhide, I have never seen you blow it!"

Obviously, he did not believe that Lin Xiaoying, Feiyanzi, Fengyue, Yinyue was the first ancestor.

If he knows that Fengyue and Yinyue are surpassing the ancestral ancestors, I am afraid that they will be directly scared to death.

Huang Peng, Su Yan, Shi Xiaoqi and others who have just been shocked are not wrong.

Lin Xiaoying, Feiyanzi four women looked badly at the Chen family guard. If it wasn't for Huang Xiaolong, the four women would not be able to leave a bad impression in front of the future mother-in-law. Just now they shot the other two.

Huang Xiaolong did not pay attention to the Chen family guards, and continued to give parents, Shi Xiaoying and others to introduce Lin Xiaoying, Feiyanzi, Fengyue, Silvermoon four women.

The four women face Huang Peng and Su Yan, naturally they are shy and embarrassed.

Huang Peng looked happy, but it was Su Yan, who took a few eyes of Huang Xiaolong, and Huang Xiaolong was embarrassed by his mother.

"Big Brother, let's go quickly." Huang Xiaohai rushed to urge, Huang Peng, Su Yan and others also rushed.

Huang Xiaolong is sweaty, it seems that the parents still do not believe.

Just then, suddenly, a burst of empty sound came, only to see the sky at a distance, a group of masters dressed in blue robes are flying here, very fast, hundreds of people.

Seeing people coming, the faces of the Huang family changed, and the other party was wearing it. It was obviously a master of Chen. I didn’t expect the Chen family to come so fast.

The two Chen family guards saw people coming and laughed.

"It is our homeowner, our family has come over in person! Tell you, although our family is not a semi-holy peak, but it is also the supreme power of the eight robbers and half saints, is the top ten masters of Luquan Holy Land!" Road.

Eight robbers and half holy! The top ten masters of Luquan Holy Land!

Huang Jiazhong, Shi Xiaowei, Li Wei, Yao Chi and other people are not shocked.

Through the explanation of the Chen family guards, the people did not know what it meant to be eight robbers and half saints.

Above the ninth order of the Supreme Court, it is a catastrophe and a sacred sacredness. For the people, it is the horror of the sky.

Soon, Chen Jiajia’s master led Huang Jiazhong’s master to the scene. The Chen family’s master had led Chen’s masters to go out to work. Suddenly they received a report saying that their nephew Chen Xu was killed and they came over with everyone. So, it came so fast.

"Welcome to the owner!" The two Chen family guards hurried forward and bowed to the Chen family.

The Chen family’s master looked coldly at the two Chen’s guards: “The guardian is not strong, wait until you go back and dispose of you!”

The two Chen family guards trembled and did not dare to argue.

The Chen family’s owner was volleyed. Looking at the ground, Huang Xiaolong, Huang Peng, Shi Xiaowei, Lin Xiaoying and others, just like watching the ants: "You killed me?"

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