Invincible Copy System

Chapter 14 Baicao Hall

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Chapter 14 Baicao Hall

"What are you, hurry in and dispense your medicine. These people have already placed their bets. I have no time to compete with you, and you don't have the qualifications. When you are successful in the configuration, I will follow you again." It's not too late to try."

After Xue Ying said these words, the flatterers also felt that something was wrong.

This is not Young Master Xue's style of doing things. If Young Master Xue really had this ability, he would have gone up to show off a long time ago. These sons of rich people like to show off, and now it seems that there is something unspeakable!

Could it be that we people are not helping?

These people around are afraid to speak at the moment, in case they flatter the horse's hooves, this is not a trivial matter.

"It is said that the members of the Xue family are very courageous and dare to throw down no matter what kind of competition, it seems that this sentence is a bit nonsense!"

Liu Ning said slowly, he knew that the sons of these big families would play tricks.

But when it comes to the honor of their family, if they continue to play tricks, it will discredit their family.

Even if they won the victory outside, I am afraid that the law enforcement team in the big family will not let them go.


Young Master Xue didn't know what to say, this kid actually got involved with the entire Xue family, and what he said just now was all about the eye of death.

If you still want to avoid the war, let the family know that you will have no good fruit for yourself.

"It's okay for you to compete, but it's not that simple for me to make a move. If there is no 500,000, I will never make a move. Don't even think about taking the bet you just made again. You must have a new 500,000." Wancai can do it, of course I can make it a step, and your things worth 500,000 yuan are fine."

After all, Young Master Xue grew up in this kind of official family, so he knew how to rescue himself as soon as he turned his head.

What he said is also a matter of course. After all, he is a person of status. If there is no bet, of course he will not play such a game.

Besides, he also knows Liu Ning very well. Liu Ning killed a fierce beast by luck. In matters of money, it is absolutely impossible to have 500,000.

"I want to bet 500,000..."

Liu Ning was possessed by the Oscar winner at this moment, with a trace of hesitation on his face, in the eyes of others, he was a little scared.

The people around also laughed cheerfully, this is the script that should exist, the script just now has deviated, it should be Young Master Xue beating up the poor boy.

A poor ghost is a poor ghost, he doesn't even have 500,000 yuan, and he still wants to fight this young master. Young Master Xue has a wicked smile on his face. This guy thinks he has caught Liu Ning's weakness.

"Don't embarrass yourself here. If you don't have money, you still have to gamble with others. I think you are really rubbish. You should go home quickly. You can't come to this kind of place."

Young Master Xue took the opportunity to tease, and the people around him also laughed, as if oppressing the lower class people could bring pleasure.

"Don't look down on people here, if I have such a thing, you really dare to bet with me?"

Liu Ning swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Although the language was very firm, everyone present could see that Liu Ning was trying to be brave, and maybe there was nothing worth 500,000 at all.

"Don't be brave. If you are worried, I will give you a guarantee here. All these friends around you can serve as witnesses. Anyway, I am also a member of the Xue family. I spit every mouthful. If you want something Just take it out quickly, I will bet you this game, if you don’t have it, go home quickly, and don’t come to this place to buy medicinal materials in the future, I will be disgusted when I see you.”

Young Master Xue said proudly, at this moment he has already felt that he has the chance to win, and there is absolutely no way this guy has these things.

All that's left is to humiliate him vigorously, and I have to take back his 500,000 yuan. I don't care about this small amount of money, but as long as I can hit this guy, I will spare no effort to do it.

"Well, I'm blocking you, I don't have money, but I have this."

Liu Ning smiled sinisterly at this time, waiting for your words from Young Master Xue.

You have pulled out the Xue family by yourself, which has a different weight from what we said. You are an insider of the Xue family. If you take this name seriously, some people will deal with you of.

"My god, this is a sky-blue potion, a high-grade healing potion, and it's really worth 500,000 yuan!"

Since they are all here to buy medicinal materials, they are naturally very familiar with various medicines. Now they don't even need professionals to judge, they can judge that this is true, and Young Master Xue has no way out.

" must be fake. How could you have such a thing? Your whole family doesn't have 50,000 yuan."

Young Master Xue's horseman finally came to his senses, how could Young Master Xue do such a thing like being rambunctious? These people have to come out to give away the head.

These people can also see that Young Master Xue only has the title of a pharmacist apprentice. If Young Master Xue is really asked to compete, I'm afraid this guy really doesn't have that ability, and he might fall here on the spot.

Fortunately, they comprehended relatively quickly. If they still praised and killed them as before, Young Master Xue might have to kill them after returning.

Young Master Xue shook his head speechlessly. These idiots finally realized that you were the ones who made trouble earlier, but now

I don't have time to deal with you, let's solve this mess first.

"Whether the potion is real or not, of course we professionals are here to identify it. This is the Baicao Hall. Any kind of potion can be verified at first sight."

Just when everyone was at loggerheads, a beautiful lady in a white dress came from the stairs.

"This is Miss Bailu, the second lady of Baicao Hall..."

Liu Ning heard people around calling this lady Miss Bai.

The owner of Baicao Hall is named Bai, it seems that this is also one of the bosses.

Liu Ning looked up at me, this Miss Bai really had an astonishing appearance, it would not be an exaggeration to say that she is a country and a city, she is a fairy at the same level as Concubine Su.

I just don't know who I came out to help this time. Could it be that he and Young Master Xue are in the same group? After all, the Bai family is also a big family second only to the four major families. If they want to help, they will never help themselves.

"This bottle of potion is real, I guarantee it with the reputation of the Bai Family of Baicao Hall."

Without using any instruments, this Miss Bai Lu said directly that it was true, and she sent Young Master Xue to the guillotine.

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