Invincible Copy System

Chapter 16 Breaking Records

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Chapter 16 Breaking Records

A lot of people gathered outside again. These people were all good people, and they all wanted to see how embarrassing Liu Ning would be later.

Originally, Young Master Xue has already left, so you can accept it as soon as you see it here.

I didn't expect to see that Ms. Bai is beautiful, and wanted to show off in front of her, but she said such outrageous words, and even shared the potion with her, let's see what you can get later?

"Boss, listen, this is the sound of a blender, he didn't even observe the medicinal materials, he just threw them in..."

A senior manager was also not convinced, because Miss Bai was his dream girl, and even though he knew that he had nothing to do with Miss Bai, he would never allow a little bastard to molest Miss Bai.

The configuration of the medicine is roughly divided into 4 steps.

The first step is to observe the age and condition of these herbs.

The second step is to mix it up, and then make it into powder with a blender. The third step is to configure according to the proportion, slowly add water, and the fourth step is to heat and evaporate, and the final product is the medicine.

It's very simple to say, but every step needs to be carried out slowly. It took only 5 minutes for this kid to go in, and he immediately started to stir. I have never heard of anyone doing this, and it is impossible for a master of pharmacy.

"Water...the water meter is's only 10 minutes..."

Another employee saw the water meter next to him. How did the boy in it prepare the medicine? Did he really think it was a play?

Miss Bai was also a little surprised, did she really miss her? After all, even if the medicine is always here, you can't just add water in 10 minutes. Just when Miss Bai was suspicious, the door of Liu Ning's small room opened.

"What, the container you gave seems to be not enough. I saw a broken bowl on the ground, so I picked it up to fill the potion. Come and share it. It was agreed just now that we will each have half."

Liu Ning was holding a large bowl with a big grin.

When everyone heard Liu Ning's words, they wished they could go up and give him a slap.

Why are you so shameless, you have already configured it in 15 minutes, and you still have to share the potion equally with others?

But when everyone saw the bowl in his hand, they immediately shut their mouths. The person in front of them might really be a master of pharmacy!


Even if it is a master of pharmacy, I am afraid that it will never be so fast.

The bowl is filled with healing potions. This aroma cannot be faked, and the color is all dark blue. This is a special class healing potion, one million servings! !

This is the special healing potion that Fang Qiang said, and it can be restored in less than half an hour.

Such things are hard to come by, and the public price is 1 million copies. If you want it urgently, you can buy it for 1.5 million.

"I'm sorry, my level is limited, I haven't configured super special potions, just some ordinary special potions, but give me some time next time, I will definitely be able to configure super special potions for you, and I can't let you lose money Son, hurry up and find something, let's share it!"

Liu Ning saw that everyone didn't move, so he said these words in a daze, and slapped these people's faces.

You kid is really mad. It's lucky that an ordinary pharmacist can make a medium potion.

Only a senior pharmacist can concoct super special potions, and a pharmacist can concoct super special potions. You kid made it in 15 minutes, what a character you must be!

Everyone didn't think that this was Liu Ning's skill, they all thought that Liu Ning was lucky, otherwise it would be impossible to configure it.

Liu Ning didn't care what they thought, he was thinking about the system's notification tone just now.

It turns out that proficiency is required to configure a pharmacist. The proficiency just now is 1/1000. It seems that it takes 1000 configurations to produce a super special potion. Come slowly!

"Miss Bai, should we find something first, I'm tired of carrying it here."

It's been three minutes, and these people are still in a state of fossils, and they don't even know how hard we are carrying them.

The others are simply speechless, you kid can't stop talking, you don't know how many people will be pissed off when you talk, is that an ordinary thing in your hand?

This is an ultra-premium medicine, worth nearly 1.5 million per 10 milliliters. You may spend tens of millions this night. If we take it instead, you won’t be tired for three days and three nights.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and get the container and fill it up for this gentleman. I can't share it with him. What I pay is only 8,000 yuan for medicinal materials. If the gentleman feels uncomfortable , Just give me the money for these medicinal materials."

Although Miss Bai is a business giant, the things here are too precious. This bowl is not small. If it is really necessary to separate it, I don't know how many copies it will be!

Ms. Bai made a rough estimate. This must be at least 500ml, and 10ml is one serving. There are a total of 50 servings in it!

According to the official price, it would be worth 10 million. Of course, the higher the level of healing potion, the less likely it would be to sell it at the official price, and the price would be much higher. After all, rare things are expensive.

"Then how can it work? As I said just now, the two of us are one and half. Although we are not members of the four major families, we still keep our word."

Liu Ning spoke

I still don't forget to tease Young Master Xue, these people around don't dare to underestimate Liu Ning now.

His quality is much higher than that of Young Master Xue, at least he means what he says, if Young Master Xue is here, facing so many healing potions, he will definitely take them away without hesitation.

Miss Bai waved her hand, let's not talk about the distribution, let her subordinates quickly pack it up, it is a sin to evaporate such a high-level potion here, and each milliliter is worth hundreds of thousands!

After more than 40 minutes of intense work, I finally put all these things into glass bottles, and there are a total of 50 bottles!

It has long been heard that high-level pharmacists dispense more medicines, but the highest record is more than 200 milliliters.

Of course, we don’t know about the ones that have no records. After all, there are so many capable people and easy things in the world. If they are made public in public, I’m afraid this record is Liu Ning’s.

500ml! !

It is not uncommon to get these medicines if you consume hundreds of medicines, but Liu Ning has taken a medicine since he entered the door. Everyone has seen this. This is a real skill, and these medicines must be kept. .

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