Chapter 1007

The bottom of the dragon wind area is not dark.

The wind chime above the wind chime tree emits a cyan glow, and the sea floor is also reflected in cyan.

It is surrounded by rich water and wind energy.

In the wind chime forest, suspended in the forest, it is completely dead.

In the sky above, the square can float on it within a few kilometers, and the beasts and monsters in the wind chime forest are more likely to ambush and attack.

Entering the seabed forest, walking is more secret.

"Here, once you encounter scallops or wind squid, you must kill them at the fastest speed, don't make too much noise!"

"The practitioners of wind and water properties must pay attention to it, and must not let the sound of the surrounding wind chimes pass!"

Zhang Fengying looked at the crowd behind him, warning with a serious face.


Amethyst hiring group was obviously no stranger to Zhang Fengying, nodded heavily.

Xia Houming and his party also knew her name and followed it.

Wang Xian looks at this hot woman, can reach the extraordinary seventh order, it seems not simple.


Zhang Fengying took a beckoning gesture, and everyone stared at them with a gaze and vigilance.

Wang Xian also looked around, his eyes sparkling with strange light.


Under the gaze, Wang Xian found that there was a passage under the sea floor five hundred meters ahead of him. The passage was huge, but there was no living thing inside.

Is this the nest of the winged squid monster?

Wang Xian looked curiously, and the passage leads to the front, extending in all directions, like a huge labyrinth.

"No wonder this wind wing squid monster, their nest is so complicated, even if the hole is strong, can not destroy this wing squid!"

Wang Xian looked at the bottom of the sea.


Just then, a sudden rush of voice came from the front.

Wang Xian looked up and looked away.

I saw that the cyan long whip in the hands of Zhang Fengying in front of him was tied with a beast.

The ferocious animal body is seven or eight meters long, with a thick bucket and two tentacles on the head.

It looks a bit like a python, but it makes a big difference.


Zhang Fengying's arm moves, the long whip tightens, and the seven-eight-meter-long scallop is divided into several segments!

"Too ferocious!"

"The rich girl is not only powerful, but also a powerful group!"

"After all, Zhang is the only one who has inspired the young!"

Beside him, the youth of the empty beast hiring group saw Zhang Fengying, who was strong, and whispered.

"Be careful, I found him in a kilometer. Now I am close to 500 meters. Have you seen it yet?"

Zhang Fengying turned his head and looked at the crowd behind him with a disgruntled look.

Zhang Yitian is slightly embarrassed, and she is used to this aunt.

However, in the Xia Houming side of the old man's mouth can not help but pumped, slowly lowered his head and wiped the long knife in his hand, pretending not to hear.

"I used to be good at fighting, the little guy, what are you good at?"

Zhang Fengying looked at Wang Xian.

As a qualified conductor, he must understand the attributes and strengths of the people. Others don't have to ask them one by one, but they also have the extraordinary seventh-order battle of Wang Xian, he must understand.

"I'm good at?"

Wang Xian hesitated a little, followed by saying: "I am good at investigating!"

"You are good at investigating?"

Zhang Fengying heard a glimpse of his words and followed him with a slap in the face: "Little guy, you are good at investigating!"

"Yes big sister!"

Wang Xian heard that he repeatedly called his little guy, looked at her and replied.

"big sister?"

When everyone around they heard Wang Xian’s words, they immediately looked at them and then watched Zhang Fengying.

This big sister, the name is very good!


Zhang Fengying smashed Wang Xian, looked at the anger on his face and immediately converge, looking up and down Wang Xian: "You are still good at investigating, just the five meters of the scales have not been found? This is Are you good at investigating?"

"It's really good at it!"

Wang Xian nodded faintly.

"Okay, then I have to look at how good the investigation is, come, we are at the forefront, old, you are attached!"

Zhang Fengying raised a brow and said to them.

"A good girl, my old man is not good at this, the investigation will be handed over to you!"

I used to smile and nodded.

Wang Xian did not care to go over.


"The kid, than one, next, see who first found the savage beast around!"

Zhang Fengying’s arm fell on Wang Xian’s shoulder and said faintly.

Wang Xian smiled and looked at Zhang Fengying, who was half his head higher than himself. He moved two steps to the left: "Good!"

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Fengying saw his movements smiled and said loudly: "Go!"

Continue to walk forward, Zhang Fengying looked at Wang Xian with a smile on his face, his eyes sparkling with blue light.

His eyes swept away.

"Green eyes?"

Wang Xian glanced at Zhang Fengying, and his heart was secret. I don't know what ability this blue eye has.

Continue to move forward, the tens of meters high wind chime tree, calm sea bottom, and the forest on the ground.

Going forward for more than a thousand meters, Wang Xian glanced around with a smile on his face, his arm suddenly pointing upwards.

Without him talking, behind him a golden swordfish figured up and flew directly toward a bell tree above the front.


A long metal sword with a handle directly penetrates.


A huge body of seven or eight meters fell to the ground.

Extraordinary fifth-order jewels!

A group of people walking suddenly stopped, and even Zhang Fengying was surprised to see the past.

“Is there a phoenix on the tree?”

Her face changed and her eyes looked at Wang Xian: "What did you find? Your strength is good!"


Wang Xian did not answer her, said faintly.

"What kind of person? The kitten is a dead mouse, it is arrogant!"

Zhang Fengying saw that Wang Xian had ignored himself, and touted his face and his face was serious.

The rich cyan energy condenses in her eyes.

When Wang Xian saw her look, she took back the dark fire dragon.

Now only on the periphery, handed over to Zhang Fengying, the big sister!

This way he is also happy.

"Five hundred meters in front of the left, the tree is entwined with a phoenix scale, super fifth, to solve it!"

About five or six hundred meters away, Zhang Fengying's mouth tilted slightly and whispered.

An extraordinary sixth-order girl from Amethyst immediately flew over and solved it.


"One to one!"

Zhang Fengying held his head up and looked at Wang Xian provocatively.

This made him feel a little bit funny, nodded faintly.

"carry on!"

She continued to move forward with great enthusiasm, and looked around with vigilance.

(End of this chapter)

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