Chapter 1015, the Lord of the Family

The white demon-covered demon is turned into a human by the winged squid.

The claws of the demon are resisted by the blue wind shield, and the figure appears instantly.

Wang Xian saw that the super-eight-ordered squid squid actually resisted the attack of the scorpion, and his face showed a surprised look.

"What kind of treasure is it?"

Wang Xian looked at his eyes and walked through the position of the entrance.


A group of demons came to Wang Xian's body in an instant, and the demon came to his side.

"Dragon King, the leader of this winged squid has weapons against my attack!"

The demon stared at the leader of the winged squid and said with a dignified look.

"Humans, it really is you, your despicable human beings have broken into our nest!"

The four-meter-sized wind-wing squid on the central high platform was there, and the huge head stared at them coldly.

On top of it, a cyan crown slowly condensed.

The fierce face of the singer has added some majesty.

"That is the cyan crown!"

The demon gaze stared at the cyan crown on top of it, and said with a dignified face.

Being able to resist his assassination is definitely not an ordinary treasure.

"Submit to me, otherwise you all have to die!"

Wang Xian’s eyes swept through the superb eight-order winged squid leader in the entire hall, the superb eighth-order scalloped prince.

After the extraordinary seventh-order slayer was killed by the scorpion, only fifteen were left.

This power is not very strong, they can easily destroy it.

"Submission? Give me death!"

The leader of the wind-wing squid squatted on the high platform and his head screamed wildly.

It opened its mouth and the crown of the head shone with rich cyan wind energy.


For a moment, the overwhelming wind blade attacked them.

Wang Xian’s arm waved and the earth shield appeared in front of them.

"Touch and touch!"

At the moment of the collision, the earth shield collapsed directly.

"Well? Good attack!"

Wang Xian's face changed slightly, his body shape moved, and he hid to the side, and behind him, a group of demons quickly escaped.

"Kill them!"

Wang Xian directly directed the demon to command them.


The demon stared at the winged squid leader and attacked it in an instant.

A group of demon **** also attacked the wing squid and scallops of the entire nest.

Wang Xian stood there and did not shoot, his eyes glanced at the entire nest of the squid.

At the rear, a ten-meter-sized figure of a squid with a cyan leather, at the back of the statue, is a cave.

The hole ** emits a blue light, which blocks his sight.

The whole statue and the cave behind it give him a mysterious feeling, like a place of sacrifice for a race.

Wicked beasts have wisdom that is not weaker than humans, and they also have all sorts of strange customs.


The violent voice came, Wang Xian turned his head and looked at the field.

More than a dozen of the seven-ordered winged squid and squama have been easily killed by the demon.

Even the superb eighth-order phoenix phoenix was stunned by the demon.

Only the superb eighth-order leader, the owner of the wind-wing squid race.

But at the moment, his body also hit the wall.

"Damn damn, we are both monsters, why do you obey the commands of mankind!"

The wind-winged squid squatted on the ground, his face showing a raging look, staring at the demon and roaring loudly.

"If you don't surrender, you will die!"

The demon face color is unchanged, the strange black and white energy flashes slightly, and the figure instantly disappears within the line of sight of the winged squid.

"Oh, **** it!"

It opened its huge mouth and attacked in front of itself. It was a wind blade that covered the front without any difference.


However, at this time, a paw fell on the top of its head, and the heavy hit on the cyan crown.

"Wind Wings Crown!"

Feel the scorpion demon attacking the crown of his head, it screams.


The cyan crown suddenly released a cyan phantom, and went to the demon.

"The crown mortal can't be offended, give me death!"

The cyan crown of the blue color instantly binds the scorpion, and the squid's huge mouth slams into him.

"The light is empty!"

The demon face changed and wanted to break free, but found that he could not earn the crown of the crown.

It trembled and turned into nothingness, avoiding the shackles of the crown and the attack of the squid leader.

"Light burst!"

The bright claws of the demon are crossed with the claws of the sickle, and they are gently waved toward the demon.

The light bursts, and the thorn dragon has another magical power.

The light is intertwined and the most horrific attack is made.

You can make a point explosion or a range explosion.

The demon's arms waved, and a line of light and dark was intertwined.


The horrible explosion fell directly on the wing of the squid leader, the crown of the head trembled fiercely, and the energy of the blue wind shrouded it.


The horrible explosion caused the entire nest to tremble slightly, and the body of the squid slid heavily toward the rear and landed directly on the statue.

"Hey, hey, the invaders, you damn, ah!"

The wind wing squid raised his head in a difficult way, and his body was completely bathed in blood, staring at the demon.

The crown of the wing on its head is bleak.

"go to hell!"

The demon figure flashed and instantly came to the front of the wind wing.

"The great wind wing squid blood, give me strength!"

The head of the wind-wing squid suddenly trembled, and the blood flowing out of the body seemed to evaporate.

The black and white pupils of the demon are shrunk, and the arms are swung, and the three lights are caught toward the wind wing squid.


At this moment, the cyan leather that was draped over the statue suddenly burst into flames, and the blue light shrouded the winged squid.

The three attacks fell on it and were easily resisted.

The cyan leather was directly draped over the body of the winged squid.


"Haha, the blood of the ancestors, let me die!"

The body of the winged squid leader quickly became larger, and within a short one, it became a ten-meter-sized winged squid.

It stared at the demon.

"So difficult to deal with, the patriarch of a monster race, even have such a means?"

Wang Xian’s face showed a surprised look.

The winged crown, this magical cyan leather, is more magical than one.

“It’s not the owner of a monster race!”

Wang Xian’s eyes flashed, and his eyes looked at the extraordinary sixth-order demon: “We are doing it!”

"It is the Dragon King!"

An extraordinary eight-order wing squid forced Wang Xian with his most powerful two men's shots, this monster race is really not simple.

Wang Xian's body shape is transformed into a dragon!

The **** on the side are shining and screaming!

(End of this chapter)

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