Chapter 1029 regret? on

"The Du family was destroyed by the dragon. After a night, another powerful family was delisted by the dragon, which is too horrible!"

"It is said that it is not just the Du family. More than 20 people died yesterday night, and the lowest strength is the extraordinary fifth-order!"

"Some people say that the dragon thorns are coming, bringing darkness. I still don't believe it. This **** is so terrible that two big families have been destroyed in two days!"

"Du family should be enemies with which family, and they were hired to hire a dragon thorn to assassinate. This is to kill the Du family. At the very least, you need to have 500 or 600 million Chinese spirits!"

"It’s crazy, when will the assassination of the dragon thorns?”

"It is known from Shenghai Town that when there is no hired killer, the Dragon Thorns should not be able to do it. My God, this is in Shenghai Town, at least one or two months!"

"And not only that, you should be careful when you hate in the future, be careful that the other person hires a dragon thorn, who can resist this?"

"After the dragon stabbed, is it bright?"

Early in the morning, the entire East China Sea city boiled up!

On the first day, the dragon stabbed the snake house, and the second day the dragon stabbed the Du family.

Both of them are well-known families in Donghai City, and all are now destroyed.

The foundations of hundreds of years and even thousands of years have been easily destroyed. This devastating attack has shocked everyone!

The power of the dragon thorns, the real show, not all that said.

Immediately afterwards, the family hiring groups throughout the East China Sea City were also nervous.

Nima, if you hired a dragon thorn by your own enemy, wouldn't you have to die?

Perhaps the only thing that is more reassuring in the East China Sea is that those who have not done bad things and are more kind have no worries.

There are also families who have extraordinary nine-order powers and are not afraid.

Extraordinary ninth order, almost reached the peak, it is difficult to be assassinated.

Although they are not afraid, they do not mean that others are not afraid.

After the death of the Du family, there were only two ways left for most families.

First, hire a dragon to stab the opponent.

Second, agree with hate, shake hands and talk.

For a time, all families and hiring groups are considering this issue.

They are not saying that they want to hire a dragon thorn to hire. The commission is definitely a huge expense.

Wang Xian walked out of the house and found that the entire East China Sea city was talking about the Dragon Assassin organization.

One is also surprised, or shocked, or excited, or embarrassed.

"To buy some medicinal herbs and spirit grass today, since you don't need to help Fengxian, you can completely refine your own medicinal herbs. If you refine your own, you can still pay half of the cost!"

In the heart of Wang Xian’s heart, he walked straight toward the center of the Eastern District.

Yesterday, I got 300 million Chinese spirits from the Du family. At present, the spiritual stone in the hands of Wang Xian has reached 1.8 billion.

In addition, he also got a lot of medicinal herbs.

However, he did not sell these medicinal herbs, but stayed with them. These medicinal herbs, he has great use.

After the replacement of the 1.8 billion Chinese spirit stone, he can completely upgrade his level.

But for the time being, he does not intend to upgrade his strength but to improve the strength of the demon.

In the East China Sea, in addition to the Fengxian Dan Medicine Weapons Square has a large number of medicinal herbs, the other is the birth and death Dan Pharmacy.

Life and death Dan Pharmacy, a more powerful pharmacy than Fengxian.

The main medicinal herbs.

Life and death Dan medicine workshop and Fengxian are connected together, and the competition relationship Wang Xian has also seen many times, extremely fierce.

"this is?"

When Wang Xian walked over, he found that whether it was the birth and death of Dan Yaofang or Fengxian, at the door, there were several beautiful women holding the sign.

It says the price of a drug.

Is this a promotion campaign?

At the entrance of the Fengxian Dan Medicine Weapons Square, the supervisor and the shopkeeper, as well as the middle-aged young people are at the door.

They looked a little bad and looked at the life and death of the Dan Pharmacy.

Wang Xian felt interesting looking at the past and mocked and smiled.

If they are not in a bad attitude, the medicinal herbs he bought alone will be able to support the entire Fengxian business in Donghai City.

Even in the future, the business of the entire Xingyue Kingdom is uncertain.

Wang Xian went straight to the position of the birth and death medicinal workshop.

The supervisor and the shopkeeper standing at the door were extremely annoyed.

A few days ago, the big guys behind the store came to Donghai City to prepare for a relief of the crisis in Donghai City.

They brought a batch of medicinal herbs, and the results were really good. In those two days, the customer even doubled the life and death of the medicinal pharmacy.

However, what they did not expect was that the same medicinal herbs were taken out in less than three days.

And the price will be sold lower than they are, which instantly reduced their business.

In desperation, they could only fight the price war this morning.

However, this practice, as the top Dan Pharmacy in the mainland, can show weakness and immediately followed.

This makes them very headaches.

Even the embarrassing thing is that the other party’s auction in a few days is going to be carried out with them. Obviously, this is deliberately suppressing them.

After this incident appeared, several big people who came to the East China Sea could not solve it and could only report to the higher level.

I heard that there will be more distinguished seniors coming.

When I think of the big man who came to the store, the supervisor and the shopkeeper are full of bitterness. Follow the disciples of the big man and drive away one of them!


Yi supervisor silently sighed and looked sad. If the identity and honorable person who came again could not solve the problem of Donghai City, Donghai City would be finished.

"Easy supervisor, you see, it is him, Wang Gongzi!"

Just then, the treasurer on the side said to her anxiously.


The supervisor immediately turned his head and looked at it. When he saw Wang Xian running straight toward the death and death medicinal workshop, his face was instantly embarrassed.

“Easy to be in charge, he went to the Dangan Pharmacy!”

The shopkeeper's face was a little embarrassing.

"Go, we have apologized in the past!"

Now the Fengxian Dan Medicine Weapons Square has fallen to such a degree that even if it is put down to save a customer, they can also make it.

Not to mention, it is so expensive!

"it is good!"

The shopkeeper also nodded, this matter is the problem of their impatiens.

The two immediately went over.

“Well, easy to lead?”

A woman saw them walking straight away and her face was strange.

"It was the young man of that day!"

At this time, a **** the side looked at Wang Xian and looked up and down.

They did not think of it at any time. This young man was a customer who spent 560 million yuan to buy medicinal herbs in Fengxian.

"We are also gone!"

The woman looked at the other side and looked away.

(End of this chapter)

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