Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1063: The tutor must also obey the next game.

Chapter 1063, the tutor is also subject to the end.

Windridge Mountain area, one of the five dangerous areas near Donghai City.

To reach the holy sea town, you must cross the Wind Arrow Mountain.

Wang Xian once crossed once. The most dangerous thing about Fengjianshan is the hidden monster.

They are very intelligent and know how to control the beasts to ambush. Everyone should be careful here.

However, in the case of so many people, and there is also a strong person sitting in the town, the monster is not daring to attack.

With their wisdom, know who can provoke, and who can't provoke.

"Good at speed and detection on the front and sides, good at defense, followed by good at melee, then good at long-range attacks, in the center, into a triangle toward the front!"

Entering the Fengjianshan area, Wang Xian immediately ordered it to everyone.

More than five hundred people are advancing. There must be a formation to deal with unexpected situations. If there is a beast and beast attack, it will be able to respond in the first time without any loss.

According to his experience and understanding, the scout is located at the forefront to investigate all situations, the front row defense, resisting the sudden first wave of attacks, the soldiers then, ready to charge.

The most central location is to protect remote attackers.


Wang Xian’s order still did not dare to resist. After all, he was the leader of this time, and he was still the seventh-order powerhouse.

No one dares to oppose it, nor can it oppose it.

A group of students began to combine teams according to their respective abilities and strengths.

"You are here, you change position with him, and you..."

Wang Xian has a light and dark dragon, who can see the strength and attributes of each individual. He can arrange it easily.

Looking at the command of Wang Xian, all the students were slightly surprised.

"The captain is so powerful that he can see the strength and goodness of everyone!"

Xia Houming is a daily singer, some compliments.

"Captain, do you have any magical powers for investigation, you must know that I have a hidden supernatural power, and no one knows that my strength has reached the extraordinary fifth order!"

A young man who is ready to fish in troubled waters said bitterly.

He is really serving, he is good at concealing, all his classmates do not know that his strength has improved, but he was still seen by Wang Xian.


Wang Xian smiled faintly, making the faces of all the people around him look surprised.

The five mentor on the side also looked at each other with a slight surprise.

From the current point of view, Wang Xian’s command is not bad, even strong.

This made the money director frown slightly.

"Go, start, the person in front, be vigilant, change position after half an hour, no one should take it lightly, otherwise, it may be you!"

Wang Xian sighed lightly and came to the forefront position, quickly rushing away.

Seeing that Wang Xian was at the forefront, the students behind him were slightly admired.

A group of people travels fast.

As Wang Xian expected, they did not encounter any danger in the Fengjianshan area.

In such a situation where so many people are still so powerful, those hidden monsters are afraid to launch an attack.

They spent only three hours in the Wind Arrow Mountain area, where they spent more than a day with the caravan.

The speed is more than eight times faster.

"Ocean Academy and Tokai College seem to have not come out yet!"

“We only spent three hours crossing the Wind Arrow Mountain area, and the speed is already fast enough!”

"Continue, rush, we must first enter the holy sea town!"

Crossing the Fengjianshan area, their speed has once again increased.

"Rest awhile!"

Three hours later, Wang Xian looked at the black water marsh area in front and waved his hand to stop everyone.

"The front is the black water marsh area. Here, the crocodile crocodile may be hidden around at any time. The strength of the crocodile is very strong. In comparison, it is more dangerous than the Fengjianshan area!"

Wang Xian said: "There are flying crows flying in the sky. This is also a very disgusting beast. If they are haunted, they are hundreds of thousands. It is definitely not good!"

"We have so many people who can control the crocodile crows, and can easily crush the past!"

When Qian Hu heard Wang Xian’s words, he said with a blank expression.

"Yes, we are so strong, a black water swamp, don't need to worry so much!"

Qian Hu spoke, and several young people quickly joined the road.

Others did not put the Blackwater Marsh in their hearts. After all, among them, four of the mentor were seven-order, and one director was superb.

With them, the average beast is not their opponent at all.

"Be careful!"

Wang Xian glanced at them and rested for ten minutes. A group of people entered the black water marsh area.

As for the party members of the East China Sea College and the Ocean College, I have long been wondering where I am.


A group of people entered the black water swamp, Wang Xian vigilantly scanned the position below.

In Wang Xian’s view, the Blackwater Marsh is more dangerous than the Wind Arrow Mountain.

The crocodile beast in the Blackwater Marsh, no matter how many people you have, will attack immediately as soon as you enter my attack range.

If there is an extraordinary 6th-order seventh-order crocodile attack, the five mentor will not have time to rescue.

However, what makes Wang Xian somewhat surprised is that he has been driving fast for three hours and still does not encounter a crocodile.

"Our people, even the beasts, are not daring to attack."

Qian Hu’s voice rang in the ears of the people, and the students nodded slightly, knowing that Wang Xian was more worried.

"Accelerate the speed!"

A tutor flying in the sky said directly.

Wang Xian picked up his eyebrows, did not speak, and the group flew quickly.


When they flew for half an hour, there was a loud bang in front of them.

"Hey, hey!"

At this moment, a scream of rotten crows came.

Wang Xian waved his hand and everyone stopped immediately.

"What happened? Is there a beast in front?"

"Look at the left and right positions ahead, there are a group of rotten crows!"

"A lot of rotten crows, at least tens of thousands on both sides, the left side is better, only a thousand or so!"

A group of students stopped and their faces looked amazed.

There are various weeds growing under the black land, and some places have black swamp water on the beach.

The sky sun has set, and the whole world is full of dark gray, giving people a darkness, like the world of the abyss.

Wang Xian immediately flew into the sky, his eyes as far as the front.

"A lot of emperor crocodile beasts!"

When he looked at it, the pupil shrank slightly and his face was shocked.

In front of the position, there are thousands of crocodiles gathered together, and two of them are fighting.

The two emperors have a body size of 20 meters and at least eight levels of strength.

"What is this doing?"

Wang Xian frowned, his eyes looking to the left and right.

Can not pass in front, must detour, there are rotten crows on the left and right, but there are only a thousand on the left, the strength does not exceed the extraordinary fourth order.

"Before you can't pass, let's go to the left!"

Wang Xianfei said to all people and said directly.


All the students were slightly stunned and their faces were wrong: "The captain, there is no need to detour, and around the left, you will encounter the rotten crows!"

"The position in front is dangerous. We only have to go to the left to be the safest!"

Wang Xian said directly.

"Rao will deviate from our direction, waste more than half an hour, and if the rotten attack comes over, it will waste half an hour!"

Qian Hu looked at Wang Xian and his mouth tilted slightly: "According to me, we go straight, even if we encounter a beast, we will waste us for half an hour at most!"

Thanks to all the friends for their rewards these days, thank you!

There is still a chapter after an hour!

(End of this chapter)

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