Chapter 1071

"There is no difference in the sky!"

In the middle-aged eyes that became the eagle eye, the ray of light stunned, and once again glanced at the sky, shook his head coldly, and looked at Wang Xian with a faint look: "My martial arts is a superb nine-order monster beast. The magical power of the beast can gain insight into the range of ten kilometers!"

"I heard no, huh, huh, no wonder you can lose a lot, there is a team leader who is so unreliable, this is strange if there is no problem!"

When Hai Wen heard the eyes of the eagle eye, he even more ridiculously said to Wang Xian.

Wang Xian frowned slightly, his eyes showing an unpleasant look.

"Well, even if there is surveillance, we are coming to the area of ​​the wolf, there will be scouts to check the news!"

The deputy head of Meng waved his hand and did not put what Wang Xian said about them.

He knows how to solve the next thing, there are scouts to investigate, even if there is a surveillance of the wolf and beast in the sky, it will have little effect on their actions.

Wang Xian blinked and did not speak.

A group of people went in.

"Report, deputy head, a group of water wolves and beasts gathered in front of the ocean shore in the front three kilometers!"

Not long after, the two soldiers who went to investigate were coming back and reported to the deputy head of Meng.

"Everyone, ready!"

The deputy head of Meng shouted loudly and showed a strong war in his eyes: "Ready to fight!"


All the soldiers immediately placed the weapons in their hands in front of them, staring coldly at the front.

The students of the three colleges also took out their own weapons and stared at the front with excitement.

"Hidden ahead!"

The deputy head of Meng took a picture of the super-seven-level wind horn horse under his body.

The wind-horned horse exudes a blue glow and wraps him around.

For a time, the sound of the wind horns was completely obscured.

The voices of the rest of the soldiers disappeared completely, moving forward as if they were ghosts.

A group of students also controlled their own voice and made rapid progress.

Wang Xian looked up at the gray-winged goshawk in the sky, and there was always a bad feeling in his heart.

Closer to the water wolf area, soon, a group of dense blue water wolves appeared in sight.

They lie on the ground, as if they did not sense their arrival.


Wang Xian glanced around and the location on the left was the ocean.

"That is?"

When he looked into the ocean, he found a water wolf lurking in the ocean, only seven or eight hundred meters from the nearest.

Wang Xian quickly looked to the right, and on the right side, there was a sky blue seaweed.

Inside the seaweed, a sky-blue water wolf hides in stealth.

Only the hidden water wolves on the left and right sides reached 4,500,000.

"Sure enough, they are ready!"

Wang Xian’s heart was in the dark, his eyes swept the eye of the eagle, and it felt that this guy’s technique was somewhat unreliable.

"Give me a rush!"

At this time, the distance of the distance of kilometers, the deputy head of Meng riding on the wind horse, shouted, and initiated a reunion.

Cavalry, the strongest is the charge.

"Be careful inside the ocean on the left, there is a seaweed on the right, there is a water wolf ambush!"

However, the deputy head of the command had just been issued, and Wang Xian’s voice suddenly sounded, causing everyone to bow.


But at this moment, everyone saw a thorn that went directly to the position of the right seaweed.

"All the soldiers, reduce the speed of the buffer, into a square, against the water wolf attack on the left and right sides!"

When everyone has not responded, they see again that a dense and horrible water sword directly attacks the ocean in the right.

Wang Xian’s two orders made Meng’s deputy head suddenly embarrassed, and he turned his head in a fierce look.

When he released the order, suddenly someone issued an order that would interfere with the execution of the soldier. Although it would not disturb the position, this kind of behavior would cause some interference.



However, when the thorns and the water sword fell into the left and right positions, the sound of the wolf's low and screaming came from both sides.

A water blue suddenly appeared in shape, one only, dense and dense, full of four or five thousand, exudes a cold atmosphere.


"It’s the magical water of the wolf!"

The deputy head of Meng’s face changed slightly, and there were water ambushes on both sides.

Moreover, what surprised him the most is that the water wolf is obviously ready.

According to their information, the water wolf's Tianshui color is a kind of hidden magic.

The hidden effect is very powerful in the case of static, and once it is acted, the effect is greatly reduced.

Most importantly, this supernatural power of the water wolf can only last for thirty seconds.

This supernatural power is completely tasteless for the wolf beast.

However, this chicken rib was almost surrounded by them.

Once surrounded, the loss will definitely increase several times.

"The wolf beast has already known that within thirty seconds, everyone will come!"

In the eyes of the deputy head of Meng, there was a hint of jealousy. Suddenly I thought of the reminder of the young man, and my heart was shocked.

"Listen to his orders!"

Deputy Director Meng screamed in a hurry.


The sound of the water wolf roared, and four or five thousand water wolves on both sides flew directly toward them.

The overwhelming water blue wolf, the blue cold eyes stared at them, and the wolf claws swung forward.

The three water lines are covered by them.

"Extraordinary fifth-order full defense, superb fifth-order direct attack!"

Wang Xian saw the water wolf from the attack unchanged, and shouted loudly again.

"obey orders!"

When Meng’s deputy head heard Wang Xian’s words, he had no time to give orders again, and immediately shouted loudly.


A group of soldiers quickly defended and attacked and greeted the water wolves.

"After obeying the command, you can't support so many water wolves in the defense of the fifth-order defense. You can attack the attack with the fifth-order or above!"

However, some of the students in the three major colleges on the left did not respond to the orders in such a short period of time.

The mentor on the side quickly shouted loudly.

At the same time, the tutors of the East China Sea College and the Ocean College looked at Wang Xian with amazement.

He even discovered the ambush around him in advance.

And also made the most accurate counterattack, how is this possible!

Just now, the deputy head of the half-step hole was not reacting!

"Touch and touch!"


However, the sudden rebellion still caused many unresponsive students to be attacked, and more than a dozen people even died in an instant.

They are on the left side, they were originally very safe, but they did not expect that they would be suddenly ambushed, and the attacks on the left and right sides were the most violent!

(End of this chapter)

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