Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1094: He is a hero under the world

Chapter 1094, he is under the heroes of the world


A dragon screams, representing Wang Xian, the true advent of this extraordinary continent

Below, hundreds of thousands of beasts are shivering there, and Longwei covers a radius of five kilometers.

Here, the wandering Kraken, which is beyond the seventh order, all squats on the ground and does not dare to move.

At this time, through the broken door, everyone in Shenghai Town saw this scene, and his face showed a shocking look.

All held your breath, and the east door of the cockroach was silent at this moment.

With the silence of the beasts outside, the whole world seems to be quiet.

"Mom, is he a hero?"

At this moment, the little girl rescued by Wang Xian looked at the dragon who turned into a prestige, and raised her own eyes and asked with a tender voice.

"Yes, he is a hero of the world, the hero of our holy sea town!"

The little girl’s mother’s eyes were red, and her tears flashed out of her eyes.

One person flies out and turns into a powerful creature, suppressing all the beasts.

He is the savior of everyone in the holy sea town, and is their hero of the world!

"This is... What kind of blood is this? How can it be so powerful that it can be directly turned into a monster!"

"When a strong blood vein is cultivated to the peak, it can really make some parts of the body beast, but like this kind of **** monster, it is very rare in the super-continental continent!"

"Is the king commander a monster family? No, the breath on him is human!"

In the mouth of Jin Ganyuan, he felt the horrible momentum of Wang Xian, and his body was slowly excited.

"All the soldiers in the holy sea town, fight with the command of the king!"



The roaring sound sounded, and the powerful Wang Xian was seen. The entire holy sea town once again ignited the hope of life.

"I will fight with them today, not life or death!"

"Dry, son, you stay here, if your father is dead, don't be sad, be like a man, protect your mother and your sister later!"

"Haha, it turns out that this hero of the world is the command of the king, fighting!"

All of the more than one-order of Shenghai Town flew to the city wall and the battle continued.

The war has been ignited, this time, unless it is dead, no one will run away!


In the position outside the city, I felt the horrible pressure of Wang Xian, and the thirty-three **** monsters in the eyes of several kilometers slowly showed a dignified look.

A **** savage beast roared in the center, and fierce voices spread throughout the holy sea town.


However, this time they responded to the roar of everyone on the wall of the holy sea town.

They are proud of the look of everything slowly rising cold.


A half-step hole-level **** monster is roaring again.

The wandering sea monsters that are not within the scope of Wang Xianwei directly attacked Wang Xian, and those who are superior seventh-order are also attacking.

In an instant, tens of thousands of wandering sea monsters rushed toward Wang Xian.

However, all the wandering sea monsters within the scope of Wang Xianwei did not dare to attack, and the trembling screaming there.

Thirty-three **** monsters saw this scene, and their faces showed a dignified look.

Wang Xian was suspended in the air, but he was relieved.

Fortunately, the wandering Kraken is an aquarium creature, and his level is lower than his aquarium creature. He can control it directly.

Looking at the dozens of superb seven-order wandering oceans that attacked by myself and the sounds of several eighth-order nine-order, the flames of Wang Xian were shocked.


The wandering sea monsters in his dominance suddenly moved, and they madly attacked a group of high-level wandering sirens.

Sudden attacks, 70,000 sea monsters as a deadly attack, so that the high-level Kraken rushed over is completely unprepared!

They did not think that their own kind, their lower level than their own, suddenly suddenly attacked them.

In an instant, dozens of high-level wandering sea monsters are covered by tens of thousands of sea monsters.


The dozens of Krakens were caught off guard by sudden attacks. In an instant, seven or eight were directly injured and drowned in the beasts.

The other beasts frightened and fled to the rear.


Seeing this scene, all the people in the holy sea town standing on the wall were stunned.

One person directly suppresses hundreds of thousands of beasts, and those high-ranking beasts want to attack, and they are actually attacked by the suppressed beasts.

This is simply a person who has kept the entire East Gate.

"Wang the commander alone helped us to hold the gates? This is too horrible!"

"Too handsome, is this creature that the king commanded to transform into a monster? Or is it a powerful supernatural power of the king!"

"Is the commander of the king the one who killed the son of the general of the Marine Monk Corps, and the Marine Corps Corps will kill him?"

"Yes, it is this king who directs the adults, and he graves him. The Marine Monk Corps will give us up. The kingdom will give us up. Instead, the king will command the adults to fight with us!"

"What is his mother's king, this time Laozi can survive, there is no **** in the Xingyue Kingdom, only Wang Daren!"

"Yes, as long as we can survive, even if it is for the king to be a cow, I am willing!"

Everyone on the wall was excited.

Their army abandoned him, their country gave up on them, and one of their regiments wanted to kill, but they fought side by side with them to help them guard their last hopes.

Everyone secretly vows that if they survive this time, even if they let them do the horse, they are willing.

Because, Wang Daren, saved their lives, the most important thing is to save their family's life and save their home.

"This is the real home. I wanted to attack the town of Xilai. The mayor fled directly. All the big men fled directly, hehe!"

"I hope to be able to hold on, and we will jointly build a better holy sea town in the future!"

The refugees who fled from Xilai Town to Shenghai Town saw this scene, with grief in their hearts, eagerness in their eyes, and embarrassment for the future.

There is a mayor who fights with them side by side, and there is a person who is alone in the army of the thousands of horses. They will be very safe in the future.


At this time, the rear position, seeing this scene thirty-three **** monsters can no longer sit still.

They roared and attacked directly toward Wang Xian’s position.

A **** monster is standing in the void in the cold, and the other thirty-two, rushing directly toward Wang Xian.

The horrific dark energy of horror radiates from them.

Their bodies are turned into a blood shadow.

Wang Xian’s pupils shrank slightly, and his eyes showed a dignified look.

Four half-steps, and he must be taken seriously!


He snarled and spewed a horrible flame in his mouth.

Fight, start!

(End of this chapter)

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