Chapter 1304 is getting out

"It's a lot more beautiful, a lot more cheerful, but I don't want you, you still don't have other ideas, I am a man you can't get!"

When the words sounded, some of the lively surroundings were clearly silent.

Everyone around me looked at Wang Xian wrongly, watching his face that was very serious and not like a joke.

However, Ling Jianer standing beside Wang Xian was slightly lost.

"You are not saying that I am not beautiful enough, do not like my cold look? Now I am not beautiful enough? And, I still look cold now?"

Ling Jianer looked at Wang Xian, whispering and full of lost.

Wang Xian heard her saying that her body was slightly stiff and shook her head slightly, not talking.

"She is one of the six wives you said? Do you like this?"

Ling Jianer saw Wang Xian not answering, slightly frowning, looking at Zhang Fengying next to him.

Some words in her words are amazing!

"Oh, I am not, he is not a good person, you better be careful!"

Zhang Fengying saw Ling Jianer, who suddenly appeared, frowning, and the face of the frosty sweep of Wang Xian, the eyes filled with contempt and disdain.

"I didn't expect that you have a lot of confidantes? How long does it take to come to the cemetery of the shemale, let this big beauty follow you!"

She said that there is some irony in the words, but as long as the individual can hear the woman jealous.

Everyone around them was completely stunned, and they were a little eager to watch the conversations of the three of them.

This is his mother's, proper dog food, and the dog food that many men admire.

Everyone looks at Wang Xian, and if the eyes can kill people, he may have died.

"Who is this guy? How can he make Ling Jianer so disregarding his identity and confess here, and the guy will refuse it!"

"My God, what the situation is, the guy...the can he, how can this be, Scorpio!"

"Why would such a scum man be liked by two goddesses? He He De He, this guy is not a brother of Long Xiaotian, how is it so powerful!"

"That is, this kind of scum male who abandoned the fox, how can the Lingjian goddess like it, this..."

"No wonder the stars are so respectful to him. It turned out to be the reason for Ling Jianer!"

"I really hope that Tang Yuan Tang Feng will kill this guy!"

All the young people around the mouth twitched and their eyes were slightly reddened.

This is what Ling Jianer pursues. How can he be?

But what shocked them even more was that the guy refused and refused Ling Jianer’s confession.

And listening to their conversations, this is not the first time to refuse.

Oh my God!

Such goddesses refused?


The frowning Ling Linger heard the sound around him, his eyes showing a cold look.

"what are you saying?"

Her cold eyes looked at the young man who said the last sentence, the young man who said that he wanted Tang Feng Tang Yuan to kill Wang Xian.


The young man felt the cold eyes of Ling Jianer, breathing a stagnation, and his face shone like a crying smile.

"Miss, just now...."

A disciple of Tian Jianzong whispered to her about what would happen.

This made Ling Jianer's face slowly and cold.

Her eyes looked ahead, her eyes swept away Tang Linger and Tang Feng, and finally fell on Hu Mei.

"With your appearance, you are not qualified to make Wang Xian tempted, or even abandon you. I don't know why you are going to frame her. I will find out this matter. When it comes time, it is not only you who are unlucky, but also your family! ”

Ling Jianer stared coldly at the fox, and said directly.


Hu Mei looked at Ling Jianer with a hint of killing, tears could not help but flow out.

She has collapsed once and once again saw despair.


Suddenly, Hu Mei hurriedly breathed two times, and turned his eyes away and fainted.

She was hit by dozens of times more powerful than her, and even threatened to destroy her family, so that she was directly comatose.

"Forget it!"

Wang Xian saw Ling Jianer's face frosty and shook her head toward her.

Fox is just a chess piece. The culprit is the princes of the Guanglong Dynasty.

For these princes, Wang Xian and Long Xiaotian will soon let them know what is desperate.

"In the territory of Tianjianzong, no one can frame you and bully you. They don't have this strength and qualification!"

Ling Jianer looked at Wang Xian and once again restored some of the cold look of the past.

When she finished, she looked at Tang Linger: "The person who brought you will immediately get out of me. In the future, whenever Wang Xian has any injuries, I will definitely go to you!"

Ling Jianer’s words were unscrupulous and everyone was stunned.

Even Tang Linger’s Tang Feng Tang Yuan was somewhat stunned, not to mention the arrogance behind her.

Unscrupulous, too unscrupulous!

She is the daughter of the Emperor of Heavenly Swords, and now she is trying to provoke the princess of the **** dynasty for a man regardless of the overall situation.


The average person can never do anything that ignores the big picture.

But Ling Jianer did it, she not only did it, but she did it very thoroughly.

Directly let Tang Linger and the crowds behind her go out.

If this is spread out, what is the face of her Tang Linger?

"You... Ling Jianer, do you know what you are talking about?"

Tang Linger heard the words of Ling Jianer, and her body was a little trembling.

Did she actually let herself out?

He is the princess of the **** dynasty. Today, he is invited to Tianjianzong’s Tianjian Lingyun Club.

This is the face given to him.

Now I am getting out of the way?

If she was really smashed out, then what happened to her face in the future, even the face of the **** royal family would not look good.

"Your men framed him, and you dare to threaten him here. I really regard this as your blood dynasty, let you get out, don't you hear it?"

Ling Jianer stared at Tang Linger, and said coldly again.

This made Tang Linger's face turn from red to white, and from white to green.

Let her roll!

Let her roll!

Looking at Ling Jianer's cold look, she was almost mad!

Everyone around is watching.

This Ling Jianer is so overbearing for a man, simply...

"Ling Jianer, don't be too much. Don't think that you are the daughter of Ling Zongzhu and dare to humiliate us. Don't think that your father has broken through, and our **** dynasty will fear you!"

Tang Feng and Tang Yuan looked at Ling Jianer.

Just now Ling Linger’s appearance, Tang Linger, they no longer care about it, they did not expect Ling Jianer as the host to be so overbearing to let Tang Linger get out.

Really thought that the blood flow dynasty is good to bully?

There is still a chapter after five minutes, just modify it!

(End of this chapter)

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