Chapter 1307 Strong Strike

"The treasurer, please ask for anger, please anger, what are we going to solve in the future, please give us a thin face!"

The old man of Tian Jianzong saw this face change slightly. He quickly came to the front of the money shopkeeper, arched his hand and said respectfully.


A group of people around him saw Wang Xian and even the people around him dared to confront the money shopkeeper, his face changed greatly.

They quickly stepped back a few steps toward the rear.

They are really afraid to fight directly.

"The treasurer, please ask for anger, what do we have to talk about!"

Standing on the back of Wang Xian, Long Xiaotian’s face was bitterly stepping forward, and he squatted and said, lowering his posture.

"Hey? What happened?"

At this moment, at the entrance of the Houshan, some of the late arrivals of He Yuan looked at the faces of the people who gathered together to show a curious look.

"I don't know, what kind of activity should I hold? He Shao, we have a look!"

Several strong people of the Yan nationality said with a smile.

"Well, let's go and see, I heard that the Lingjian of Tian Jianzong is quite beautiful. It is a female hero, to know each other!"

He Yuan nodded faintly and walked toward the front.

"Haha, I don't want to give you face, someone is not giving me face!"

When He Yuan had not yet reached inside, a voice came and made a slight glimpse.

In the central position, the money shopkeeper did not look at the Tianjianzong old man and Long Xiaotian, and stared at Wang Xian with their eyes cold.

"I tell you, now, this kid is killing me. Anyone who dares to help him is an enemy of my third business. When you don't blame me!"

He said, his eyes glanced at Ling Jianer as a star and Zhang Fengying, and his eyes finally fell on Wang Xian.

"I just want you to apologize, you are so ignorant, dare to say what I am, interesting and interesting, I hope you can be arrogant after a while!"

The treasure shopkeeper slightly narrowed his eyes, his face still filled with a smile, said lightly.

"Do it, if you dare to stop, kill me!"

Finally, he shouted and ordered the order.

"Good tyrants, good strength!"

"It’s his guy who is looking for his own death, and he’s forced to put it in the treasurer’s shop, **** it!”

"This guy is going to die, I hope that Ling Jianer beauty and that Zhang Fengying beauty should not be irrational!"

"The treasurer of the money is not comparable to the blood dynasty, even dare to marry him, it is simply looking for death!"

A group of people around him saw this face change slightly, and the people around him retreated backwards.

"You don't want to shoot!"

Wang Xian swept aside Zhang Fengying and Ling Jianer as a few stars, and his eyes were cold.

Really be yourself bullied?

Really, when the background is invincible, others dare not do it?

On his body, there was a horrible breath, and he slowly walked a few steps toward the front.


The old man of Tian Jianzong was also afraid of Ling Jianer’s shot and moved to her side.

"I don't know what to do, go..."

"Dog things, dare to attack the Wang Xian brothers, I see you this dog thing is to find death, on!"

The two strong second-order powerhouses, under the command of the treasurer of the money, snorted and rushed toward Wang Xian with their weapons.

However, the words in their mouth have not spoken yet, and it is convenient to have a look of anger.


When the latter words were finished, the three figures rushed straight out.

Two middle-aged, one old man, this is the most powerful three of Yan people, the second-order strong man.

They rushed over without any hesitation, and the weapons in their hands went directly to the two men.

Powerful energy, going straight to the front.


The two holes and the second-order powerhouses, who have already rushed out, have changed their faces and saw the energy coming from them. The body shape is shocked and the defense is immediately applied.

" the patriarch and elder of the Yan nationality. They are crazy, and they dare to attack the money shopkeeper!"

"Insane crazy, what is the relationship between Yan and Wang Xian, even shot directly!"

Everyone around me saw the Yan family who suddenly smashed out and his face changed greatly.

Is this strict family crazy, even dare to attack the hands of the treasurer?


Wang Xian, who was ready to start, looked at the back slightly, and looked at the rear. When he saw the cold face, his eyes flashed, showing a smile.

At this time, everyone around me realized the voice just now.

Some people noticed the young people in the rear and turned around quickly.

Proud, noble!

Seeing the first sight of the youth, these two words appear in the minds of all.

A purple dress, slightly overhead, makes it look proud.

He walked slowly, his eyes swept away and swept the money shopkeeper, and looked at the two second-order strongmen who were surrounded by the three strong men of the Yan nationality.

"Who is he?"

"Is it strict? It doesn't seem to be!"

"What is his identity, and what is the relationship with the king?"

Everyone around looked at the white, handsome and noble young man with amazed look on his face.

At the moment, the treasurer of the money stared at He Yuan, and his eyes slowly showed his fearful look.

"Wang Xian brother, this dog thing wants to kill you?"

He Yuan walked toward Wang Xian, came to his side, turned and looked at the treasurer, and asked directly.

"How about people in the world's third business, can you get it?"

Wang Xian looked at him and asked with a smile.

"Do you have money people? If it is the core disciple of several forces behind him, I may still need to scruple, the money family, dare to provoke the Wang Xian brothers, then kill it!"

He Yuan said faintly toward Wang Xian.

"Okay, then I will start!"

Wang Xian did not hesitate to hesitate. After determining what Heyuan could do, he did not hesitate.

His palms moved, and the lightning strikes wood appeared in his hands. Under the shocking eyes of all, he placed the lightning strikes directly on the ground.

A horrible thorn, instantaneously drilled out of the position of the treasurer.

"What, you..."

The treasure shopkeeper saw Wang Xian suddenly attacked his face and changed his face. He quickly wanted to escape to the distance.


He Yuan looked disdainful at the money treasurer who was avoiding.

The next moment, the thorns of terror directly covered his whole body.

A golden light shines from his body, and his armor defense opens.

“Extreme hot water!”

Wang Xian did not hesitate to hesitate, and the double attribute combination attack was released directly.

"No... don't kill me... no, no... no less... no!"

Feeling another attack of Wang Xian, the money dispenser was full of faces, and he stared at He Yuan and shouted loudly.


When his voice just fell, the sound of the explosion sounded, and under the tears of the thorns, his body fell directly into the ground.

Stopped, everyone is stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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