Chapter 1327 tells you today

"My Hanzong is a group of people, helping me to take the position of the Prince!"

A roar, a response, shaking the entire ceremony.

Tens of thousands of people were stunned and watched more than a thousand Hanzong strongmen standing behind Long Xiaotian, sweeping everyone in the air.

On the stage, all the princes trembled, including Long Xiaotian.

He looked at Han Zong, a strong man, holding his fist tightly.

This is not a level at all.

Hanzong existed for thousands of years and has a historical heritage not lower than that of the Guanglong Dynasty. Such a powerful Zongmen surrendered to the Eight Princes. Who can resist?

He laughs very strong and his men are very strong, but compared with Hanzong, there are too many differences.

Even the two sides are not at all a level.

The other party is more than 30 holes and strong!

On the stage, the various ministers and generals of the Guanglong dynasty, and even several old men of the jury, saw this scene as a shock.

If Long Xiaoyun inherits the position of the Prince, Hanzong will be the power of the Guanglong Dynasty, which is a huge advantage for the Guanglong Dynasty.

"The position of the Prince, test the strength, power and achievements, Long Xiaotian, just now, you are the heir to the Prince, now, I want to challenge you!"

"Come on, we are more than one, our strength, our power, and achievements, dare not!"

Long Xiaoyun stared at Long Xiaotian, his mouth slightly tilted, his eyes staring at him coldly, his head tilted slightly, and looked at him with a look.

Long Xiaotian looked at him so arrogantly looking down at himself, holding his fist tightly, his face was extremely embarrassing.

On the stage, the King of the Light Dragon Dynasty saw this scene, his eyes flashing, and he did not speak.

Below, whether it is Long Xiaoyun or Long Xiaotian, he is his son. No matter which son is outstanding, he is very happy.

The position of the Prince, the strength of the people, the Eight Princes have a big chance, then this position is the Eight Princes.

"Come on, we can compete for strength first, I can let you bring your hole-first pet!"

Long Xiaoyun held his head up and pointed his finger at the dragon and smiled, proudly said.

"Big brother, you are too crazy!"

Long Xiaotian’s face was embarrassed, and his eyes stared at Long Xiaoyun.

"Haha, mad, strength can naturally be mad, second brother, you were also very mad at the beginning, I support my brother, the prince's position, the strength of the people, then compete for strength, power, and achievements!"

"I also support the Eight Brothers. What was the arrogance between you and the boy of Wang Xian, and you actually went directly to us, hehe!"

"Yes, you killed the starling and all of us at the time. Today, it's your turn!"

I haven't waited for Long Xiaoyun to talk. The big prince and the sixteen princes and twenty-two princes standing in the blink of an eye are approaching him. They stare at Long Xiaotian and say coldly.

Seven months ago, Wang Xian hit everyone in the public, but the dragon laughed a few people have always hated.

However, the strength of the king is strong, and the second prince has to inherit the position of the prince. Revenge is completely hopeless.

Today, however, they did not think that the Eight Princes led the forces of terror and went straight to crush the dragon.

This makes them a lot of people.

And, this time, it is the best time to get together with Hachioji.

Judging by his horrible power, the future throne is the Eight Princes!

"Well, fight and fight, I have to look at what happened to the Eight Brothers when you entered Guanglongyuantan, hehe!"

"You really thought that I was afraid of you!"

He was sullen and his body was moving, jumping directly on the ferry bird, his eyes staring at Long Xiaoyun.

"Haha, good!"

Long Xiaoyun waved his hand, and the strong people behind Hanzong immediately retreated a few tens of meters.

Long Xiaochen, a prince, also quickly retreated toward the surrounding area.

"The second child is old, so far!"

On the stage, the light dragon dynasty king said with a blank expression.

"It is the father, I will not hurt my second brother!"

Long Xiaoyun’s respectful arched hand, said confidently.

"The eight princes are so confident that they must know that Long Xiaotian has a cave-level ferry!"

"Yeah, is his strength stronger than the ferry bird? What powerful opportunity did the Eight Princes have in the Guanglongyuan Lake?"

Everyone around me was shocked and looked at the Eight Princes and the Second Prince on the stage.

After the prince’s men were all killed by Wang Xian, they entered the Guanglongyuan Lake with great anger.

Guanglongyuantan entered the life of nine deaths, but the ancestors of the Guanglong Dynasty really rose because of the Guanglongyuan Lake.

Everyone is concentrating on the bottom, they want to see how much the strength of the Eight Princes has improved.

What chance did you get?

"Second brother, finally called you a second brother, hey, I have to shoot!"

Long Xiaoyun looked at Long Xiaotian with his head slightly, proudly said in a contemptuous manner.

Even if Long Xiaotian rides on the cave, he still hasn't put it in his eyes.

"Dragon laughs, it’s crazy!"

Long Xiaotian looked at his contemptuous look, his face showing a trace of anger, his body shape, and the ferry bird sitting down directly burst into a dazzling white awn.

A sharp white wing directly attacked him.

"Hey, you are too weak, don't think that with the king, you can be a prince. In my opinion, you are a waste!"

Seeing the bright wings that came from attacking himself, Long Xiaoyun’s eyes were extremely cold.

"Give me death!"

He stood there, without the slightest movement, his arm waving.

A bright claw, the pale white claws, went directly to the ferry bird under the dragon's laughing seat.

The wing, in the moment of collision with the claw, collapsed directly, and the pale white claws instantly fell into the ferry.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

A screaming voice instantly rang through the sky.

The ferry bird flying in the air, died in an instant!

"What? How is this possible!"

The dragon smile cloud that stood on the ferry bird did not react, and looked at the ferry bird that lost its vitality in an instant.

"No, this is the first-order ferry bird, this..."

He widened his eyes and fell down to the bottom. Under the soul, his body was slightly stunned.

"My God, how is this possible, the sinister first-order ferry bird instantly kills, the Eight Princes... What strength is this!"

"A trick to kill a hole in a fierce beast, the strength of the Eight Princes, at least the second order of the hole, or even higher..."

"How is it possible, how is it possible!"

"What has the opportunity for the Eight Princes to have such a strong strength, this strength is so bad in the younger generation!"

Around, everyone saw the battle that ended in an instant, one by one with wide eyes and an incredible face.

Instant spike!

End in an instant!

On the stage, some of the ministers of the Guanglong Dynasty and the generals even stood up in shock!

"You are just a waste, even if you have a pet with a hole!"

Long Xiaoyun’s cold look overlooks the lonely dragon in front of him.

His gaze suddenly looked toward the position on the stage, his eyes staring at Wang Xian with murderous eyes.

"The next step is to compete with the forces. If you don't use the people of Hanzong, I can kill all your powers!"

"You Wang Xian, give me a roll down, Long Xiaotian can go to this step, all because of you, I can go to this step today, and all of them are thanks to you!"

"Haha, you are not saying to help him become a prince!"

"Today, I am going to marry you!"

Thanks to all the brothers and sisters who have won the award, thank you for your support, what?

(End of this chapter)

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