Chapter 1351 on the rain


A violent groan rang at the bottom of the sea. In front of the Dragon Palace, nine dragons pulled a huge dragon chair and swayed a huge body.

The turtle is located on the left side.

The prostitute stood on the right with a huge fan.

At the rear, the hand holds the sea **** pin, the flames of the sky, and Qi Tian leads his people, behind.

Side by side, there is a thunder and a thunder hammer!

Holding the sword of the gold sword!

牟泽森 holding a bow and arrow!

Behind them is their people.

These three groups are located at the forefront, the center, and the left and right.

In the center of their people, they protect a special group of people.

A slender dolphin with a venomous snake.

Tang Yinxi and a group of girls did not come, a pink dolphin lived in the center, the leader of the dolphins.

Gossip is standing around the viper of various colors.

These are two special operations departments.

The demon family is hidden in the void around.


A humanoid creature, holding a huge conch in his hand, directly blew the horn of the war.


All the Dragon Warriors roared and flew directly toward the front.

The goal is a dynasty of the mainland.

"Teng Teng Teng!"

Wang Xian sat on a huge dragon chair, and a voice slamming the hearts of people rang around them.

They are very fast.

"Dragon King, this is the news that the demon was found in a mainland dynasty yesterday!"

Before the battle, the turtles had already ordered the demon to search for good information.

This morning, all the information was passed over.

There is a simple record of the power of a leaf dynasty, with the power of a city.

A leaf continental dynasty is different from the Tiandao dynasty on an island.

The area of ​​a leaf dynasty dynasty reached a radius of three hundred kilometers, and the area was about three times that of the Tiandao dynasty.

Composed of small islands, like the leaves from the sky, it is called a leafy continental dynasty.

The power of a leaf-continental dynasty is two or three times that of the Tiandao dynasty. There are three known fourth-order caves.

After being killed today, there are two more.

There are nine in the third order of the hole.

The rest of the hole is twenty, this power is not the opponent of the Dragon Palace.

"The place of the palace has assembled 50% of the power of their dynasty. We can attack all the cities at the same time according to the information obtained by the demon!"

The turtles said to Wang Xian.

"Well, the new members of the Dong Dynasty lead the people to attack the city, and the rest go to attack their king city!"

Wang Xian nodded slowly.

"It is the Dragon King, I will tell you this!"

The turtles took the turtle shell and nodded and conveyed the order.


Rushing out of the sea, the horrible momentum directly impacts the entire sky.

Nine dragons rushed in front, followed by a group of men.

"Everyone is getting faster. Today, I got news from the Tiandao dynasty. The Tiandao dynasty was attacked by a powerful monster. The strong ones were killed and wounded. We used to see if we could fish in trouble!"

"I really didn't think that the Tiandao dynasty was attacked by terror. Didn't our dynasty marry them two days ago? How suddenly suffered an attack?"

"Yes, the strength of the Tiandao dynasty is not weak, and any monsters dare to attack them.

"Take him, it is not to attack us. Their lives and deaths have nothing to do with us. We can see if we can make a big deal!"

On one of the islands of the mainland dynasty, a family flew in the direction of the Tiandao dynasty.

Not long ago, they got the news that the Tiandao dynasty suffered a terrible attack and the strong were all killed.

The whole country is in chaos.

This surprised them, their eyes flashed, and they led the people to the Tiandao dynasty immediately.

If you can't get some treasures, you can control some beautiful women to sell them.

Their family used to start by selling slaves.

More than 50 people flew out of the island with excitement and flew forward.

The foremost position is the strongest of the three half-step holes.

"My God, look at the front, that is... that is..."

Suddenly, the three half-way cavers who were talking in front suddenly felt a horrible force coming from the front.

They looked at them and their faces showed a look of fear.

What is that?

Nine 30-meter-long creatures swaying are not big wings, pulling a golden throne.

The golden throne is a few hundred meters in size, on which a human being sits.

A human sitting on such a huge throne looks awkward, but it doesn't feel very strange.

At first glance, it seems that the human being is the center.

At the back of the Golden Throne, about 3,000 creatures follow the back, and they are oddly shaped and look fierce.

As they approached, a horrible momentum struck them.

What is even more shocking is that over the group of creatures, a group of horror clouds covering a radius of about 5,000 meters are on their heads.

Black clouds destroy the city!

The person is not good!

Even if they are a few kilometers away, they can feel the devastating power of the other side.

"Go back to the city, return to the city, and immediately return to the city, and report to the city owner!"

More than 50 people in a row showed a terrified look on their faces. They widened their eyes and quickly screamed and flew toward the city on the island.

"There are strong people flying over, alert, alert!"

They glanced back and saw the speed of their horror, shouting loudly.

Half-step the voice of the weak, covering the entire island.

"what is that?"

"It's a group of powerful creatures. What are they doing in an imposing manner?"

"Be careful, alert, alert!"


On the wall of the island, when some soldiers saw that the Dragon Palace and his party were carrying the horror of the horror, they were wide-eyed and horrified.

The sound of vigilance sounds throughout the island.


On the island's main government, an old man rushed straight into the sky and flew in the direction of the north gate.

When he saw nine 30-meter-sized dragons pulling a throne and a group of horror creatures behind them, they were full of stunned faces.

His forehead was covered with cold sweat in an instant, and he couldn't help but swallow a spit.

"My goodness! This is this..."

"What forces are they? Are they coming to attack us? It’s so scary..."

"This...this is not what we can resist at all!"

With the closeness of Wang Xian, the incomparably thick black clouds are coming, the huge scales clearly visible in the nine creatures, and the soldiers on the walls tremble with their legs, full of fear.


When the dark clouds obscured their entire sky, a magic monkey with a size of the first ten meters and holding a three-level sea **** needle led the three hundred magic monkeys and jumped directly from the sky!

"A leaf dynasty dynasty will be destroyed, surrendered to the people, and the rebels will die!"

The majestic voice covers the entire island!

And the rest of the Dragon Palace forces, pointing to a leafy mainland king city!

Today, my friend came over. If I come back early, I will continue to update.

Too late, there may be no more, sorry sorry!

But anyway, today is the fourth chapter of you!

(End of this chapter)

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