Chapter 1387 Shaocheng Lord

"Lingshi is first placed with you, using these Lingshi to buy all kinds of metal materials, and we will open a weapons store in the future!"

"In addition, take half of the Lingshi, buy the medicinal herbs, and upgrade the strength of your fire hammer!"

Wang Xian did not pick up the space ring and said to the fire hammer leader.

"Thank you for the Dragon King. In the past few days, during the five-year auction of the kings, and when the major forces purchased various items, the weapons in our hands can be sold for up to three days. If you can meet some dynasties to purchase, May not support one day!"

"We can use the earned Lingshi to purchase materials to continue to sell, and repeatedly, we can make more profits!!

"And, Kim and I have been able to forge a weapon of the hole level!"

The fire hammer family smiled and said to Wang Xian.

"Well, yes, you arrange it yourself. I will bring Jin Ming to the King's Auction tomorrow!"

Wang Xian nodded and said to the fire hammer leader.

"It is the Dragon King!"

The fire hammer patriarch squatted and walked toward the outside.

After a restful night, Wang Xian was awakened by the forging sound of the morning.

He walked out of the room and looked around, his face showing a smile.

Members of the fire hammer family are building a piece of weapons.

Because of the cultivation of the Vulcan dragon, everyone's spirit has undergone tremendous changes.

Coupled with the improvement of the clothes on the body, the new clothes with a hammer pattern on the back are completely different from the black paint that Wang Xiangang encountered.

Now, they have a burning flame, and each person has a smile on his face.

A faint temperament emanates from the inside out of their bodies.

"Dragon King!"

After eating something, Broken Jinming came to Wang Xian’s side and shouted respectfully.

"Let's go, the auction is about to begin!"

Wang Xian nodded and led the sword to the demon. They rode in a beast car and went to the king's auction.

"There are so many people, it’s just too much, and there are so many people here!"

Going to the central king's area, Duan Jinming glanced around with amazement.

A car with a luxurious car, a powerful beast, and a lot of fierce beasts pulling the sedan chair.

There are also many people riding on the evil spirits of the hole level, each one exudes a noble temperament.

There are also many powerful Zongmen strongmen wearing uniforms.

The entire king's area is lively and extraordinary.

"I have been here for so long, don't you know this?"

Wang Xian looked at the surprised Jin Ming and asked with a smile.

“No, every few days, it’s also our busiest time, and we are not eligible to enter the king’s area!”

Broken Jin Ming smiled and glanced around.

"Come on, let's get off!"

Wang Xian took a shot and smashed Jin Ming’s arm and said faintly.

"Yes Yes!"

Broken Jin Ming nodded immediately and quickly followed.

The carriage was parked not far from the King's auction house, and all around it was a grand team.

The strong and powerful people can be seen everywhere, and at least thousands of people are walking towards the auction of the king.

"Hey? How about the people of the fire hammer family? How come the people of the fire hammer come here?"

Wang Xian and his party followed the crowd and walked slowly toward the inside. A sudden sound came from the side.

Broken Jin Ming frowned and turned his head and saw a dozen people looking at himself.

It was a young man who spoke up. At this time, the young man looked at the broken face with amazement and looked at the fire hammer family behind his clothes!

"How can't you come here!"

Broken Jin Ming whispered a word, turned around and ignored.

"Oh, a despicable race, here is not what you can come..."

"Shut up, be careful to blame your family!"

The young man continued to say, Wang Xian turned his head and glanced at him, coldly.



A dozen people beside the youth heard Wang Xian’s words, and his face immediately looked cold.

Sui Jian and the other three gold swordfish stared at them coldly, making everyone feel a stagnation.

The young man opened his mouth and opened his mouth. He wanted to speak and quickly stopped a middle-aged person next to him.

"Sorry for this son, I am offended!"

A middle-aged man arched his hand toward Wang Xian, and looked at them with a little taboo.

"Man who manages himself is not educated!"

Wang Xian faintly glanced at the middle age and said directly.

This made the middle-aged face sink down and snorted.

"It’s the lesser city owners, the less city owners they are coming!"

"The grandson of the owner of the Happy City, such as this year, has the strength of half-step and emptiness, and can break through to the realm of the hole at any time!"

“Yesterday, the Lord of the Lesser City invited many younger generations to go to the party, but Belle was not able to participate!”

At this moment, a sudden sound of exclamation came from the surrounding position.

Wang Xian picked up his eyebrows and looked at the rear position.

A young man with long hair and a proud face, wearing white costumes and a big happy face on his chest, walked straight toward the king's auction.

Around him, followers are forty or fifty young men and women.

There are family disciples in the city, and some other princes and princes!

A group of young pride, followed by a small smile behind the Lord.

One by one with a proud color.

"Miss Miss, Miss San is here too!"

At this time, there was an exhilarating voice beside Wang Xian.

Wang Xian looked at him and saw that Jin Ming was looking towards the rear of a group of young men and women.

A dignified and beautiful woman followed, is the three Miss of the Jinjin family.

"Three Miss!"

When Miss Three of the Jinjin family came to the side not far away, Jin Jinming couldn’t help but whispered.

When Jin Jinyan was following some troubles, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

She gave a slight glimpse, and quickly looked at it with a hint of surprise on her face.

She hesitated in her footsteps, then her face turned red and turned toward the position of Broken Jinming.



A few men and women sitting next to Jin Jinyan’s face, her big sister and second brother’s face changed slightly.

"Small words, what are you doing?"

The two men stopped their faces with a black face, and a youthful brow in the water blue costume on the side picked up and raised his head slightly, and some unpleasant eyes stopped.

"It's that guy!"

Next to the youth of the water blue costume, Yao Dingfeng, who held the feather fan, slightly narrowed his eyes and stopped.

"Big sister, second brother, met a friend!"

Jin Jinyan looked back and looked at the icy big sister, the second brother, and his face was not good.

"Let's get in touch with some people who don't have three or four, let's go!"

The two men calmed and looked at him.

(End of this chapter)

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