Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1400: Dragon Palace members come to pick up the brothers to go home 3

Chapter 1400 Dragon Palace members come to pick up the brothers to go home 3

"The city owner, what happened, would you like me to go over?"

At the peak of 10,000 meters, two figures flew out of the central cave.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

The shape of the owner of the Happy City immediately stopped and looked at the location of the huge waterfall.

"A small thing, you don't need to shoot, if you are bored, you can go and see!"

He faintly said to the position of the waterfall.

"Well, stay here for a few years, go out and have a breath!"


The position of the waterfall, a shadow flying directly from the central position, and then disappeared directly.

The owner of Xiaoyao smiled and walked straight toward the weapon area.

However, at this moment, the entire Happy City has surged.

A luxury carriage, one by one riding a powerful beast, drove towards the weapon zone.

"Hurry up and get out of the way. Next, we have to obey the orders of the Lesser Lords and destroy the group of dragons and phoenixes!"

"Haha, dare to arrogate in our happy city, it is simply a behavior to find death!"

"Yes, our Happy City is a neutral city. Although it is neutral, it does not mean that we are bullied. A dynasty kid dares to provoke us to be less lords. It seems that I am a good bully, haha!"

On the road, one family, strong, full of faces laughing.

As the most powerful city with a radius of 100,000 kilometers, there will be dozens of top-level forces coming in every five years. When all move, the power that erupts is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Perhaps the boss of a shop is a strong man at the level of the hole.

"Hey, a lot of holes are so strong, it’s just too much. In just a few tens of seconds, I saw more than a dozen holes and strong people in the past!"

“Happy City is the main building of the Happy City. It is the safest city with a radius of 100,000 kilometers. It is also the most prosperous city. In the past 100 years, Xiaoyao City has produced a large number of strong and powerful people. I have to obey the command of Happy City. This is the rule. When the Happy Order is taken out, the strong people in the entire Happy City must be present!"

Some of the dynasty and Zongmen's strongmen were shocked to see the strong people in the city, and the low-key followed the position.

"No, Dragon King, something went wrong. The lesser city took out the happy and made us to deal with us!"

At this time, Wang Xian was in the manor house where they were temporarily living, and more than 2,000 fire hammer people were packing things.

The fire hammer patriarch hurried to the position of the hall and ran over with a panic.

"Happy? What happened?"

Wang Xian sat in the hall and heard the report of the fire hammer patriarch and asked him.

"Get out of the way, you can order all the forces and powers of the entire Happy City, and the lesser owners will take care of you to kill the Dragon King!"

The mouth of the fire hammer chief said embarrassed.

"Command all the forces and powers of the Happy City to come and kill me?"

Wang Xian slightly narrowed her eyes and a smile on her face.

"Yes, the Dragon King, there are already strong people gathered around our estate!"


"Be careful, be careful!"

Just as the voice of the fire hammer patriarch just fell, there was a roaring sound around.

The sword and several gold swordfish face slightly changed, and the long sword in the hand directly resisted the position of the sky.

"No, they attacked directly!"

The face of the Fire Hammer changed his face and looked up to the surrounding position.

"Go, let's go out!"

Wang Xian frowned slightly, and a hint of cool color appeared in her eyes.


When they just walked out of the house, the energy supporting the house spread, and the whole house collapsed directly!

And around, the entire huge manor, all the buildings collapsed.

"Not good, Jin Ming, everything blames me, it is because of me, the little city master..."

"Miss Miss, you don't have to worry, there is our Dragon King, don't worry, don't worry!"

Jin Jinyan said palely, and Jin Ming, who was on the side, quickly comforted.

"Hey, all the strong people in the entire Happy City are coming!"

"It's over!"

"They want to kill the Dragon King, we fight with them!"

"Yes, death is dead, and living with it is not as good as the death of the wind and the wind. In the past few days, we have enjoyed unprecedented respect. It is the Dragon King that makes us proud and makes us proud. If they dare to attack, we will fight with them. !"

Just out of the room, there was a voice of angry people from the fire hammer.

Even if they were pale, they held their fists tightly.

Wang Xian's eyes swept over, and his eyes showed a satisfactory look. When he looked ahead, his eyes narrowed.

In the sky, seven or eight strong men of the hole level stared coldly at the entire manor.

In the street ahead, hundreds of figures came towards this side.

The head of the city is the owner of Xiaoyao City. He holds a long sword in his hand and floats on his head.

The top four families of Happy City are accompanied by a group of young people.

In all directions, the entire one-kilometer manor is surrounded by the group.

In the position behind the Lord of the Lesser City, there are some other dynasties and powerful powers watching curiously.

Basically, the entire hole in the Xiaoyao City is all around.

At a glance, no less than a hundred.


The sound of the footsteps came, and the little city owner walked coldly to the front of a messy manor.

His eyes swept away and swept all the people in the ruins, his eyes falling on Wang Xian, full of murderous.

"Small city owners, I don't know what rules we have violated in Happy City, you bring people to attack us!"

The fire hammer patriarch felt the cold atmosphere around him, and quickly arched his hand and said loudly.

"Easy is out, there is no reason, no reason!"

However, without waiting for the opening of the city, there was a sound of majesty in the sky.

Everyone present was slightly surprised and looked at the sky.

"That is..."

"Oh, the city owner came, I didn't expect the city owner to come in person!"

"My God, I was alarmed by the city!"

"If you get out of the way, the city owner will personally take it out. This is the rule that the city owner set when he made a happy order!"

Everyone was shocked.


"The Lord of the City!"

The Shaocheng master squatted down and took a ritual. The family and the strong people of Xiaoyao City also hurriedly bowed.

Even the strong of those other dynasties are also looking forward to the strong in the sky.

This one is the strongest presence within a radius of 100,000 kilometers.

"Binger, happy, has come out, then you come to judge!"

"The whole family of the Happy City, the strong, including me, are all based on you!"

"Start, trial!"

Thanks to the bad young master and other book friends for their great rewards, thank you for your support!

At present, there are four chapters a day, one chapter and two thousand words. No accidents will not be less, and fewer will be added!

I hope to understand!

(End of this chapter)

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