Chapter 1516, Purification

The carriage started, according to the brief introduction of the old man, Wang Xian also had a general understanding of them.

Four girls, three of whom are bright priests hired at the employment fair, have the extraordinary fifth-order strength.

Another girl wearing a costume of the Holy Medicine Hospital is an insider of the Holy Medicine Clinic.

Has the extraordinary seventh-order strength.

Three middle-aged women and old people are also insiders of the Holy Medicine Clinic.

The car went out of the city, and Wang Xian took out a book about the bright pastor from the space ring.

These books are all the methods of cultivation that he bought at the Imperial City.

Many of them were purchased at a great price.

Bright Pastor is a very special profession and a relatively new profession.

Today, the most powerful bright pastor is an ancestor of the Shenguang dynasty.

It is said that the ancestor of the Shenguang dynasty possesses the healing power of horror, and the legend can save lives as long as it does not die.

However, the bright pastor has a fatal flaw, which is that the combat ability is relatively weak.

Perhaps a bright priest with a second-order hole is not an opponent of the first-order peak of the hole.

The weak fighting power makes few people who are strong and strong choose this profession.

However, a strong bright pastor has a strong role in a team.

"You shouldn't be a student at the Shinko Pastor Academy? There are very few boys in the pastor's college, it seems that there is no you!"

Just as Wang Xian looked at the book, there was a curious voice from a girl.

The girl looked at the young priest and blinked slightly.

Calm sitting there, giving a quiet feeling.

In addition, he looks handsome and handsome, and his temperament is outstanding, which she can't help but ask.


Wang Xian shook his head faintly.

“Has the way to join the bright pastor industry?”

The other few girls looked at Wang Xian and had a faint smile on his face.

One of the girls shook her head.

Joining the bright pastor's industry on the way, representing unprofessional, and also represents, his strength is not good, or else, how to join in the middle.

Wang Xian nodded.

"It’s okay to join in the middle. When you are behind the old Hu, help out and treat some people with low strength!"

“Speaking of it, Laohu is also an industry that has joined the Bright Pastor halfway, and is now a little famous in our holy medicine hospital!”

The old man said to Wang Xian faintly.

“Can that be the same? Pastor Hu’s past was a powerful warrior. If it wasn’t eroded by the darkness in the ruins of the Kingdom of God, it might be a hole now!”

A girl is somewhat pleased to say to the old man on one leg.

"Oh, it is also very good now, very good!"

The old man smiled faintly, although his face was awkward, but very harmonious.

He looked at Wang Xian and said with a smile: "You are still young, learn a lot!"

Wang Xian smiled and nodded.

The car was quiet again, and Wang Xian looked at the books in his hand.

The rest of the people have cultivation and closed eyes.

The girl was no longer looking for him when she learned that Wang Xian had transferred to the bright pastor.

This is a world of strong people. It’s useless to be handsome.

Wang Xian is also happy to be quiet, and a bright magical light is printed into the body.

Holy Light, Healing, Exorcism, Light Shield, Light Rain, Purification, Light Word, Hand of God, Powerful Healing, Regression...

There are dozens of magical powers, and there are many techniques for applying light energy.

It may also be the reason of the light and dark heart. Wang Xian sees the cultivation methods of these magical powers and quickly comprehends them.

The sound of the system promptly came.

Subsequently, these magical powers were transformed into the Fa, and the process was still smooth, and the three laws of the Holy Light, the cure, and the evil spirits were directly understood.

The car quickly flew in the air and headed for the ruins of the Kingdom of God.

The ruins of the Kingdom of God are one of the most important areas in the vast region, and the place where all forces want to control it.

The so-called ruins of the Kingdom of God are powerful powerful people of the longevity of the world, creating a realm of God for their own creation.

However, it is clear that the former peerless powerhouse did not break through to a higher realm.

Wanshou, also known as the half-god, half-god wants to break through to God, you must have your own country of God.

That area is also the origin of the ruins of the Kingdom of God.

"Sit half an hour, eat a fire!"

Driving straight for a day or so at a time, the car outside stopped.

The people who ruled the hiring group shouted at them.

"Go out and eat something!"

The old man said to them and immediately went out.

Several women and girls immediately walked to the outside position.

Wang Xian walked out of the car and looked around at the endless grasslands.

"This beauty, I have delicious conch meat here, enjoy it together?"

The young man named Li Si said to a girl.


The girl walked over with a happy face and raised the fire with the young man and sat together.

Wang Xian took out simple food from the space ring and ate it.

"Young man, have some cooked food!"

At this time, the old man came over and handed Wang Xian a piece of meat.

"Thank you Hu Bo!"

Wang Xian smiled and did not accept it politely.

"Would you like some wine?"

Laohu’s age is very large, and now he’s at least a thousand years old.

He took a jug and gestured to Wang Xian.

"No, I like to drink tea!"

Wang Xian shook his head and took a cup from the space ring and poured a cup.

"Haha, boy, your posture, and the bright pastor is very close, the pastor is also good, at least can live for a long time!"

Lao Hu said with a smile.

"Drinking tea and being a bright pastor can calm down, I don't like killing!"

Wang Xian said faintly.

“Don’t like killing? In this world, everyone can’t escape!”

Old Hu shook his head, biting a bite of meat, taking a sip of wine, lying leisurely in the chair: "I don't like killing, I can tell you a way, don't kill!"


Wang Xian looked curiously at Laohu: "What is the solution?"

"Purify, haha, purify all the filth, purify all evil!"

The old nonsense, could not help but laughed.

Wang Xian heard his words and said: "What is evil?"

"Evil? What evil is there, you say, that demon, destroy more than one million creatures in the ancient city, seven devils, do you say that he is evil?"

"In some people's eyes, he is the demon, the most horrible and evil, but in the eyes of some people, he has killed more than one million sinners, he is a good man, he is a kind person!"

The old man said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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